Lose Weight Obesity

Friday, June 27, 2008

Are High Protein Weight Loss Diets Safe?

High protein diets have become a popular way to lose weight, in recent years. Many of these diets promote the idea that carbohydrates should be limited, while high-protein foods such as beef, chicken, pork and fish are the main feature on the menu.

Dieters can lose weight successfully on high protein diets, but should be aware that there may be health risks associated with this type of diet.

The American Heart Association does not recommend a high-protein diet for weight loss. The AHA web site states that most diets of this type lack a balance of needed essential nutrients and, if followed for a long time, they can result in potential health problems.

Limiting higher carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains and low-fat dairy products usually mean eating more meats, eggs and cheese, which contain a higher percent of saturated fats. Thus, a high-protein diet can:

*prevent the body from completely burning fat
*raise cholesterol levels
*raise blood pressure
*put you at risk of vitamin deficiencies
*cause loss of muscle tissue
*damage your kidneys and liver
*make you constipated, leading to more severe bowel problems
*increase the risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis

Furthermore, the AHA specifies that eating large amounts of high-fat foods for a sustained period raises the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and several types of cancer.

An article by Barbara Loecher (Protect Yourself From Environmental Toxins in Your Household, Prevention.com), warns that fish (including tuna), meat, poultry, and full-fat dairy products may contain man-made chemical contaminants called dioxins and polychlorinated biphenylswhich have been linked to cancer, hormone disruptions, and developmental delays in children who have been exposed before birth.

Another huge problem exists with diets requiring you to eat a greater quantity of meat. The fat-inducing hormones and antibiotics given, in great quantities, to cattle are passed right along to us, as we ingest juicy hamburgers, sizzling steaks, brats, etc., (and the BBQ grill adds its own flavorful toxins).

Our body knows how to respond to toxins, and effectively neutralizes themto an extent. However, our body was not created to live in a world filled with as many contaminants as we face daily. When our bodies become overwhelmed by these toxins, it simply produces more fat cells to hide the toxins in; we become fatter and have more difficulty losing weight.

There are ways to limit your intake of these toxins, such as choosing low-fat or fat-free dairy products, buying leaner cuts of meat, trimming off the fat and skin before cooking, and deciding that beans and lentils may be a healthier choice of protein. You could even become a vegetarian, and grow your own organic foods. But it is unrealistic to think you can live in a toxin-free environment, eat chemical-free food, and breathe toxin-free air.

My point is this before embarking or continuing on a high-protein diet, do some research, for your healths sake.

There is a healthy alternative to high-protein diets. A growing number of overweight men and women are turning to Nutritional Cleansing to achieve quick, but totally healthy and natural, weight loss. You cannot escape from toxins, in our world. But you can help your body battle the hazards of toxins.

Internal cleansing may give your body a fighting chance against fat-causing, disease-inducing toxins, so that you can lose weight and live a healthier life.

Sharyl Calhoun

For more articles on health and wellness, as well as alternative weight loss programs, visit http://www.fastandnaturalweightlossprogram.com


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