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What are Affirmations?
af-fir-ma-tion [af-er-mey-shun]
1. The act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed.
2. the assertion that something exists or is true.
3. something that is affirmed; a statement or proposition that is declared to be true.
4. confirmation or ratification of the truth or validity of a prior judgment, decision, etc.
Thoughts repeated regularly and systematically sink into the subconscious mind and become habitual. Affirmations as these are called have been used by many of the greatest people of our society. Finding the right affirmations to use must come from within. It is important that your affirmations are written in your own words since the subconscious will react better to your own thoughts than to the thoughts of someone else. Start by taking notice of what you want to change in yourself. Write down on paper your thoughts, desires and feelings that you wish to improve upon.
Then you need to use words and phrases for your affirmations in a positive manner rather than a negative manner. As an example, if you wanted to quit smoking, you wouldn't want to program your Awake2000 Mindmaster unit with affirmations such as "Cigarette smoking makes me sick" because you will in turn cause yourself to get sick. It is better to program affirmations like "I am a non-smoker" or "I am healthy and dislike the smell and taste of cigarette smoke" thereby telling the subconscious to see a different you.
It is important to choose your words wisely. You do not want to program your Mindmaster with words like "I want" because no change will take place since your subconscious is already there. In other words, affirmations worded with "I want" simply are a statement of what "you want", this only affirms that you will always want whichever it is your affirmations are presenting. You must see yourself as a different you by visualizing what you want to accomplish. Use words like "I am" or "I have", this allows your subconscious to visualize and believe you are already what you wish to become instead of what you want to become.
Positive affirmations can enhance any area of your life, from improving exercise or eating habits to overcoming fears and bad habits. There are many resources available to help those who find creating affirmations to be difficult. Affirmations can be found on the Internet or in books. Remember to use any outside suggestions as only an example. Thoughts and phrases should come from words within your terms of speaking. If you wish to improve your health, you can find hundreds of examples on the internet that reflect healthy aspects. Though if for instance you were to find some health affirmations worded in a manner that you would not typically speak, you need to re-write that affirmation into your own words. Your subconscious will work faster with affirmations spoken in your terms of speaking faster than that of someone else's. An example of this could be the legal terminology that most attorneys use, most of us can read it and somewhat understand it, but the lawyers are the ones that can pick it apart and know exactly what it is exclaiming to in ways we probably never imagined. If your mind does not fully comprehend the meaning of the affirmations you are feeding it, your process will not take effect as fast.
With the Mindmaster, you no longer have to use affirmations on a conscious level to effect the change that is necessary on the subconscious level. Since your subconscious never sleeps, it is even more receptive to receiving and retaining messages because any doubt and disbelief, which are conscious barriers, are dissolved while you are sleeping, allowing your subconscious image to be changed more effectively.
Sample Affirmations:
I am a great salesperson who is confident in my abilities to succeed.
I am productive and a success in all that I do.
I am efficient and stress-free.
I am a non-smoker and in control of my health and wellness.
I eat healthy and can control my weight by avoiding unhealthy choices.
I have abundant energy to do all the daily activities in my life.
My body is healthy and free of pain.
I love learning and excel in school.
I am capable of waking up at night to go to the bathroom so I don't wet the bed.
The dark does not scare me.
My strength is in forgiveness to those who have hurt me.
I am worthy of love. The more I love, the more love is returned to me.
I am a creative person with lots of good ideas.
I have a terrific golf swing.
I love my body and it loves me.
I have a kind personality and strong self-esteem.
I spend money wisely and am rewarded for the work that I do.
I am powerful in my life!
I love the life I live!
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