Lose Weight Obesity

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is Weight Cycle?

If recent researches are to be believed, it is necessary to divert attention towards the dangerous effects of obesity and what it can lead to. While most individuals are aware that being overweight is quite unhealthy, many are unaware of the threats that it exposes the body to. Various fatal ailments like diabetes, heart diseases and cancer make obese individuals their easy victims. Therefore the primary concern of all overweight individuals is definitely to lose weight. The most effective means of weight loss comprises of a perfect combination of a healthy and balanced diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables and high fiber content food and this is to be coupled with an effective and regular exercise regimen.

While it is true that this is the most efficient means of affecting weight loss, it is also necessary to note, that a huge percentage of the obese population often do not prefer this regimen and they are more concerned with experimenting with quicker means of losing weight like consumption of weight loss pills, following fad diets etc. What is to be noted here is the fact that most of these faster weight loss processes are more often ineffective and useless and result in weight gain once the diet process is terminated. A suitable example in this case is the fad diet which gives one the illusion that one is losing weight, but what happens in actuality is that it reduces water content from the body which makes the individual feel that considerable amount of body weight is lost. Therefore, the moment the diet is discontinued, the individual returns to gaining weight. Thus the means in which effective weight loss is not guaranteed and a subsequent weight loss is followed by a consequent weight gain is referred to as the process of weight cycle.

It is true that it has not yet been proved that as a result of weight cycling there has been an increase in the fat tissue composition in the body. While there is also no evidence that weight cycling can result in increasing fat near the stomach area, it has been alleged that such fat accumulation near the stomach area can cause type 2 diabetes which is quite lethal. Experimentations continue on weight cycle while some other evidences also go to suggest that the process of weight cycling is susceptible to push the individual towards having high cholesterol, gallbladder ailments, arthritis and certain kinds of cancer and high blood pressure which are detrimental for health.

Looking for more weight loss tips? Check out http://www.lookcut.com/ today!


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