Lose Weight Obesity

Monday, June 16, 2008

Tips to Successful Weight Loss

People hate dieting because it deprives them of their favorite foods (read fatty and junk foods). When you start dieting, you will inevitably have tough times during the first few days when you reel under the pressure of hunger. Just think about it - you used to eat every now and then and now that you are dieting, you got to restrict your food intake. Obviously your body is quite surprised at the change of food habits but hey, there are ways you can make sure you can diet for a long time without troubling your body! In this article I will give you five tips to lose weight effectively!

1. Remove Sugary Foods from your kitchen. Do a search in your kitchen as well as the refrigerator and make sure there is no food left there that has high sugar content. Sugar or sucrose easily converts into carbohydrates once it enters into body. And as a matter of fact, unused carbohydrates are easily turned into fat by the body. You therefore, as a rule, should avoid sugar and sugar-rich foods.

2.Stop eating processed foods. Not only some of them are high on calorie count, processed foods also contain a lot of natural and unnatural preservatives. While natural preservatives won't harm your body much, unnatural preservatives can cause acidity, stomach disorder and loss of energy!

3. Start walking. Get off that couch and take a walk. Exercise is a vital component of weight loss, but if you cannot or won't want to exercise, simply walking will help you burn calories. Brisk walking is good, but jogging or running will rid you of even more fat! Make sure you increase your daily activity level regularly. If you continuously remain seated on your couch, you won't be able to burn fat!

4. Most people forget the simple advice that water is good for everyone, more so for those who are overweight. Make sure you drink lots of water everyday; it will keep your stomach full and keep you away from food cravings. Make sure you also drink a glass of water before meal so that you don't end up overeating!

5. Dairy products contain a lot of fat, so you should cut down on their intake. Dairy products such as yogurt (unless it is of the low-fat variety), cheese, cottage etc, can cause stomach bloating and inflammation. Dairy products are also rumored to be the leading cause behind heart diseases.

As you can see, losing weight is not all that hard. Take your time to plan your diet, and then stick to it. That is the best way to lose weight fast!

For more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my muscle building book review or my great diet plan review.

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Visit http://AntiFadDiet.com to get your copy of Back to Basics, written by Registered Dietitian, April Adams. Her revolutionary book on weight loss and healthier eating offers PRACTICAL tips you can start using today. Weight loss doesn't have to be so hard! Download an ebook now or order a printed copy.

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Be Slimmer Weight Loss - Exercises To Help Burn The Fat

You've been eating right and trying to walk or jog each day, but it's getting boring. We've all been here before. A secret to weight loss is diverse set of exercises so that:

a.) you won't get bored

b.) you will work different muscles.

The following are some great ideas to get you moving and motivated. If you really want to lose weight you need a cardio workout as these exercises have been systematically proven to lose pounds.

One of the simplest and healthiest weight loss exercises you can perform is walking. The best part is that it's free and you can do it practically anywhere no matter where you live, rural, suburban, or urban. Because of these reasons you will find walking is a great way to begin your workout.

Jogging and running are similar exercises that will show big results. The early mornings are the best time to do this and it can be very relaxing actually. Caution should be applied to this exercise though as it can be hard on the knees, if you are older or have had sports related injuries in the past, consult your physician. If not, try a 30-45 3-5 days a week, but always remember to take it easy

If you can afford one, treadmills are an excellent way to perform the previous exercises without having to leave your home. You can also make the workout more enjoyable and less boring by watching TV or reading the paper to make time go faster.

Cycling is a fun and efficient form of weight loss exercise and it's also inexpensive. You can ride your bike around the block or if you prefer purchase an exercise bike to save you time and bother.

Now's a great time to mention resistance training. After you've performed exercises like the one above for some time, you may begin to see a decrease in results as your body is in better shape and has adjusted to a more active lifestyle. Now for resistance training, all you really need to do is to add some light weights to your workout. What this does is add more resistance to the muscles forcing them to work a little harder.

If you have a pool or have access to one, definitely consider swimming. It's fun, not too strenuous, and shows great results. There are even water aerobics which are simple exercises you can perform in the water. They'll show better results as well because of, you guessed it, resistance training. The only drawback to swimming is it takes more effort to prepare for, and if you don't have a pool you'll have to drive to the one closest to you which can take a large part of your day.

These are just the tip of the iceberg, but are perhaps the best place to start your weight loss exercise regimen. Have fun, and remember no matter which exercises you choose, stay consistent and stay faithful to your workout plan.

Kelly Lester is committed to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.

Diet Plans To Lose 25 Pounds Fast!

There are so many diet plans to lose 25 pounds that fail. I am about to give you a quick overview of a diet that will help you lose 25 pounds pretty quickly. Not only that its in a healthy manner and if you keep doing it you can lose even more. This article might not be the most well written, but if you follow it you will lose weight.

-Eat oatmeal every other morning along with one fruit of your choice. On the other morning you should eat a small bowl of cereal or some lean chicken/fruits. Make sure you do not exceed 550 calories for this small meal.

-Eat a small meal of around 350 calories around noon that consist of mainly lean meats, fruits, vegetables or whole grains. Stay away from all fast food as well as any other fattening foods like pizza, fried chicken etc.

-Eat another meal thats around 300 calories around 3 pm in the afternoon. This meal will consist of perhaps some brown rice, lean meat and some yogurt. Just make sure you keep the calories right around 300-350. Many diet plans to lose 25 pounds tell you to eat less, but if you keep the calories low it actually raises the metabolism and helps you burn more fat.

-Eat your last meal of the day at around 7:30 pm and make it around 400 calories. Again this should consist of lean meats, fruits and veggies.

Keep in mind its ok if you slip up say once every two days, you will also need to increase your exercise of course. Run around a half mile to mile per day for 5 days a week. I must also advise that you consult your doctor first before trying this new diet as he/she should be aware of any diet changes. I hope you like this diet plans to lose 25 pounds and wish you good luck. If you need any more help check out my bio box below. Have a great day!

John is a self proclaimed Weight Loss Enthusiast. Hurry and you can get a step by step weight loss ebook and see a powerful weight loss method at his site at his site http://www.weightlossrocket.com and see more Diet Plans To Lose 25 Pounds now!

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Lose 5 Pounds In A Week - Lose Weight Fast By Shifting Calories

Struggling to lose weight and keep it off? You are no different then millions of people. If you take action you can experience results. But not just any action; you need to take the right action.

What is the right action? Find a system that has worked for lots of other people, which has been around and proved that it works. Then all you have to do is follow the system like many other people. If you follow the system, you will get results.

This all seems simple enough and it is. Yet so many of us keep looking for the magic formula that will make the fat disappear while we do nothing. Yet you know deep inside that this will not happen.

Until you change what you are doing, you will continue to get the same results. If you are not looking for results, then quit reading this. If you want results, then all you have to do it take the right action.

A great method that will help you lose 5 pounds in a week is calorie shifting. When you shift your calories around you are able to keep your body guessing so that you keep the fat coming off.

What typically happens on a diet is that you reduce calories and it works for a little while then everything slows down. You prevent this by shifting your calories so that your body does not settle into a routine. You keep your body guessing and this keep the metabolism (fat burning ability) high. This will help you lose weight fast.

Take one simple action that will let you shed the pounds fast and get the body you long for. Take the right action and Lose 5 Pounds In A Week Now!