Lose Weight Obesity

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Weight Loss Products Treat The Whole Person

Okay, lets get the one, small bit of bad news out of the way first: There is no magic pill anywhere on the planet that will dissolve extra pounds and give you a healthy, toned body all by itself. Some effort on your part is required. Sorry.

We cant change our genetic structure if our ancestors are tall and thin, or short and compact, then were hard-wired for that kind of body shape, ourselves but we can change our diets and level of exercise to present ourselves to the world in the healthiest, most attractive light.

Take heart! The really good news is that the various health formulas found in many products give you a giant boost in your campaign to lose weight and get fit because they work with your body, in a totally natural way, to maximize even the smallest effort you make.

Quick, Healthy Meals - delicious protein shakes make it easy and quick to get the nutrition you need in a tasty shake. Different manufacturers have formulas that include a variety of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to keep your body functioning at maximum efficiency, giving you stamina and energy to stay with your exercise program and other demands on your busy life. These shakes satisfy your hunger and help manage your weight.

Appetite Control Nothing destroys a diet like between-meal snacks. Its the one thing, above and beyond all other challenges, that spells DOOM to dieters.

Its the hardest subversive force to guard against, as well.

Who can blame us, after all? When we decide to go on a weight-loss diet, the first thing that happens is that our bodies rebel against the sudden reduction of fat- and sugar-intake by making us relentlessly crave the very things that will cause us to fail, keeping us overweight and unhealthy.

The powerful herbs available in well-designed snack bars deliver all-day snack control, while helping reduce carbohydrate absorption and maintain blood sugar levels at a steady, normal range.

Metabolism Boosters Metabolism is the rate at which your body uses energy. Using energy = burning calories, so you want your metabolism boosted to a higher, more effective rate. Some select supplements are designed to do just that with a powerful blend of green tea, yerba mat, cacao and 11 other herbs. This type of blend gives your energy level a great natural boost.

Antioxidant Boosters Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. While antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains and some meats, poultry and fish, most people don't get nearly enough of them in their daily diet.

There are many quality products designed by experts with naturally occurring elements and herbs to make your weight loss program quick, easy and highly effective.

Plan your personal diet & health regimen today with Herbalife ShapeWorks, ShapeWorks Weight Loss QuickStart, and Herbalife Snack Defense Good nutrition is the real secret to an attractive and healthy body.

Fat Burning Workouts And Sleep

The most important fact you have to be aware of is that in order to lose weight you need to burn fat. How fast you burn fat directly affects how much weight you are going to lose and how fast. Burning fat means that you need to spend more calories than you put into your body. To lose fat effectively you need to spend a lot of fat every day without making any exceptions like birthdays, parties etc. In case you eat more calories than your body spends through the day extra calories will be stored in your body as fat and you will gain more weight.

To help yourself in losing weight more efficient you need to speed up your metabolism. The best way to speed up metabolism is to practice regular exercise. If you achieve active life you will be more likely to have pretty quick metabolism and your weight loss will be much faster.

Maybe you knew that metabolism controls weight but many of us don't realize that we have a built in ability to adjust metabolism and therefore to control our weight.

One of the facts that influence your weight and metabolism is combination of rest and sleep. Even though you are encouraged to have an active life and exercise regularly don't also forget to sleep and to rest your body after exercises since relaxation is the second most important fact in exercising and correcting your metabolism. Eventually you will have the ability to workout as much as you want to the exhaustion point but this takes time so start slowly and have a natural progress.

If you find this article interesting you should also read more about diet pills and weight loss in general. Find out more why you should buy diet pills online

Metabolism Secrets You Can Use To Burn More Fat Now

"How do I increase my metabolism?" is a question I hear a lot from people looking to lose weight.

They want to know all about metabolism boosters, metabolism secrets and a diet to increase metabolism.

But does your metabolism really decrease as you age?

Is this lower metabolism something you'll just have to learn to live with?

The bad news is that you metabolism does decrease as you age. The good news is that it's completely preventable.

You see, starting around age 25 to 30, most people lose 5 to 10 pounds of lean muscle every decade.

And lean muscle is metabolically active.

So all you need to do to boost your metabolism or keep it from slowing down is to focus on a workout program that preserves the lean muscle you have or adds a few pounds of lean muscle to give your metabolism a boost.

Let's take a look at the four components of your metabolism.

  • Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

    Your resting metabolic rate makes up most of your daily calorie expenditure and includes everything your body needs to do to survive, such as thinking, repairing tissue and anything else it needs to do.

  • Thermogenesis - the thermic effect of eating.

    Your body burns calories when you chew, swallow and digest the food you eat.

  • Lucky Thermogenesis - the calories you burn based on your genetic makeup.
  • Physical Activity -

    these are the calories you burn from physical activity via exercise such as biking, playing tennis, weight training and cardio.

If you want to boost your metabolism you need to focus on these different aspects of metabolism.

Your resting metabolic rate can be increased by adding lean muscle.

Will 5 to 10 pounds of added muscle dramatically increase your resting metabolic rate?

No, but it will increase it and every little bit helps.

In addition, if you add 5 to 10 pounds of muscle, as opposed to lose that much each decade, the difference will be quite dramatic over time.

There's another huge positive metabolism boosting advantage to weight training or high intensity interval training and that's the post-workout metabolism increase.

After an intense weight training session (or high intensity interval training session), your metabolism will stay elevated for up to 39 hours AFTER the workout!

With an intense weight training session you also burn calories during the workout.

You can boost your thermogenesis in a couple of ways.

First, your body burns calories to digest your meals. This increases your metabolism.

Thus, by eating more often you elevate your metabolism more times during the day.

Consider eating 6 small meals a day instead of 2 or 3 big one's.

Another way to boost your metabolism is by increasing your protein intake.

Eating more protein to burn fat was confirmed in a study published in the American Journal of Physiology.

One group was fed a high protein diet (just over one gram per pound of bodyweight per day) while the second group consumed a protein diet near equal to that of the RDA.

The group eating the high protein diet burned more fat than the group consuming protein near equal to the RDA.

One reason for the ability of protein to burn fat could be an increased "thermic" effect.

The thermic effect of the RDA group was elevated 16% after eating.

However, in the high protein group the thermic effect increased 42% after eating, almost 3 times that of the RDA group.

This thermic effect of digesting your food peaks approximately one hour after eating.

Spreading your daily caloric intake over 6 meals a day, eating every 2 to 3 hours, helps to take advantage of the increased metabolic rate that accompanies eating.

In other words, the more often you eat, the higher your metabolic rate, i.e. the number of calories your body burns each day.

In addition, by adding more protein to each meal, you also increase your metabolism.

Your body requires more energy (i.e. calories) to process protein than it does carbohydrates.

Your lifestyle will determine how much exercise you need for the metabolism boost you need to start burning fat.

If you sit at a computer all day you're going to need more exercise than someone who does construction work all day.

That's just the way it is.

Here's a sample metabolism boosting exercise program.

Monday - High Intensity Interval Training

Tuesday - Weight Training Session

Wednesday - Active recovery cardio training

Thursday - Weight Training Session

Friday - High Intensity Interval Training

Saturday - Weight Training Session

Sunday - Rest or Active recovery cardio training

Learn more about high intensity interval training at my blog (listed below).

Active recovery cardio is low intensity longer duration cardio that you see most people do in the gym.

You can also do something simple like taking a long walk outside. This type of session should last 45 - 60 minutes.

Put all these pieces together into a cohesive plan and you'll attack a slowing metabolism from all different angles.

You'll not only prevent your metabolism from decreasing as you get older but you'll increase it, leading to greater fat loss, more muscle and a healthier, sexier, more energetic you.

Gregg Gillies is the founder of fitness tips His fitness articles have appeared in Ironman Magazine. He has written two books and is a regular contributor to Body Talk Magazine. Grab a copy of his free ebook Mass Building Tips! at http://www.massbuildingtips.com and check out his blog at http://tnafitness.com

Need to Lose Weight Fast?

Besides just looking at yourself in the mirror and being unhappy with how you look, make some changes. It isn't nearly as difficult as you might imagine. If I told you that I know of an easier way for you to not only shed some weight but to also get an improved complexion, help the process of digesting the food you eat and help decrease symptoms you might have with arthritis or diabetes, would you be interested?

A detox diet is your answer. Detoxification diets work by assisting your body naturally do what it does, only better. That's getting rid of all the toxins that we consume everyday out of our bodies. If you ponder all the junk that comes into your body every day, you would probably want to wrap yourself in bubble. We take in toxins in the air we're exposed to, our food consumption, the drinks we consume. Toxins are everywhere, and there's nothing you can do to rid the environment of them completely, you CAN clean your body of them.

Not like a typical fad diet that is all over the media that puts your body through over-stress just to end up a couple of pounds lighter, the detox diet actually promotes a healthy body. The detox diet will help you to use the nutrients that you take in effectively and with more efficiency Is it possible you've had IBS, constipation, or even indigestion? A good at home detoxification/detox diet can help lower problems you might have regarding those not-so-rare ailments

There are many detox diets available to everyone, that all seem to contain basically the exact same contents. The primary focus is to stay away from bad toxins for just the right amount of time. The predetermined time can go anywhere from many days to many weeks. Raising the amount of raw and organic foods will help clean your body and assist you absorb the good amino acids that you need. Most fad diets seem to last forever 'cause they're supposed to be harder working. Just because a safe detox diet isn't drawn out, doesn't necessarily mean it won't do a better job. With just about any safe detox diet you'll feel different within 48 hours. What if however, that 48 hrs. was the entire time frame to get a fast, effective whole body detox?

There's a brilliant 2 day safe detox diet available that will assist in not to only shed weight and boost your energy and stamina levels, lower your needs for unhealthy food, and brighten up your skin and eyes. The answer is the 2 Day Slim Down. As you look at yourself in the mirror, what if, in only 2 days, you could shed 12 pounds and be rejuvinated from within your body to out? Stand up and realize it's time to do something and make some changes. The 2 Day Slim Down safe detox diet is obtainable to you in assisting you to accomplish your body goals.

Jack Shaark is a health fanatic and a strong believer for alternative medicines. He truly believes in a healthful and sanitary body, and the importance of having a healthy digestive system. He only stands behind warranted, natural remedies as he truly feels that these types are the most beneficial therapies for the body If you would like to learn something more about this brand new technology, purely natural safe detox diet, check us out at http://www.2DaySlim-Down.com

Cayenne Pepper Diet - Your Best Decision To Lose Weight

Recent research has shown that almost 35% of people suffer from overweight. This problem is a headache for millions of people all over the world, that's way various diets are so popular nowadays. Of course you can buy weight loss pill and than face numerous side effects, but there is another decision - natural diets, based on natural foods and supplements. In this article we will talk about cayenne pepper diet.

Cayenne pepper is one of the most powerful and beneficial herbs known to mankind, but unfortunately very few know of its efficacy. It comes from chili peppers, one of the vegetables in the nightshade (Solanaceae) family, which also includes eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers and white potatoes. Cayenne Pepper is one of the hottest peppers on earth and that's way it is traditionally used in Mexican and Italian cooking. That's way the number of people, suffering from overweight is less in these countries.

Cayenne Pepper has little aroma, but it is extremely hot to taste. It also helps other herbs to work more effectively when taken at the same time.

Bright red color signals its high content of beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A. It is also packed full of Vitamin C, another fighter of colds and infections. These peppers can be used in a variety of herbal remedies from indigestion to high blood pressure.

So, how does cayenne pepper diet work? Basically, you should always add this pepper in any food you eat. This makes it extremely hot and this will help you to lose weight.

There is a very good food system, based not on calorie counting, but on food, which manipulates fat burning hormones in your body. It is absolutely natural diet, which will help you to lose 9lbs in 11 days. Want to know more about this diet? Visit my website below for more information.


Want To Lose Weight Fast? 7 Myths You Must Know About Losing Weight

Millions of people are looking to lose weight and reshape their bodys. Just do a quick search on the internet for "weight loss" and you will come up with millions of results.

There are so many people offering advice and weight loss tips that it's no surprise that many of the information out there isn't correct. That's why this article was put together - to expose a few of the myths about losing weight.

1) You shouldn't eat carbs if you are trying to lose weight

The Atkins diet was a huge diet craze that has made many people scared of carbs. However, cutting carbs isn't the "secret" to losing weight. What you need to do is cut down calories - plain and simple. If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight.

It's a good idea to cut back on refined carbohydrates, but eating bread, rice or pasta can be part of a healthy diet - just watch your calories!

2) Your weight is determined by genetics

Some people just assume that if their parents are fat, they will be too. Although your family history may have an impact on your biological makeup and how your metabolism functions, you are not "destined" to be overweight simply because your parents were.

Anyone can lose weight and get the "perfect" figure by eating a healthy diet and exercising. Don't use your family tree as an excuse. In fact, try to use it as motivation as what you don't want to become.

3) All weight loss pills and supplements are a scam

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are literally thousands of different products out there that all promise to burn fat and make the pounds melt off your body. Unfortunately a great deal of these products aren't worth a dime.

However, there are weight loss supplements that will give you a huge boost towards your goals. The best ones will use natural ingredients to jump-start your body and give you results faster than possible before.

Go to http://www.myweightlossreviews.com for reviews on the best ranked products for 2008.

4) You have to cut out all fat

There is actually such a thing as "healthy" fats. Saturated fats and trans fat aren't good for you, but there are fats that help your body absorb nutrients and make you feel fuller. This can be a huge help when trying to lose weight.

Fats found in things such as fish, olive oil and nuts are great for you and should be part of your diet. There's the real "skinny" on fat ;)

5) Skipping meals is a good idea

Skipping meals can actually go against you if you are trying to lose weight. By skipping a meal, your metabolism slows down. You are also more likely to binge eat later on in the day as your body feels hungrier due to starvation.

Don't skip meals - rather, try to cut out some calories in each meal that you eat.

6) Changing your diet is the only way to change your metabolism

Actually, exercise is the best way to speed up your metabolism. Not only will you burn calories while you are working out, but your body continues to burn calories faster afterwards.

And remember to make sure you are getting enough food for your body to get the most out of exercise. You don't want to starve yourself - your body needs the energy. This isn't an excuse to scarf down huge meals before exercising, but make sure you give your body the fuel it needs.

7) Picking low-fat or fat-free foods is a surefire way to lose weight

Remember that the amount of fat you eat isn't the key in losing weight. It's calories that play the biggest role.

Many fat-free foods have the same amount of calories as their regular counterparts. It's a great idea to consider the "fat-free" versions, just make sure to compare the nutritional labels and pay the most attention to the calories section.

If you have made the decision to lose weight - congratulations! Not only will you look better, but you will feel like a million bucks. It's a great feeling improving your appearance and your overall health at the same time.

All the best!

Do you want to achieve quick weight loss in record time?

Learn how to lose weight fast and read the reviews for 2008 on the best ranked weight loss pills.

Yet Another Weight Loss Programs To Burn Those Fats

If you have not went to a gym previously, consult a doctor before proceeding with your exercise routine. Start slow with 15 mins of exercise at the gym twice a week, and gradually increase both the time and the frequency of your exercise routines.

Remember not to overexert yourself and always know when to stop when necessary. If you feel more comfortable, it is better if you exercise with a friend.

Focus on cardio intensive exercises such as jogging, cycling, and leave out the weights training for now. Focus on losing weight first, before actually building on your muscle mass. Discipline is needed for this regime to sustain itself, and constant motivation from your parents, friends and mentors will prove especially useful at this point.

Do not be disappointed if you don't see any immediate results, the results will not be instant. Instead, when coupled with a proper food program, results will be achieved gradually, over the period of a few months.

Also, when possible try to walk or cycle to your work place or school. Walk whenever possible and soon you will find that you can establish a quality weight loss program to quickly and effectively burn fats. Walking to your work place is one of the most convenient exercise opportunities. Simply wake up a bit earlier to leave, and bring along spare office clothes if you need to change.

An alternative way to be to store a week's worth of clothing in your office space or school locker, and change into it every morning and night.

Chng Siang Sheng is a leading enthusiast of weight loss programs, zapping calories, safe and easy weight loss and reducing your calorie intake. For more information and concrete strategies on healthy weight loss, please visit the extremely successful website at http://www.stayfithealthyweightloss.com