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Using yoga and science discover the ancient method of rejuvenation. Learn how to cure type II diabetes in less than a year
Feb.7 - 262 lbs.
Feb. 28 - 255 lbs
Check back later for other weights.
march 4 -253
march 11 -253
march 21 - 257
oops weight went up. I have started eating whatever I want now, just to see how I feel. I feel wonderful, even though I started eating things like pizza again( almost a whole pie at one sitting). The taste of food is much better, even during the whole week - not just after the fast is broken.
I had three bagels with cream cheese and butter this morning. Delicious.
It is comforting to know that even though I eat whatever I want, whenever I want when I an not fasting, the weight does not balloon like it did when I did other diets. If I want, I could fast a second day during the week and the weight will go down.
April 29, 2008
Weight was 254.5 after fast on Monday. I am now fasting two days during the week for last 2 weeks. Weight has come down, but slowly. I am still eating very high caloric food, such as whipped cream, birthday cake, etc. It is some kind of karmic thing, I guess. But my waistline continues to contract. I had to drill some holes in my belts, as they no longer held up my pants. Two other facts stand out.My stomach has shrunk considerably. I cannot eat two baked potatoes at a sitting, as I could before. I was extremely full after 1. So I guess this is the cheap alternative to stomach stapling.
The second thing I noticed was my skin texture changed to a much smoother feel. I did not notice this effect with the weekly fast. I do know that the skin does get rid of toxins through the skin. Perhaps this effect is due to the continued fasting rather than the 2 days per week.
May 25, 2008. - I am still at the same weigth, in spite of fasting two days a week. I have noticed that I am finally now decreasing the total amount of food I am now eating, so I know the calorie count is now going down. I am going to now start a Hatha Yoga regimen, to enhance the further loss of weight.
I do feel much better, even if I still have the same weight. My blood pressure seems to have normalized at 120/80.
I have come across a wonderful free book on fasting, which covers some of the points made, plus a great deal more. The link is;
Nathaniel Bronner Jr. has taken a scientific look at fasting. I highly recommend it.
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