Lose Weight Obesity

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lose 10 Pounds In A Week Safely - Is It Possible?

Is it really possible to lose 10 pounds in a week safely? The fact is most diets where quick weight loss is achievable are also a huge risk to your health - but this isn't always the case.

Despite being unsafe most fast weight loss diets also fail to bring with them lasting results. This is because they are based around eliminating food groups and taking a massive drop in your calorie intake.

With diets based around these methods your body soon senses that it is being starved. This causes your body to slow down your metabolism which slows down your weight loss. It will also start to store fat and instead burn muscle which isn't what you want.

The removal of certain food types also means that you are missing out on vital benefits which they provide. All food groups provide one benefit or another so by not eating them you are missing out. One or two diets can help you to achieve fast loss of weight both safely and continuously. One is based around the method of using calorie shifting.

Calorie shifting works because it doesn't eliminate any food types from your diet. Instead it switches and rotates the types of food you eat on a daily basis. This fools your body into believing you aren't on a diet and also ensures your body isn't missing out on any of the benefits provided by each food group.

I'm not going to claim you will lose 10 pounds in a week with this diet ( although you could ) but you will lose it quickly and safely. More important to some is that the diet also works continuously so if after your first cycle you still which to lose more weight you simply start over again.

Now you know that quick weight loss is possible to do safely it is now simply a matter of getting of your backside and making it happen. You can find out more about the calorie shifting diet below.

Click Here to find out more about the shifting calories diet and how it works.


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