Lose Weight Obesity

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Diet Fads: Supermarket Sheep

Eighteen or twenty years ago, I was into high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diets, courtesy of the original Atkins Diet Revolution and, to an even greater extent, Stillman's Quick Weight Loss Diet (which I must admit I still prefer to Atkins but that's merely personal taste). At the time, every aisle was loaded with labels proclaiming Low Fat or Reduced Fat. I didn't care about fat and sought much different information. Unfortunately, low fat was "in" and I felt alone and abandoned.

With a certain sense of resentment, I tracked down the carbohydrate costs of a wide variety of food, keeping a sharp eye on ingredients, calorie levels, and nutritional values. Certain items were strangely emblazoned with banners announcing low fat: pasta sauce, potato chips, candy bars, and ice cream. I was puzzled: how could certain foods, full of fat to their very core, be low fat? How could all the fat be removed and there be anything left?

I became fascinated with certain labels. Have you ever, for example, read the labels on those flavored coffee creamers? Zero fat. Zero carbohydrates. Zero protein. Zero calories. How can anything we put in our mouths have zero calories? A negligible amount, maybe, but absolute zero? What is in that stuff? Or is it virtual food, existing only in our mind's eye as a kind of edible hologram?

Mercifully, the low fat craze died its natural death. Atkins and similar regimens took over and the low fat labels were reprinted (corporate recycling at its finest) to read Low Carb. Suddenly, everywhere you looked, there were foods recast as low carb - again with the pasta sauce, the potato chips, the candy bars, and the ice cream.

I was curious. Had the manufacturers taken out all those carbs and put the fat back in? Where did those carbs go? Are there vast dumpsites in the desert where unwanted carbs are buried - next to worn tires, plastic bags, and nuclear waste?

Once more, I wonder: what is left in those boxes, cans, and jars? Why am I paying $1.19 per ounce for something that really isn't anything?

Then I started to figure it out (sometimes I'm a little slow). The food hadn't really changed at all, just the packaging. Food labels are like those ubiquitous Internet sales letters. They trumpet headlines that catch our interest because they are in synch with our desires and goals. Is that accidental? Of course not. Highly paid copywriters choose their headlines with great care, buying into the national "obsession o' the day", floating on the coattails of the latest fad.

Many of us are so desperate to control our weight that we buy into the promises like the unaware followers we are: bleating sheep heading for a precipice with no thought of questioning our leaders or striking out in a different direction.

The unspoken secret is that the label doesn't matter. If we want to lose weight, we don't eat pasta sauce, potato chips, candy bars, or ice cream. Period. No matter what the package says. Deep in our psyche, we know what we can eat (very little) and what we can't (a whole bunch). Allowing ourselves to be misled is only a fashionably acceptable way to fool ourselves, and we know it. We buy into the hype because we want, so badly, to believe. We want to think that we are doing the right thing, that we're really trying, that our motivation is pure.

Our weaknesses are being exploited by the packagers and the super store con men. Our ambivalence, and the overwhelming need to avoid the very real discomfort of effective dieting, invests the misguidance of food labels with an illusion of truth.

Like our dimwitted ovine cousins, we, too, are eventually fleeced.

Virginia Bola is a licensed psychologist and an admitted diet fanatic. She specializes in therapeutic reframing and the effects of attitudes and motivation on individual goals. The author of The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual, and a free ezine, The Worker's Edge, she recently completed a psychologically-based weight control book: Diet with an Attitude:A Weight Loss Workbook. She can be reached at http://www.DietWithAnAttitude.com

Flatten Your Abs and Get Rid of That Gut

NO doubt, you are sick and tired of carrying around that ugly gut. You are sick and tired of people staring. The good news is, you dont have to deal within anymore as now, there is a solution that will help you to flatten your abs and get rid of that gut!

First, youll need to do some crunches and sit-ups. Keep I mind that these alone will not give you the results you want. This means that youll need to adjust your eating habits and do some additional exercises along with your routine to get the results you so desire.

The first thing youll want to do is eat healthy. Eat calories that are low enough to burn off the fat but high enough to sustain energy. Also, do not eat huge feasts. It is a better idea to eat a number of small meals throughout the day, instead of two or three larger meals.

Second, you should workout using weights. This will help to strengthen your abs muscles making them tighter. Not to mention, it will stabilize them enabling for a better workout.

Cardio is also a very important part of this process. This is because it stimulates the metabolism as well as assists in the burning of the fat. Not only that, it builds up your endurance levels.

If you follow these tips, you are sure to flatten those abs and get rid of that gut. It is then that youll feel the confidence you so longed for.

Download your free report today and discover the SHOCKINGLY simple abdominal workouts, exercises and nutritional advice that will shed pounds from your stomach & transform your flabby belly into firm & flat six pack abs

Visit http://www.firmupyourabs.com to download your free copy.

3 Ways to Lose Stomach Fat

The best way to burn belly fat is a shock to most men and women. Even most personal trainers usually guess, "Crunches", "Situps", or "aerobic cardio" as the best way to lose stomach fat. But none of those work best, or even work at all!

In fact, I often get asked, What's the best way to burn fat and lose my belly? Do aerobics work better than interval training? Does resistance training help at all? What should I eat to lose stomach fat? All of those are common questions.

And now here's the truth. Cardio is not the best way to burn fat. In fact, I've met very few people who have successfully used cardio to lose stomach fat. And most of those people were young men, and anything works for them when they want to burn fat.

If you want to lose stomach fat fast, you need to increase the intensity of your workout by using both resistance training and interval training to lose stomach fat.

Australian researchers, such as Professor Steve Boucher, even believe that interval training can lead to a spot reduction of belly fat. That's something that no amount of abdominal training can do!

While bodybuilders and young guys without any cares in the world can spend an hour a day on cardio - and sometimes get results - men and women who only have 45 minutes, 3 times per week for exercise just can't depend on slow cardio workouts to burn belly fat.

Let's take a look at the perfect workout plan to get you maximum fat burning results in minimum workout time.

Here are the keys. First, start with a circuit of bodyweight exercises to prepare your body for a fat burning workout. This should only take 5 minutes.

Follow that up with supersets of resistance training using multi-muscle exercises for maximum metabolism boosting. This works so much for post-exercise calorie burning than slow cardio workouts. That will lead to more belly fat burning as well.

After 15 minutes of resistance training, finish with 15-20 minutes of interval training. Use a warmup, then do a few intervals, and then cool-down. You don't need a lot of intervals to get great fat burning results.

With that workout schedule, you'll be in and out of the gym in 45 minutes, three times per week.

Compare that to what most people do, which is run, jog, cycle or use the cardio machines for 45 minutes straight. Sure, that will burn calories, but it doesn't build a better body.

Men and women love the fast fat burning results they get from short burst exercise sessions. Your body was not meant to run marathons. Instead, it was meant to perform quick bursts of exercise, and that is why resistance training and interval training sculpt a better body than long, slow cardio.

The best way to lose stomach fat is to use the following three exercise methods.

1) Bodyweight circuit training to warm-up the body

2) Resistance training supersets to boost the metabolism

3) Interval training to burn belly fat

Put those three, short exercise methods together into one great belly fat burning workout if you want to lose stomach fat fast!

If you want to burn more belly fat, then download the free report, "The Dark Side of Cardio" from http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com. Craig Ballantyne exposes fat loss myths and useless foods that make you gain fat. Plus, you'll get fat burning exercises to lose stomach fat and sculpt your body.

5 Top Fat Burners

The top 5 belly fat burners are not supplements. In fact, diet supplements are a useless way to lose weight and shed body fat. They just don't work. On the other hand, the right workout routine and nutrition programs will help burn fat fast and get the body you want...

So let's get right to it...here are 5 ways to make this a great fat-burning day...

1) Do Something You Love

If you are a beginner and you hate the gym, just do something you love! Don't make your healthy lifestyle a prison sentence. Enjoy what you eat and do. Just don't eat garbage and don't look at exercise as punishment.

2) Strength Training

A very, very recent study (published in the May issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology 102:1 767, 2007) showed that resistance training boosts metabolism by 10% and increases fat burning by 100%!

Boost Fat Burning 100% with strength and interval workouts.

3) Interval Training

The latest research from Australia showed a more weight loss from interval training than from long, slow cardio. In fact, the long, slow cardio group didn't lose any weight. AND - this study was done in women...so yes, strength and intervals work for women.

Strength training and interval training are the 1-2 punch that blowtorch fat off your body.

4) Eat 6 Small Meals of Whole, Natural Foods

Fruits and vegetables, protein, nuts, and healthy fats. It's that simple. Don't spend another dollar on "the latest diet". You ALREADY KNOW what to do!

5) Avoid Booze, Sugar, Trans-Fats, & Inactivity

Yeah, I know, real "secrets" here, CB. "Thanks", you're thinking sarcastically. Listen, sometimes we just need the motivation. Maybe there is a donut within reach, or you're thinking about watching the tube instead of exercising, or you've got a cookie in one hand and an apple in the other.

Let this be a simple reminder to make the right choice.

Everything you do takes you closer to OR away from fat loss.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

How To Strip Off Body Fat And Keep Your Muscle

So you have finally decided to shed those extra pounds and uncover those long buried abs?

Here's what will happen:

You'll go on a diet, start working out and everything will be great. For the first two weeks, the pounds will drop off and progress will be quick and painless.

But then things will grind to a halt. Your metabolism will slow down to a snails pace. The scale will get stuck.

You will re-double your efforts. Cut calories. Add more cardio. And it seems to work. The scale is headed south once again.

But one day you look in the mirror and you'll notice that your muscle is (gasp) gone! The fat is still there, but the muscle is disappearing.

So you immediately start eating more, hoping to save your hard-earned muscle. But because you have lost muscle, your metabolism has dropped. And all those extra calories end up as fat.

Your best intentions back fired. You tried to lose some fat, and instead you ended up even fatter with less muscle.

Ain't life cruel?

But don't worry. Because today I'm going to show you how to strip off fat WITHOUT sacrificing your hard-earned muscle. (In fact, if you follow these rules you should actually get STRONGER even while you lose weight.)

Without further ado, here are my five rules for stripping off body fat while preserving muscle.

Rule #1: Don't Drop Carbs To Zero.

People often make the mistake of avoiding all carbohydrates. This can result in some quick weight loss (mostly water weight) but a lack of carbohydrates can also slow your metabolism.

So don't eliminate carbohydrates completely. Instead,

Rule #2: Focus On "Nature-Made" Carbs.

When trying to burn off body fat, steer clear of "man-made" carbs like cakes, cookies and white bread products.

Instead, focus on "nature-made" carbs like fruits, vegetables, potatoes and whole grain products.

These items naturally contain more fiber which will help you feel full. Fiber also helps to lessen the insulin spike and fat storing effects that occur when consuming "man-made" carbohydrates.

Rule #3: Keep Protein High.

Protein is "muscle-sparing" which means that your body will use any available protein for cellular repairs before breaking down muscle tissue.

I've found that by consuming 1.0-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily, you can actually build new strength while stripping off body fat.

Rule #4: Don't Avoid Dietary Fat!

It sounds weird, but you want to burn fat you have got to eat (some) fat.

I recommend you try and focus on healthy fats like fish oil, extra virgin olive oil or fats found naturally in nuts like almonds.

Rule #5: Use Weight Training To Build Muscle and Strength, NOT To Burn Fat.

One of the biggest myths about burning fat is that you should lift light weights with high reps. But this is all wrong.

If you take the opposite approach and continue to lift heavy and try to get stronger with every single workout, it sends a clear message to your body that your muscles are still "in use" and should not be sacrificed.

Follow these five simple rules and you can burn off your excess body fat without sacrificing your hard-earned muscle.

Matt Marshall is not a personal trainer or a professional bodybuilder. He's just a former skinny guy who figured out how average guys (with average genetics) can build muscle and develop outstanding physiques.

To learn more about a proven fat loss plan for guys with average genetics, visit http://www.RapidFireFatLoss.com

Learn About Gastric Banding Before You Have It Done

Gastric banding weight loss surgery is the most popular type of weight loss surgery in the United States, Australia and Europe. It has been approved by the FDA and is considered to be one of the safest forms of surgery. Neither the stomach nor the interest time is cut during the procedure.

Even with gastric banding surgery, changes will have to be made to diet and physical activity. But, it will provide immediate remedies to overeating. This type of surgery limits the amount of food that can be eaten by an individual. It also reduces his or her appetite and slows digestion of the foods eaten.

During the laparoscopic surgery, placement of a hollow elastic band around the upper part of the stomach divides the stomach into two pouches. A smaller upper pouch resides above the band and a larger pouch lies below the band. The smaller pouch limits the amount of food a person can he at one time. He will feel fuller much quicker than before his surgery.

The gastric band that has been placed between the two pouches can be adjusted if the patient feels that she is losing weight to quickly. This is done by injecting or removing the saline solution from the band.

After the surgery, the hollow band is connected by a tube to a reservoir placed beneath skin during surgery. The medical practitioner pierces the reservoir through the skin with the fine needle. The amount of saline injected initially usually depends upon the late of the patient before the surgery. It is determined by the physician based upon the patient's health and current weight.

The gastric band is not permanent. It can be removed once the patient reaches its weight loss goals. There will be a short hospital stay after the surgery has been done.

People who have had the gastric banding surgery can lose a significant amount of weight. The estimated amount of weight is approximately 40 to 50% of their excess weight and it usually takes about two years to reach their goal weight.

There are some foods that people who have had the surgery may have trouble eating. These foods are costs to, rice, fibrous foods, pasta and red meat. They must chew foods thoroughly and swallowed slowly or they could become nauseous.

Gastric banding surgery may seem like a drastic measure to some but to others who are morbidly obese, it can be a lifesaver. Only your doctor can advise you as to whether this surgery is for you. He or she may want to try other options such as diet and exercise before advising surgery.

Learn more about weight loss tactics at HealthyWeightLossGuide.com

How To Lose 10 kg In 2 Weeks - Learn To Do It The Right Way!

If you really are interested in losing 10 kg in 2 weeks, you should know some facts about what will happen. Losing 10 kg is quite possible but you are likely to gain at least 2 kg after you stop dieting due to the initial water loss. When you go on a diet your body will start using the glycogen stored in your muscles and the glycogen binds lots of water, thus the great initial weight loss.

Another part of the weight lost will most likely come from lean muscle mass. When our body can't find enough energy in our foods it will chose between using fat or muscle for energy. If it find no use for muscle mass it will chose the muscle. How great is that? We don't want to lose muscle for weight, because muscle loss will decrease the ability to burn fat and it is the fat that we really want to get rid of, right?

There is a new weight loss diet that is called the calorie shifting diet. This diet allows you to lose about 4-5 kg every 14 days and this is the best, and most healthy way for a fast weight loss.

During the first cycle you will lose some of the water just like you would do with other diets, however, the special part of calorie shifting is that you will not lose as much muscle. If you decide to give this diet a try and you still are interested in losing as much weight as possible in a short period of time I would suggest that you use a fat burning exercise program during the weight loss. This will either keep your muscle or even build new muscle, thus increasing the ability to burn fat.

I have lost a total of 25 kg using the calorie shifting diet and a special exercise program called turbulence training. This was a great combination and it really gave me a fast initial weight loss, where I lost about 5 kg during the first two cycles.

I participate in several online forums and I have met people losing weight with this diet and they don't understand why they lost weight, this is a smooth this diet is. You eat almost until you are full, you eat four times per day and you eat enough calories to stay alert.

Also, the exercise I followed, turbulence training, is a program that is built for people on the move. You get a complete workout in 45 minutes. We could all spare 45 minutes 3 times per week and that is all it takes. The program increase the fat burning and not only during the exercise but for the whole week!

Jennifer Olsen isn't one of those health guru's, but she has probably read more and tried more diets than any of those so called weight loss guru's.

Through endless nights she has been participating in online forums and learning what people just like herself thinks. This lead to finding a diet along with an exercise that really boosts you fat loss.

She put up a mini-site that holds different calorie shifting diets, a complete fat burning program and some reviews of popular diets. Click Here Now, To learn about Real Fat Loss

How To Do Pushups And Build Beautiful Arms

If you want sexy arms and defined triceps, you need to do pushups, not triceps pushdowns. This will help you get nice arms, and avoid batwings.

You want nice arms, master the pushup.

You want to pass your physical recruitment test for the police academy or military, master the pushup.

You want to push other athletes around on the court or field (within the rules, of course!), master the push-up.

You want to be mobile, athletic, lean, and sexy? Master the advanced pushup variations.

If you can't do a pushup, start with these 3 basic steps. If you can do a bunch and want to take it to the next level, see the 3 advanced steps below.

Beginner 3-step progression for push-ups.

i) Kneeling Pushups
Start with 1 set of 8 if you are a beginner. Add 2 reps each workout for the first week, so that you are at 1 set of 12 after 3 workouts.

In the next week, add 1 set each workout, so that you are at 3 sets of 12 by the end of the week. Then try for 3 sets of 15 the next workout.

The problem with kneeling pushups is that you can only get so strong. Eventually, you'll be able to do 15 kneeling pushups, but you still won't be able to do a full pushup...so onto the Incline Pushup.

ii) Incline Pushups on Smith Machine
Set the smith machine bar at chest height. Stand about 2-3 feet away from the bar. Lean forward and grab the bar with an overhand grip. Keep the balls of your feet on the ground and lower your chest to the bar.

Do 3 sets of 8 repetitions per workout.

Each workout, lower the bar one notch on the Smith Machine until you get to the lowest rung. You're almost at full pushups now!

iii) Push up Holds
But you still might not be able to do more than 1 or 2. So let's get stronger where we are weaker - at the bottom.

From the top of the pushup position, lower your body slowly (for 2 seconds) to the bottom position.

Hold this position for 5 seconds.

Then slowly lower your body all the way to the floor, drop to your knees and then get back up to the full pushup position.

Do 3 sets of 3 repetitions of the 5 second hold.

Add 1 repetition each workout until you are up to 3 sets of 6. By now, you should be able to crank out quite a few pushups.

Advanced Pushups

Here's a progression to build you up to the Spiderman Pushups...

i) Pushups with Your Feet on the Ball

ii) T-Pushups

iii) Spiderman Pushups

These are advanced pushups, and will require photos, video, or personal instruction.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Does Walking Or Running Burn More Fat?

This is a question that is debated quite often. The answer might shock you.

There's no concrete answer to this question, but basically it boils down to this: You will burn roughly 100 calories per mile, no matter what speed you go.

Now, there are some caveats. For example, a person who weighs 105 pounds will burn less calories per mile than a person who weighs 205 pounds, simply because the heavier person is carrying more weight. All things being equal, however, the lighter person doesn't need to eat that many calories in a day, so it balances out.

Another factor to, ahem, weigh in, is that the human body acclimates itself to any stresses put on it. All other things being equal, the better you get at running, the less calories you will burn. So, if you're a champion runner you will burn less calories on a run than someone who's running for the first time. Again, all things being equal, the champion runner will likely be able to run a further distance, thus balancing the equation again.

There's another camp that will argue that walking will actually burn more fat because it's a lower intensity exercise that can be sustained for a longer period of time. The key to weight loss, research has shown, is that it's not the intensity of the workout that counts, it's the accumulated duration of the exercise. So, it might actually be more beneficial for some people to walk simply because they can go for a longer distance without tiring.

The good thing about running is that it's great for your health. There are great cardiovascular benefits to a moderately intense workout. The bad thing about running is that it can be hard on some people's knees.

The bottom line? Do what you enjoy. If the thought of running makes you cringe, but you enjoy a nice long stroll, then by all means stroll away. The point is choosing a workout that you will stick with, and nobody's going to stick with something they hate doing for very long.

For more information that will guide you in terms of choosing the best activities to burn fat, visit BestQuickWeightLossPrograms.com and read our Turbulence Training Review.

Fitness guru Cynthia Blake is a writer for BestQuickWeightLossPrograms.com

Seven Weight Loss Tips

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem to find it so easy to lose weight, but you tend to struggle and struggle with it, only to find you've gained a few pounds instead? Then this article is specifically for you. Here are 7 tips that, if followed, should help just about anyone lose weight.

1. Give up fast food! Few things improve a person's health as drastically as a commitment to give up the fast food habit. If you can't give it up completely, then decide that you won't eat it more than once a month.

2. Change your snacking habits. Notice we didn't say to stop snacking. Truthfully, it's healthy to snack throughout the day--as long as the snacks are the right kind. If you eat fresh fruits and vegetables several times a day, including between meals, you decrease the likelihood that you'll overeat at meal time. However, if all of your snacks are fatty foods like potato chips and donuts, you'd be better off just to eat all you want at meal time.

3. Choose your oils wisely. Rather than using a lot of hydrogenated oils, eat foods with olive oil or Omega 9 fatty acids. These are healthier for you and co-exist better with a desire to lose weight.

4. Count your calories on paper. One of the most productive habits you can develop is to make yourself write down everything you eat during the day and how many calories it has. This will involve getting a notebook specifically for this purpose, as well as a book that contains calorie amounts (Or, if you prefer, there are several websites that contain anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 food items and their nutritional information). Writing down calories will do several things for you.

First, it will make you conscious of what you eat, pulling you out of that half-conscious state of eating when you're bored, without even thinking about what you're doing.

Second, it will sometimes make you decide not to eat. That's because looking up the item and writing it down can become a chore. Often we'd rather just not eat the food than to bother with recording its calorie count.

And third, by monitoring how many calories you've eaten, you can better understand how much more food you can eat during the day to reach your recommended calorie count.

5. Shun the tendency of comparing yourself to others. Remember that every person is different, and their bodies are different. This means that one person needs more calories a day than another person the same height. It also means that each person loses weight at a different rate, and in a different way, from everybody else.

6. Avoid the pills. Remember, there's still no such thing as a magic pill that makes you lose weight with no sacrifice.

7. Get a good bathroom scale and use it religiously. If your scale is analog, ditch it. They're notoriously inaccurate. Get a digital one instead, and force yourself to weigh each day, at the same time, wearing about the same amount of clothing.

Candie Zimmer recommends the following weight loss & fitness guides which are all available for instant download right now! Fat Loss 4 Idiots for diet, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle for exercise, and Turbulence Training which is also for exercise.

Does Your Hoodia Weight Loss Regimen Work For You?

The miraculous benefits of Hoodia Gordonii have already been established by independent laboratory studies.

The plant's wonder molecule, P57, is touted to possess unrivaled appetite-suppressing qualities. Its original manufacturer, Phytopharm, completed a placebo-controlled clinical study in overweight, but otherwise healthy volunteers using the P57 extract from the plant.

The participants were split into two groups, with one group received the extract and the other received a placebo. Both groups were also told to continue their normal diet and exercise regimen. In comparing the P57 group to the Placebo group, the P57 group had a significant reduction in body fat, caloric intake and showed no adverse side effects.

Health Implications

According to independent laboratory studies, the implications of hoodia with regard to the treating obesity are quite significant. In animal studies using rats, it was shown that a significant decrease in calorie consumption was noted in rats that were given hoodia samples.

In addition, one major study conducted on obese humans saw an average daily calorie drop of about 1,000 calories by the 15th day of taking the supplement. Further research is still being conducted, as more studies are needed to study the immediate and long-term effects and safety of the supplement. Current research however, has not verified any immediate or long-term side effects when using hoodia.

General Indications To Follow

In ensuring the supplement is effective, users should know that dosages may vary. It's important to use the product as directed by the manufacturer. It would be best to also consult your physician before using this or any other weight-loss product.

The supplement was initially released into the US market in early 2004, and there more research needs to be done before the mechanisms of the medication could be fully understood. Consumers should use extra caution in choosing a good-quality supplement, and ensure that they are made by reputable product manufacturers.

Take in Less Calories, And You Lose Weight Faster

What makes Hoodia supplements quite unique is that they effectively work in preventing weight gain. As much as everyone argues about which is more effective, low carbohydrate or low fat, in the end losing weight is a simple equation.

Individuals are advised to take in less calories than they usually burn, and the faster they will lose weight. As you can not gain weight if you consume lesser calories than you burn, Hoodia gives you a powerful mechanism to fight hunger and therefore take in less calories. Most diet pills and supplements work by trying to increase the rate at which our body burns fat.

Individuals who take weight-loss supplements like these are advised that Hoodia may not work right away as you wish it could. Users generally feel the effects several weeks after taking the supplements.

The major effects of using the product includes a reduced interest in food, delay in the time after eating before hunger sets in again, getting a feeling of fullness more quickly, as well as garnering a general feeling of well-being. Hoodia is not a stimulant, has no known side effects, and appears to be safe for most people.

http://hoodiaremedy.com - Hoodia Remedy

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Lose Weight Through Acupuncture

While acupuncture is mainly used as a form of pain relief, there are a number of other conditions which acupuncture can be used for such as weight loss. It can even help with conditions such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or even the common cold. As we all know the most popular use of acupuncture is to help with the body's joints and muscle pain, but acupuncture has the greatest impact on the systems of the body including respiratory, reproductive, urinary and digestive. Acupuncture can also help with migraines or headaches, even disorders such as insomnia, depression, fatigue or irritable bowel syndrome. All in all acupuncture is a fantastic healing art which has been used for hundreds of years.

Acupuncture alone will not cure weight loss as a good diet and exercise will always be the main way to lose weight. However acupuncture and herbal medicine can provide an excellent compliment to diet and exercise. What the acupuncturist does is to diagnose if there is any underlying problems which could be hindering your weight loss. Some of the problems which acupuncture can help with are Thyroid dysfunction, Polycystic ovaries, sluggish metabolisms or diabetes. These are just a few of the underlying problems you may have which affect your weight and can be helped by acupuncture. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can also be used to reduce cravings and increase will power, helping the body to lose weight. The Chinese have a wide range of advice in the weight loss area but acupuncture is by far the most famous of the healing arts.

Acupuncture can only be performed at a clinic or hospital. The sessions can last between 45 minutes to an hour, and can cost between 25 - 40 but prices vary. Obviously acupuncture can only be done by a professional and specialist equipment is used. If you decide to try acupuncture it is wise to go for a consultation first to determine which problem you need help with.

Ian Bennett operates http://www.megaweightlossplan.com, a blog about weight loss. He loves giving away stuff and right now when you sign up you will get a great Newsletter. and its all FREE!

Check it out at: http://www.megaweightlossplan.com

How To Lose 10 Pounds Within 30 Days?

Do you think you can lose 10 pounds within 30 days? Yes, you can. I see there are lots of people who say you can lose more than 10 pounds within 10 days but I suggest you to stay away from that kind of article. I think it's almost impossible for you to lose that much unless you stop eating and take exercises at least 2 hours per day.

Weight loss is not only about how to lose weight but the most important thing is to eat properly. The answer to your question "how to lose 10 pounds" is your dedication. So do you have enough dedication to lose 10 pounds within 30 days? If yes, then read these steps:

1. Take a calorie shifting method. For you who do not know, calorie shifting is a method which tells you to eat four or even five times a day (not three times). However, you will eat less every time. For example: You usually eat 800 calories in breakfast, dinner, and lunch. With calorie shifting, you will eat less, maybe around 550 calories each meal. But remember, you will eat more often, about four times per day. This will help you to consume less and keep you away from hunger.

2. If you do not have time to go to fitness centre, you must learn to walk or jog. Spend around 40 minutes per day to jog or run. If you also do not have time for this, then try to walk. You can go walking to your office instead of using your car. You can also use stairs instead of elevator. There are plenty of choices to help your body metabolism. Don't be lazy. Remember, 40 minutes per day is needed.

3. It's almost impossible to lose 10 pounds within 30 days unless you take a diet pill. What I mean diet pill is a product which can absolutely helps you in a healthy way. There are plenty of useless pills out there so I suggest you to be careful about this. You might want to talk with me about the best diet pill.

In overall, it's not hard to lose 10 pounds but you need dedication to do that. A dedication to eat less, a dedication to work more, and a dedication to stay healthy. If you follow my steps, you maybe will say bye, bye to your old question: "How to lose 10 pounds within 30 days?"

To get the best results in your fitness plans and to know all the weight loss pills and weight loss products, visit my site. If you click this site, you will lose weight start from today. Go here: http://www.bestpills4weightloss.com

Six Super Easy Weight Loss Tips

If you have been trying to lose weight permanently, then these six weight loss tips may be just what you need to kick start your weight loss program. You may have heard some of them before, but if you make them a part of your core goal, you will not have as much difficulty achieving your weight loss goals.

Include exercise in your lifestyle

If you want to achieve long term weight loss, you must not only be careful of what and how you're eating, you must get off your butt and exercise. It has been reported that 80 percent of those who lose for the long haul make changes to their diets and make exercise a part of their lifestyle.

How much are you really eating?

Americans are really guilty of this - supersizing our meal portions. It's not what you eat but how much you eat. By eating smaller portion sizes you can eat whatever you like, because you are not overeating.

Sneak in this super easy exercise

Walking is one of the easiest ways to sneak exercise into your daily life. It is easy to do and requires no equipment except your own body. To make walking even more effective, park your car further away from your destination, walk up hills, use the stairs, and alternate walking with brief periods of running. Get in as many steps as possible each day to rev up your internal calorie burning machine.

The best no calorie drink in the world

Substituting water for those artificially sweetened diet drinks and sugary has many advantages. First of all, it has no calories. Plus it's great for your skin and hair. And drinking water before and during meals helps to stave off hunger and fill you up more quickly. Be careful of those liquid calories in other drinks - they can really add up.

Eat more frequent smaller meals

When you eat more frequently (4 to 6 small meals a day), it helps to keep hunger at bay and stabilize your blood sugar levels to keep from zapping your energy. And when you eat, you will be less inclined to stuff yourself like a pig.

Your weight loss goal is not achieved overnight

Nor is it achieved in two weeks or one month. In order to really drop weight, you must realize that there is no quick fix. You must dedicate yourself to making lifestyle changes that will help you reach your goal. Believe me, your body will thank you and you will be happier in the long run.

For positive weight loss tips and reviews, you should visit our site at GuidetoFatLoss.blogspot.com You'll discover what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off for good with access to a treasure trove of weight loss tips, articles, ebooks and more. Be sure to sign up for our fitness updates while you're there.

You may include this article on your site or in your ezine as long as this information remains intact.

7 Metabolism Boosters?

If you don't increase your metabolism, you won't be able to burn the fat you want so desperately to get rid of. So what can you do to boost your metabolism, lose inches, and vaporize that belly fat?

But doesn't your metabolism slow down with age? Well, it can, BUT...

Follow the tips below and you will stop your metabolism from slowing down. Heck, I know some 40 year olds that have the metabolism of a 17-year old boy, thanks to their fat burning lifestyle.

However, some "so-called" metabolism boosters are BS...so here's the truth about 7 "claimed" metabolism boosters and how you can use them to burn fat.

1) Strength training

Claim: Boosts metabolism up to 10% after a training program


And a recent study from the prestigious Journal of Applied Physiology showed strength training also doubled post-exercise fat burning.

Any "expert" who says strength training doesn't burn fat is living in the 1970's. Strength training must be a part of your fat-blasting workout routine.

2) Breakfast

Claim: Breakfast boosts metabolism because it breaks your overnight fast.

True? Maybe yes, maybe no.

But research shows eating breakfast is associated with successful weight loss. So make it a habit to consume some protein, fiber, & fruit (& even veggies) at this time. This will keep your appetite in check till your next meal.

3) Green Tea

Claim: Burns an extra 80 calories per day

True? Yes and no.

It has been shown to burn 80 calories per day in young men on the first day of supplementation, but will this affect last once your body gets used to it? I don't think so.

After all, take a look at caffeine. You can find studies that show it increases metabolism as well. But really, is anyone losing fat with caffeine? The revolving doors at Starbucks say "No!".

Coffee is okay in moderate doses, and I recommend Green Tea to everyone, but for health reasons, not for fat loss.

The only way you will lose fat with Green Tea is if you replace a 300+-calorie Frappucino with an iced, unsweetened Green Tea.

4) Fat Burners

Claim: Boost your metabolism big time!

See above. Fat burners are simply caffeine pills with a few other ingredients thrown in. You'll get an increase in mental energy, but that doesn't mean it will boost metabolism or burn fat.

5) Ice Cold Water with Lemon Juice Squeezed into it

Claim: The body will burn calories warming up the water and the lemon juice also burns more fat.

Truth? Nice in theory, short in practice. Nobody is losing fat with ice cold water. If it sounds too good to be true - you know the rest of the story.

6) Eating 6 small meals per day

Claim: Boosts metabolism and can help control cholesterol.


Simple and effective. Try and split your meals up into smaller meals that can be eaten over the course of the day.

7) Interval training

Claim: Interval training causes a greater increase in post-exercise metabolism than regular cardio.

I certainly believe it.

And I do know this...A recent study from Australia found that an interval program led to more weight loss than a long, slow cardio training program.

Bottom line: Intervals work.

Hard work and proper nutrition burn more calories and help you lose fat. On the other hand, magic pills and potions just don't work.

But that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

My advice?

Add strength training, intervals, mini-meals, and breakfast to your weight loss plan and you'll burn body fat fast thanks to your increased metabolism.

Boost your metabolism today and forever to burn fat.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked workouts to boost metabolism have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. His calorie burning workoutshelp you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight exercise workouts help you lose fat and boost metabolism without any equipment at all.

Does Hoodia Really Work?

Over the past decades, there have been many different diet pills and fads that have proven to be ineffective and some even life threatening. The newest diet product on the market today is Hoodia. Many people are asking the question "Does Hoodia really work?"

In order to understand how Hoodia works, you must understand the basics of how your body works. You must first understand that the food we eat is turned into glucose in our bodies. When the glucose levels reach high enough levels, it tells the brain that you are full, and you stop eating.

The active ingredient in Hoodia is called "P57". Studies have concluded that it copies the effects of glucose by telling your brain that you are full. Other studies have shown that Hoodia also curbs the desire to eat. Foods that were once too difficult to pass up, are now just like any other food. However, this is not reported in all of the test subjects.

Hoodia is being called a miracle diet pill by many people who have had success using it. Many people use food as a coping mechanism, meaning that they feel better when they eat.

When tests were conducted on some of these people, the results indicated that Hoodia actually helped to break the bond of eating to feel better. The test subjects were able to find new coping skills and did not rely on food, thereby losing the weight that they desired.

Other studies that were conducted indicated that when the bond with food had been broken, the test subject was able to make healthier food choices for their menus.

So to answer the question "does Hoodia really Work?" - the answer is yes! For some it really does work. If you've tried other products without success, you may want to give it a try!

An effective weight loss diet plan does not have to mean deprivation or back-breaking exercise routines. To discover simple strategies for lasting weight loss and a free book of delicious recipes, be sure to check out my Painless Weight Loss Tips blog at: http://www.painless-weight-loss.com/

The Most Under-Rated Aspect of Weight Loss

If I were asked, "what is the most difficult thing many people find to do when they start a weight-loss program?", I would have to say right near the top of the list is this - they don't drink enough water!

Few people realize at first just how essential water is to the success of their weight-loss program. In fact, the essential place of water in our diet extends to everyone - whether they want to lose weight, gain weight or stay the same weight! We all know we can't live without water, but just why is it so important? Well there are many reasons. Read on and discover why water can help your loss weight and why it is your essential life-force.

Apart from 60-70% of your body being composed of water, water has an extensive range of functions essential to life.

. Assists digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. If you don't drink enough water you can't get the full benefit of nutrients in the food you eat.

. Assists excretion of waste from bowel and kidneys. If you don't drink enough water you get constipated and put your kidneys under stress.

. Regulates body temperature. If you don't drink enough water you compromise the evaporation process you skin uses to keep you cool.

. Your blood is 92% water. This is your body's transport system distributing nutrients around the body.

. Body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water.

Why should you drink water when you want to lose weight?

Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Do NOT underestimate the power of this statement. Lack of water can lead to over eating. You brain does not differentiate between hunger and thirst. So, when you think you are feeling hungry, your body may in fact be signaling to you that you are thirsty! If you are not consuming enough water each day and you feel hunger pains, chances are, your body really is crying out for water. In many instances people will find what they thought were hunger pangs were in fact, satisfied by water. Try it! You have nothing to lose, except some weight.

How do you know whether you are drinking enough water each day? Well the answer is not difficult. The average person needs around 6-8 large glasses every day.

Well then, how should you drink the 6-8 glasses per day? The aim is to drink water consistently. If you drink too much all at once or too fast, it will simply pass through you, with little or no benefit to your body.

If you are someone who enjoys the 'taste' of water, then perhaps you could fill a 1 litre empty soft drink container with water the drink through it twice during the day. Room temperature or cold water, even warm as some people like - whatever you prefer. Place it on the desk at work in front of you as a constant reminder to sip continuously throughout the day.

Other people find they need a water 'diet' to help them keep on track. So for you, here is a program easily followed to ensure you are well hydrated every single day.

1. When you wake up you will often be thirsty because your body loses water while you are sleeping through breathing and perspiration. Drink a large glass of water with a slice of lemon for zing.

2. Drink another glass of water with breakfast or a cup of herbal tea before setting off the day.

3. Mid morning - snack on a piece of juicy fruit such as orange, watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew. Have a glass of water and perhaps try a dash of herbal aloe juice which is wonderfully soothing to the digestive system.

4. Lunch - think of soup or have a glass of water before your meal, or perhaps a herbal tea.

5. Mid afternoon - While you are preparing your evening meal, drink a glass of water and snack on some crunchy fresh vegetables.

6. Evening - Sip a glass of water before your meal with a dash of your favourite fruit juice for flavour.

7. After dinner - before bedtime drink your final glass of water and sleep well!

A few changes will happen when you start out with your water program. Obviously you may find that you need to 'spend a penny' more often. Why? Because you body isn't used to being well hydrated.

There is absolutely is no doubt about it. When you start drinking enough water regularly, there are great benefits. You may notice your skin significantly improve and even tired muscles will thank you. Many people find their energy is increased and constipation and headaches are reduced, as well as hunger pains.

Now here's the really exciting partmany people notice a reduction in weight and centimetres, as their body's water store become redundant and so decrease. If your diet has been one that did not provide you with adequate water, your body will have developed a pattern of storing water. It's part of the body's in-built survival mechanism - to store up the essential nutrients in short supplyjust in case they aren't available in the future. So if you don't drink enough water, you are 'conditioning' your body to store water. And water is bulk and unwanted centimetres.

It's so simple...drink water! 6-8 large glasses a day.

How do you know if you are not getting enough water each day? This is a really important question because so many of us have deprived ourselves of water for years that we have become accustomed to doing without the full amount of water our body requires and we don't recognise the symptoms of thirst.

1. The most common symptom is headaches. A major function of water is to flush toxins from the body. Your brain is 75% water, so even being slightly dehydrated can cause headaches.

2. Poor concentration/fatigue. If you body can't get rid of the toxins it will struggle and you will feel less energetic as your body diverts energy to deal with the toxins.

3. Constipation. Your body will divert water to more essential functions and as a result your stools will be harder and more difficult to expel.

4. Reduced urine output or dark urine. Did you know that up to 200 litres of water is passed through your kidneys daily? Without a fresh supply of water for the kidneys to filter waste products out of the blood, your urine will become darker.

5. Furry tongue or bad breath. If you don't have enough water passing through the mouth to wash away food particles, bacteria can proliferate and result in that 'furry' feeling or bad breath.

6. Skin. Your skin should feel elastic. When you pinch the skin on the back of your hand it should snap back instantly.

Final thoughts. Caffeinated drinks cause the body to lose water. They are what's known as diuretics as they cause your body to dehydrate. You will do your body an enormous favour by cutting back. For every cup of coffee you drink you will need to drink another TWO glasses of water to counter the diuretic effect. Explore the world of herbal teas instead, you may be pleasantly surprised!

(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore

Kim Beardsmore M.B.A., B.Sc. (Biochemistry) is the creator of the online weight loss, health & fitness magazine Weight Loss Health. For free resources, tips and healthy recipes to help you lose weight and gain energy, visit http://weight-loss-health.com.au

Reduce Waistline Fast With Research On Scramble Eggs And Muscles In 20 Days

For this article, hopefully it can help you to reduce your waistline fast as well as build your muscle. It will be a progressive step. Everyone has muscles but they are mostly likely hidden by the extra layer of fats. But what if you are given research test cases to find out how effective the weight loss technique is? Read on for the two research that can answer some of your fat loss and muscle building questions.

Research 1: Incentive to Eat Scramble Eggs

A research was done to a group of 165 over participants and this research was interesting. One group was given 2 scramble eggs for breakfast everyday for 2 months and they found that this group lost more weight, roughly around 65% more than another group who had similar breakfast in calories but less protein.

Research 2: How Long It Takes Your Muscle To Be Visible

Have you ever wondered how long it would take for your muscles to start becoming visible? Based on what the researchers have studied, it takes around 20 days of heavy weights training in order for your muscles to start appearing. And if you continue exercising a certain body part, muscles can increase at least 0.2 percent a day. And given a period of time, the size of your muscles can be quite substantial.

Hopefully, these 2 research can help you reduce your waistline fast and progressively, you can start seeing results from your 20 heavy duty weights training workout. Before I sign off, remember that while all these research can be use as a reference, most important step is for you to make the first step and make that commitment to reduce your waistline and set a target. When the plan is in place, then you will take action.

Set a resolution to make Year 2008 to lose those belly fats, find ways to reduce waistline fast and challenge yourself to lose weight in our 60 days challenge. Let's all set our sights on throwing those oversize clothing away.

We are giving away 3 power-packed reports here for you to set your 2008 resolution to lose those belly fats in motion.

Medifast For Teens Or Kids? My Modified Version That Has Worked

Let me disclose right upfront that I am not a doctor, but I have lost almost 50 pounds on medifast. A couple of months ago, I was approached by a coworker who had three pretty overweight children, who frankly were approaching being obese. After seeing my results, and noticing that I'd been able to eat snack type foods, my coworker wanted to know if medifast could work for her kids and her teenage daughter.

There's not much data available on using the medifast diet on kids or teens and I knew that children are still growing so it probably was not a good idea to severely limit or restrict their calories. But I also knew that some of this diet's foods are very carb and snack like, and I knew that she was having trouble controlling the snacks that her kids ate. In particular, the kids were very fond of junk foods and candy.

A light bulb went off in my head. I figured maybe we could start with just encouraging the kids to eat a medifast bar, pudding or shake when they reached for a junk food snack. In essence, we were trading the high sugar, high calorie candy bars and fast foods for something equivalent from the diet's offerings. Since these kids snacked several times per day, we were saving a lot of calories this way. Initially, we left their regular meals alone, just using medifast as snack substitutes. We ordered one variety package (and are getting ready to order another) and this lasted us a good while and was not much more expensive than junk food.

The kids handled this pretty well. Luckily, most of the medifast snack foods are really good, so it was not a big stretch to eat a protein bar rather than a candy bar or medifast pudding or crackers rather than chips. We always made sure we took the food out of the wrapper so they didn't have to walk around advertising they were eating diet foods.

The kids started to see some results after only a few weeks. As their enthusiasm increased even more, we decided to see if we could replace more of their daily empty calories with medifast. However, we were very careful not to restrict their calories or food choices. Basically, we added one medifast element at every meal and had them eat that in addition to and before their regular meal.

For instance for breakfast we would offer them medifast oatmeal or eggs to start. They would eat that and then if they were still hungry they could eat their regular sugary cereal breakfast if they wanted. For lunch, they'd have the diet's soup or chili before they dove into the pizza or burgers. (We'd pack this in a thermos so no one knew they were eating diet food.) And we started preparing lean and green meals for dinner. We still let them eat a bit of their regular favorite foods at dinner, but just not nearly as much.

What we hoped would happen did. The kids got filled up on medifast so they didn't eat as much of their junk and low quality foods and they continue to see really dramatic results. The teen is now able to self regulate what she eats and has cut out a lot of junk. We still don't allow them to rely solely on the diet for their calories. That may be too drastic for kids, but the teen in particular is now making really good choices with the food that she eats in addition to medifast.

I think the reason this worked is because the medifast snack foods are really tasty and kid friendly and we never restricted what the kids ate. We never told them they couldn't have anything. We just had them eat medifast first. We were adding food instead of taking it away, but by doing this, they were actually eating less bad foods because they were filling up on medifast.

I would never advocate replacing medifast for a kid or teen's entire caloric intake. However, in this case, substituting the diet's foods for junk food snacks or poor food choices has been quite effective and much easier than I thought. My coworker is very grateful and is now on medifast herself.

Lindsey Price is approaching a 50 pound weight loss on Medifast. Learn how she helped three kids lose 80 combined pounds by clicking here to view the Kids And Teens Weight Loss Website

Groundbreaking Fat Burning Cardio Research Study - An Expert's Opinion

I've received a few emails about a "new groundbreaking fat loss study" and how it is supposed to burn fat faster than regular cardio (even though we know regular cardio sucks).

Researchers compared...

a) Doing a 60 minute bike (at 60% max effort) then recovering for 60 minutes


b) doing a 30 minute bike, resting 20 minutes, and then doing another 30 minute bike and then resting for 60 minutes. (both rides at 60% max effort).

The results showed...

i) The total calories burned between the workouts did not differ.

ii) more fat was burned during the recovery for the split workout (77% vs 56%).

What does this mean?

Jack squat.


First, why would i even consider doing either of the above when a 20-minute interval workout gets more results?

Second, who is going to do this?

Third, look at the actual numbers of fat calories burned...at most, it could be 50 extra calories. Again, useless in all practical terms.


Look for health clubs to be full of people sitting around for 20 minutes between cardio bouts...maybe clubs will start offering "recovery rooms" where people can sit for 20 minutes and read dry People magazines, instead of the sweat covered People magazines they are used to reading while doing their relatively worthless cardio workouts in the past.

Why am I so hard on cardio?

Because its a waste of time...

and now these researchers and the authors of these "news reports" want to waste even MORE of your life...

As I wrote recently...

A recent study published by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, subjects aged 40 to 75 were instructed to do 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day for 6 days per week for an entire year.

(Reference... Obesity 15:1496-1512 (2007). Exercise Effect on Weight and Body Fat in Men and Women. Anne McTiernan*, et al.)

Given the amount of exercise, you'd expect weight losses of 20, 30 pounds, or more, right?

Well, the surprise findings showed the average fat loss for female subjects was was only 4 pounds for the entire year, while men lost 6.6 pounds of fat over the year. That's over 300 hours of aerobic exercise just to lose a measly 6 pounds of blubber. Not time well spent, in my opinion.

*** Listen, you give 300 hours a year, and you'll lose a lot more than 6.6 pounds of fat...trust me on that. Heck, give me 300 hours a year and I could probably turn you into a Ninja, commercial airline pilot, and accomplished mime, and still help you burn more fat than you would with 300 hours of cardio.

Here's the best advice I can give you...

Ignore mass media news reports about fitness.

If anything worthy of note comes up, you'll hear it from me,

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fast fat burning workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Expert fat loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat burning help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Hoodia Feedback Encouraging

The hoodia feedback is encouraging, to say the least. It is sometimes a little funny to read people arguing back and forth at chat rooms about which hoodia diet supplement is the best. For instance, at one site I read a woman saying that product X was working great for her. To which a gentleman responded something like, You must be working for the company, because it does nothing for me. Her response; Im not working for the product X company; you must be working for a competitor. And back and forth they went.

If the hoodia feedback means anything, then Americans may have found a solution to their ever increasing waist lines. Not that some people in other countries could not benefit from a hoodia diet supplement, but the American weight problem is now recognized as a serious, chronic disease, according to the American Obesity Association. In the news we read that a major insurance company has increased coverage for obesity treatment and that a new government report finds surgery effective. Surgery seems like an extreme measure, but for some there is no choice. We can only hope that the hoodia feedback is true.

The most common statement made by people using a hoodia diet supplement is that they just do not feel like eating. They do not feel sick, nauseas, dizzy, nervous or light headed, but they do not think about food. A nurse from Alaska reported that at the end of a long shift, she realized that she had not eaten all day, but that she was not jittery, which is often the case with appetite suppressants that contain stimulants. Hoodia feedback does not indicate that anyone who is taking a 100% hoodia diet supplement feels any of the side effects associated with stimulants.

There are some hoodia diet supplements that do contain stimulants. Often, it is hard for the consumer to spot these. Most people are aware that caffeine is a stimulant, but so are green tea and cocoa. The most positive hoodia feedback comes from dieters using a 100% hoodia diet supplement and apparently the higher the dosage the better. A Desert Burn customer, who had used their 400mg product and lost 20 pounds, gained back 12 when she had to stop taking it due to an illness. When she was able to resume use, she chose the 750mg capsule and lost the 12 plus 5 more in about two weeks. These results seem amazing.

There is no standard dosage for a hoodia diet supplement and length of time to experience results varies among individuals. Some people realize that they are not hungry after the first dose, but for others it takes a few days. Hoodia XR, a 1000mg extended release capsule (meaning that the hoodia gordonii is released into the system gradually, rather than all at once) recommends that customers take the product as directed for ten days. If after ten days, a customer is dissatisfied for any reason, they may return the unused portion for a full refund. Hoodia feedback indicates that some people think that they may have been ripped off when they do not notice an immediate result, but if they continue to take the product, they do notice a difference in their appetites.

Doctors who have recorded the progress of patients using a hoodia diet supplement have noted that weight loss varies depending on the diet and exercise program the patient uses. Of course, including exercise increases success rates and pounds lost. Anyone who is considering using a hoodia diet supplement should be in reasonably good health and should consult their doctor before they begin. Hoodia feedback does indicate that most people are choosing to eat properly, because they can resist the high calorie, high fat foods that are everywhere and most hoodia customers are exercising more, feeling more energetic and pleased with their progress.

Patsy Hamilton is an editor of the Hoodia Info Blog. Visit us at http://hoodiainfo.blogspot.com