Lose Weight Obesity

Friday, May 16, 2008

Why Can't I Lose Weight? Real Weight-Loss Secrets Revealed!

The real answer to the Question "Why Can't I lose Weight" is not found with any "Company" or "Diet" that pushes pre-packaged meals or processed foods as the end all be all to your problem. The secret that "they" don't want you to know is this: these chemically laden meals are laced with toxins that actually make you hungrier.

The answer lies within your own body. Your nutritional needs are just as individual as you are. And, to try and put you, an overweight person, into a single category eating foods that are laced with the very chemicals that make you fatter, is just preposterous.

What if you found out that the answer to your weight problem might also prevent or heal other chronic illnesses or diseases that you have? What if it were are simple as listening to your body and finding out which different food combinations work for you?

The first thing you need to do is establish your specific Metabolic Type. One of the easiest ways to do this is pay close attention to "what" you eat and then how you "feel" . Start at the beginning of your meal and go to about 2 hours later.

How do you feel? If you feel sleepy an hour to an hour later, then you are definitely eating the wrong types of foods or your portions are too large.

It Could also mean that you have had too many refined carbohydrates or for other metabolic types it could mean to much protein-rich, fatty foods.

In general, after from the start of the meal to 2 hours later, you should feel satisfied, but not too full. You should not have any food cravings, especially for sweets.

You should also feel like your energy has been renewed and your mind is clear.

If you have any diseases, none of your symptoms should be agitated or better.

During this time frame if you feel hungry, crave sweets, are lethargic, unable to concentrate, apathetic, irritable or if your disease symptoms are aggravated then you have not put the proper nutrients into your body. And of course, you get the old saying "Garbage in, Garbage Out"

This is exactly why some people can lose weight on a protein diet and some people can't. It is also the reason so many gain weight after they loose it. So the answer to "Why can't I Lose Weight" is because you are an individual and you need to learn what your body really needs as nourishment instead of feeding it the exact things that make you put on the pounds.

Once you find out your Personal Metabolic Type, you can build a tailor made program that will not only have the pounds melting off, but you will be on your way to possible ridding some of those pesky diseases from your body.

If you want the REAL Answers to Questions like why can't I lose weight? then you need to know the the REAL reason that you can lose weight. The truth is, you can lose as much weight as you want without dieting! Find out the Truth About Weight Loss-- The Truth Behind the Diet Lies


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