Lose Weight Obesity

Friday, May 23, 2008

FucoTHIN a Natural Weight Loss Solution

Are the unnecessary side effects of the majority of over the counter weight loss supplements making you wish there was an all natural alternative to not only breakdown fat, but also bump up your metabolism? If you are tired of the current weight loss options then you need to discover the marine algae derived weight loss supplement fcoTHIN.

The benefits of fucoTHIN tower the competitors in that the natural ingredients are safe, they are also clinically proven to defend cells, as well as support your metabolism. The natural ingredients include: Brown Seaweed (fucoxanthin) and Pomegranate Oil. When these individually helpful elements are mixed together they help you to manage weight loss by supporting a healthy metabolic rate.

You might be thinking how can brown seaweed help my health? It has been discovered that brown seaweed can help burn fat, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. With FcoTHIN we have separated the fucoxanthin to supply you with more concentration in a smaller amount. When isolated, fucoxanthin acts as a metabolism booster. Fucoxanthin is a strong antioxidant the gives you cells protection from free-radical damage.

Marine vegetables have long been known to have health benefits and have been used in many diets lately. It has also been found in epidemiological studies of Asian cultures that the ingestion of marine vegetables has aided in providing them with overall better health then compared cultures in surrounding areas.

Up until now we have known the benefits of brown seaweed, yet now we understand that fucoxanthin reacts with your body in the process of thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is a process in which you body will increase its metabolic rate and instead of depleting your daily energy, it will use up your internal stores of energy or fat storage. Fuco Thin focuses on the white adipose tissue (i.e. Belly fat, love handles, and other problem areas) and breaks down the fat deposits. This happens without the negative side effects of stimulating your central nervous system.

Being that it is a completely natural supplement you receive all the advantages of natures provisions, in a small powerful pill. In coherence with fucoxanthin, pomegranate oil interacts synergistically to promote natural thermogenesis.

If you still need convincing, 111 overweight females were submersed into a double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial of Fuco THIN. Participants were put on an 1800 calorie diet, and monitored over the next 18 weeks. In conjunction with the diet of 1800 calories, the group that took FcoTHIN lost 450% more weight than the people that took the placebo. On average the people that took FucoTHIN lost 14.5 pounds, where as the people that took the placebo lost only an average of 3 pounds. On top of that the clinical trial also proved that the supplement increased the base metabolic rate 18.25% without stimulating the central nervous system, and without any negative side effects.

With all of the products out there for weight loss, where can you locate a product that has no risks, and every benefit of a natural metabolism booster? We have arrived with the solution to this problem, the first of its kind weight loss supplement FucoThin is produced from the all natural ingredients brown seaweed and derived from algae. Being clinically proven to support your metabolism and defend cells, fcoThin is guaranteed to be safe, it's all natural blend has led it to tower over the competitors. Fuco thin by Garden of Life is a trully remarkable product!

Small Changes Build to Weight Loss

Does this sound familiar....you promise yourself that the next morning you'll totally revamp your food choices, exercise daily, and be successful with your diet plan? Has it worked long-term? If not, maybe you tried to do too much too quickly. It can be overwhelming to make big changes and expect them to stick. Why not try something different? Make small changes to your food choices and exercise. Small changes build to big weight loss success.

In working with my clients, a successful strategy in losing weight and keeping it off is to make one small change at a time. Do you reach the top of a staircase by a giant leap? No, you rise to the top one step at a time. The same for weight loss is to make small changes and allow them to build success one after the other. Before you know it, those changes create a momentum of success that move you forward to your weight loss goals.

1. Eat slowly and calmly. Enjoy the tastes and textures. Put your fork or spoon down between every bite. Intersperse your eating with enjoying the company of others joining you for the meal. Your brain has a delay to your stomach by about 20 minutes when it comes to the feeling of fullness and satisfaction. If you eat slowly enough, your brain will catch up to tell you that you are no longer in need of food.

2. Eat only when you're hungry. Sounds easy but can be challenging to differentiate between your head hunger and hear your stomach truly growling. It is amazing how often we eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, hobby, recreational sport, or frustration. Unfortunately for some of us that struggle with weight and food issues, we have actually forgotten what physical hunger and the cues feel like. Next time, wait until your stomach is growling before you reach for food. If you're craving a specific food, it's probably a craving, not hunger. It's probably your head that's hungry rather than your stomach. If you'd eat anything you could get your hands on, chances are you're truly physically hungry.

3. Out of sight, out of mind. The other day I found a surprise lurking in my refrigerator. It was a holiday treat from Thanksgiving that got pushed behind other items in the refrigerator. I'd forgotten all about this little treat put in the refrigerator because I didn't see it. Fast forward to how it looked today; it was petrified and looked awful. Seeing this Thanksgiving goodie that I'd kept that looked delicious in November to its current appearance was disgusting. It sure put the food choice into perspective. You aren't tempted if you don't see it. Even further, if you don't buy it or bring it home, you aren't tempted either. Keep your trigger foods out of your radar.

4. Empower yourself with the trash. Huh? My husband brought home leftover food from a work function he attended. It was not the best nutritional choice for anyone. Rather than keep it around, I threw it away. It felt so empowering to throw away the unhealthy food item. I chose the health of myself and my family over the temporary enjoyment of eating an undesirable food choice. You and your health are more important than any fleeting food fix

You don't have to undertake all of the changes in your lifestyle all at once. You've done that before. Did it result in long-lasting change? Probably not. Try something different. If you want different results, try it in a different way. Small changes build to big changes. Before you know it, you'll step on the scale and see your goal weight. Small changes can equal big success.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.

Visit Cathy's website: http://www.LoseWeightFindLife.com

Understanding Green Tea and Weight Loss

Obesity is a sickness that is hounding millions of Americans both young and old. If left untreated, obesity can lead to serious health complications including heart problems, diabetes, and even cancer. Because of this, Americans are prepared to spend thousands - even millions - just to solve this threat.

The newest answer

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a new alternative to weight loss is green tea. A popular drink used for thousands of years, green tea supposedly contains anti-oxidants that help combat bad cholesterol and decrease cancer risks.

Apart from that, green tea also helps in weight loss by decreasing your appetite, boosting your metabolism, and lowering your blood sugar levels. Because of these health benefits, green tea is now being marketed in different forms: as a drink, supplement, patch, and others.

Other health benefits

Apart from that, green tea also carries other health benefits, including:

Green tea helps inhibits fat absorption and helps glucose regulation - making green tea a recommended drink for diabetics.

Green tea may help reduce appetite - an experiment involving rats has shown that green tea helps decrease their appetite by as much as 60%.

The active ingredient

The active ingredient that helps green tea in its weight loss function is caffeine. Caffeine is a known agent responsible for weight loss. However, caffeine alone is not found in green tea. Green tea also contains other minerals and vitamins that work together to boost weight loss among people.

Side effects

But green tea is not the ultimate weight loss solution. Because of its caffeine content, green tea also bears some side effects. Too much caffeine can lead to high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and even vomiting. People who are pregnant and who have heart conditions should avoid taking green tea.

Apart from that, green tea products and extracts for weight loss such as pills and patches also contain other additives that can also bring side effects. Hence, ingredients must be carefully analyzed before purchase.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret

A Plan and Goals to Achieve Weight Loss Success

People everywhere are searching for a way to lose weight fast. Unfortunately there is no magic potion that will accomplish this with a simple pill or ten minutes of exercise per day. It can not happen overnight or even over a week. To be successful it should occur slowly and somewhat naturally. You must be prepared to adjust your eating habits and ensure you are getting adequate exercise.

You must keep in mind that you did not gain weight over those short periods therefore you can not expect the body to shed those pounds in that short period. Having said that though, there are some proven ways to help you achieve your weight loss goals relatively quickly and achieve very satisfying results.

Learn more about what these simple yet effective weight loss techniques require and how you can use them to achieve maximum results in the shortest practical period. You must be prepared to set goals. You will never lose weight fast unless you have a specific goal towards it.

Many people tend to jump into a quick exercise routine and a new diet without a weight loss plan or a goal. This is simply a recipe for failure and acceptance of the condition. How can you possibly reach your goal if you don't even know what the goal is? It is essential to success that the very first step towards losing weight is to determine a goal and a vision.

Do some research and some soul searching. Which dieting system and exercise routine will fit your needs? Many different approaches to diet can be successful. Many videos are available to guide you through an exercise routine that will work the appropriate muscles. Simply making use of these videos will provide encouragement and goals. The videos encourage and stimulate you to complete a workout that will be complete.

Always keep in your mind that you only get one body and you must learn to satisfy the needs to keep it healthy. In order to lose weight fast some people tend to jump from post to pillar. Through misguided or incomplete actions may find themselves thrown into an even unhealthier state due because they have not developed a systematic procedure conforming to a routine recommended by an expert in the field. As stated previously, before you start your weight loss program it is extremely important to understand your plan and goals. Be sure your plan is safe and healthy and follows a system recommended by experienced persons.

Don't give it up. Some people do not see any weight loss results within the first couple of months they start to train. There may be a lag initially and in fact it is quite normal to experience short term pauses in weight loss with even the most successful programs.

Always keep in mind that each body is different and it is not necessary that you produce the same weight loss results as someone else may have experienced. This can lead to a depressed attitude and defeat in the mind. You must maintain a positive attitude. This is important in any facet of your life.

A positive attitude may well be the very first thing you need to achieve in order to lose weight. Learn to concentrate on the workout and think positive results. This works for anything you want to achieve. Once you are getting it right you will see positive weight loss results. So what might be the real weight loss secret? My money says getting a good plan developed and gets you into a positive state of mind. Visualize a time in the future where you have lost some of that weight.

This will encourage you to move forward. Set a goal; get your mind to accept the fact that you are going to meet that goal. Go for it and succeed.

For more information about Weight Loss please visit http://www.eathappy-tgh.info/

To lose weight and get 6 pack abs please visit http://www.improvement-center.com/

Arizona Diet Eating Healthy Plan

So many diets so many choices what to pick? Well this Arizona diet eating healthy plan certainly looks promising with its green tea and ginseng.

If youve been looking for that extra push to loose those pounds the Arizona diet eating healthy plan is just what you need. This is an extract of green tea and ginseng and in case you havent guessed its a drink. Now how simple is that? And it gives you many more benefits than just helping you loose weight because both green tea and ginseng have many health benefits.

One of the reasons its so successful is that the ginseng contains polyphenols which help convert fats into heat energy which is called thermogenesis. Add green tea and you increase the bodys energy usage by 4% and this is all backed by studies. So with the Arizona diet eating health plan you give your body a substantial boost for burning up the fat and you havent even increased your activity level. In fact all on its own it translates to a loss of 10 pounds a month.

Your Arizona diet eating healthy plan includes green tea, ginseng, and a small amount of caffeine to increase your metabolism. There are no heart palpitations or other cardio problems. This is a formula that combined with healthy eating which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables will result in amazing grounds gained.

There is more great news relating to Arizona diet eating healthy plan and thats the reduction of cholesterol levels. Too many people are taking drugs like Lipitor which is a Stanton drug and can result in liver damage over time. But this formula can reduce cholesterol naturally and thats just a great buy!

When you take your Arizona diet eating healthy plan seriously you will discover that very quickly you begin to feel younger and more youthful as well as much healthier. Once again you get the health benefits as well as the weight loss benefits. Certainly a win-win all the way around.

The ginseng found in the Arizona diet eating healthy plan has many ways of promoting health. It enhances the immune system, lowers blood sugar levels, improves adrenal function, mental alertness and physical performance, and it reduces your risk of certain types of cancer. Combine all those benefits with a diet rich is fresh fruits and vegetables and youve got the makings for becoming very healthy as you loose weight.

There are so many different diets on the market and there are so many diet products that claim to be the one to help you shed those pounds. The difference here is that the Arizona diet eating healthy plan combines a drink with diet to give you the maximum benefits. Here you get the benefits of green tea and ginseng combined with a diet low in saturated fats and high in fiber and those pounds will be disappearing quickly but in a healthy manner.

So the next time you consider dieting consider the Arizona diet eating healthy plan that will have you slimmer and trimmer while leaving you healthier and feeling younger.

Get all the latest information about Healthy Diets from the only true source at http://www.1healthydietinformation.com

Be sure to check out our Diet Eating Healthy Plan pages.

Quick and Easy Weight Loss Program

Principle one: eat three meals a day

On this diet, make sure you eat regular meals three times a day, with no in-between snacks. This schedule puts the body on a rhythm of satiety and hunger. Overeaters Anonymous has found that this is the surest way to achieve weight loss and to stick to your diet long term.

One reason you may be continually tempted to overeat now is that you never really allow yourself to sense the difference between the feeling of hunger and the feeling of satisfaction. Instead, you become more psychologically attuned to when you want to eat, not when you need to. As a result, you eat at odd times...or snack constantly. This undermines both your health and your attempts to lose weight.

This diet's high-fat content will help balance your blood sugar, preventing cravings, energy dips, and mood swings. If you happen to be hypoglycemic, suffering from bouts of low blood sugar, you need higher levels of fat and lower levels of carbs at each meal in order to avoid drops in blood sugar. Extra fats will slow down digestion time, allowing you to go longer between meals.

  • On this diet, it is made sure that you're satiated in the morning, eating a nourishing and satisfying breakfast, such as:
  • Scrambled eggs with buttered toast or bacon
  • A smoothie containing coconut oil and whole-milk yogurt
  • Nourishing oatmeal with butter or cream
  • A cheese omelet
  • Smoked wild salmon with toast and butter or coconut oil

Principle two: eat traditional fats

Your brain, nerves, horomones, and all your body's intracellular communication systems require the right kind of fats to function. In addition, fats act as carriers of the key fat-soluble vitamins D,E,K and especially A, which boosts thyroid function and helps maintain a healthy metabolism. Thousands of years of evolution have trained your body to seek and absorb these nutrients from food, not vitamin pills. These vitamins are found mostly in animal fats; in fact, the only source of true vitamin A is animal fat.

Polyunsaturated vegetable oils are usually rancid (even if they taste fine), do not contain these vitamins, and have other harmful side effects as well. But if you've ever wondered why you crave fried foods, doughnuts, ice cream, chips, and a host of other greasy foods, the reason is simple. These cravings are your body's desperate attempt to get the fats and fat-soluble vitamins it needs to function smoothly. If you were eating good-quality fats containing these nutrients, you would not crave unhealthy foods containing the wrong kinds of fats.

Principle three: eat nutrient-dense foods

Obesity is actually a symptom of nutritional deficiencies; therefore food quality, and not just quantity, is key to successful weight loss. Nutrient-dense foods provide complete protein, healthy fats, and unrefined carbs, plus the vitamins and minerals your body needs to build, maintain, nourish, and heal all the cells in your systems. Remember: the higher the nutrient content of your food, the less you need to eat to satisfy your basic nutritional needs.

Principle four: restrict calories moderately, a little but not too much

Calorie restriction ensures that you don't take in more energy than you expend, but instead begin to use up your body's stores of fat. On the other hand, to restrict the amount of calories even more than the amount specified is to deny your body what it needs to perform vital functions. Extreme calorie restriction is tantamount to starvation. The body responds with cravings and, as a result, you may wind up bingeing or eating undesirable foods. Even if you have the willpower to maintain the calorie restriction, your body may react to this perceived emergency by storing fat and altering your metabolism for the worse.

The key here is to offset calorie restrictions by eating moderate amount of protein and, compared with other diets, a relatively high amount of fat to induce satiation. Remember, about two-thirds of the energy produced in the body by the food we consume is needed to support basic body functions: of the lungs, heart, liver and kidneys. Therefore you don't want to restrict calories below the minimum number needed to support the basic functions, plus the amount needed for all your normal activities.

The basic requirement from the vital body functions ranges between 1100 and 1800 calories, depending on your size, build, and sex. A woman who weighs 132 pounds, for example, needs about 1300 calories just to support basic body functions; one who weighs 154 pounds requires 1500 calories. She'll need about 500 to 700 additional calories for normal light activities and much more if she is very active.

Check out our Top 10 Diets. If you follow our diet plan, you will lose a pound a week. That's 50 pounds a year!

Anne Collins Weight Reduction Program

I was doing some research lately on the Internet and stumbled upon a website managed by Anne Collins. Her website is jam-packed with tons of information about her weight loss program, tips, resources, information, testimonials, products and anything you need to find out about losing weight. I was very impressed and decided that I had to bookmark this site and come back from time to time.

I am not endorsing her program because I have not tried it myself. However, I must give her credit for providing lots of information for her clients and visitors to make it a friendly site instead of one that is more commercial than enlightening. She does have a host of knowledgeable stuff, so it can be overwhelming to browse all at one time.

Her weight loss reduction program has peeked my interest. Her claim is that she has been helping people to lose weight for the past twenty-four years so her record speaks for itself. She provides a diet without the hunger and helps you to stay motivated during your dieting experience. She uses a system that offers support, no forbidden foods, no drugs or pills, but a permanent weight loss structure.

Cabbage soup and low carb diets are only temporary according to Ms. Anne Collins. With her system she offers to teach you how to make realistic and sustainable changes to your eating habits forever. You will learn an easy plan on how to improve your lifestyle that you will be able to maintain permanently.

Ms. Collins also provides a number of success stories with before and after photos to show the reality of how others have had weight loss success. She provides a book with her program that lays out what kinds of food you need to include on your shopping list as well as an exclusive private member site for a whole year where you will get on-going support from her and other members.

In her private member site, she provides weight charts, foods to eat, dieting tips, diet issues, exercise, nutrition and information about eating out. She claims that her program is approved by a Dr. Tina Ambury is a Very Experienced and Highly Respected Physician, who gives a testimonial on her website. When I got down to the end of her sales page, I was shocked that all she charges for the entire year is only $19.97, which computes to $0.38 per week. There is also a 60-day money back guarantee.

Ms. Collins must be doing well because her Page Rank is high and I think it may have a lot to do more with the numerous pages that she has of articles, resources and information. The information may be worth more than the program, but the point is that most people that give weight loss advice and offer different weight loss products think of it as a business. Not many people will actually do this for free, but when someone offers free information along with their product, they are to be commended even if it is for other ulterior motives.

Article written by Cheryline Lawson, author and owner of http://www.alkalinedietdetox.com

Fasting & Exercise To Control Your Weight

Fasting and Exercise have been a simple way for me to keep my weight in control. I am 5 3 and I keep my weight around 110 lbs. I am healthy and strong at age 67.

The program:

You choose when you want to fast

1. Once a week or

2. When you have over eaten and feel stuffed.

3. When you dont like how you feel or look.

4. When you are planning on eating out and want to be able to eat and enjoy without feeling guilty.

How do you fast?

Go without breakfast and lunch try to go from dinner to dinner a 24 hours period. If you do this regularly you shouldnt have to fast more than one day at a time. I have fasted for 3 days and the most a 5-day fast but that was only when I felt I was desperate and sometimes for health cleanses. Normally I fast only one day a week or when ever I feel I need to fast. Mostly I fast just once a month for one day.

Be Careful: When you break your fast dont start making up for all of the food you didnt eat by eating more than normal and making the fast a waste.

To help you fast:

1. Drink lots of water whenever you are hungry
2. Get use to the feeling of being hungry you can get to live with it and even like it because you are in control.
3. Dont get carried away with fasting. Do it in moderation and with reason. It is not necessary to have long fasts.
4. Have the right attitude. Feel excited about how you will feel when you get to where you want to be. Dont think of fasting as denying yourself but rather being good to you.

What are the benefits of fasting along with exercise?
1. You do feel free from the control food can have on you.
2. Your mind feels clear, you think better.
3. You like yourself better.
4. You stomach shrinks so youre not as hungry after fasting.
5. Fasting takes away your craving.
6. You loose weight!
7. You look good!


My exercise has been running two miles every second day (about 1/2 hour) and on the other days do about 10 to 15 minutes of weight training with 5lb weights and stretching exercises.

1. Choose whatever exercise you enjoy.
2. Try to do it first thing in the morning.
3. Do it regularly at least 3-4 times a day for at least hour.
5. If you can try to do some kind of exercise each day.
6. Dont let weather stop you. If its raining, exercise in the house or wherever you are. Create an exercise program that allows you to do some kind of exercise no matter what your circumstances are.
7. Exercise until you can feel it. Get your heart rate up and perspire.

Of course, controlling your food intake is important but with this program I seem not to get out of control with my eating. I eat normally and very seldom over indulge. It seems this program helps me be in control and not to have any food addictions.

I am 67 years old and have been able to keep my weight in control with this program. It is simple. It allows you to stop weight gain before it gets a hold of you. As with all weight and exercise programs they must be done with wisdom and approval from your Doctor.

Eva Fry's mission is to help others become better and happier. She is an inspirational author, singer/songwriter/ motivational speaker and seminar leader. Eva has published three books - "YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM" -for seniors, "BE A WINNER IN LIFE"-for good kids, troubled kids and their parents. "LETTERS FROM JUVENILE HALL, KIDS HELPING KIDS" (Actual letters from kids at Juvenile Hall, intended to save other kids from destroying their lives) She invites you to use the FREE ARTICLES she has written for: at- risk kids Also FREE ARTICLES of inspiration to help meet life's challenges. http://www.evafry.com She has produced 7 Music CD's

Remember (new music for seniors), Oh What Joy Christmas The Little Things (inspirational country), I Love Living The Teachings of The Lord (Gospel/Christian) Savior of Mine (Christian) God Gave You Intelligence (for children)

Classical Style (instrumental)

Her music and books can be purchased at http://www.evafry.com Her books can also be ordered at any bookstore.

Her articles have been published, all over the world.

Weight Loss Supplements That Work

When approaching the idea of taking a weight loss supplement, it's important to keep in mind that there's no magic pill that will give you immediate results and do the work for you. With that in mind, there are some supplements on the market that can enhance your weight loss, as long as you're watching your diet and working out.

CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, is a weight loss supplement that inhibits the body's ability to store fat. It aids this process in numerous ways, but mainly by prompting the body to use stored fats as energy by breaking down fats stored in fat cells and returning them to the blood stream for immediate use.

Thermogen is a weight loss supplement that turns calories into heat rather than turning them to fat. It increases the metabolism and reduces the conversion of carbohydrates to fat. It is a stimulant so it can increase anxiety and nervousness, so you may not want to take it if you are already prone to these symptoms.

Pyruvate is a weight loss supplement that enhances fat loss by prioritizing transport of nutrient to muscle cells instead of fats cells. This can give you better energy and smaller fat stores. Pyruvate also improves metabolism and insulin sensitivity which, as we know, will really aid your effort to lose weight.

Whey protein shakes are the most efficient way to get protein without the calories or fat of eating meats. Drink one or two a day in the mid-morning and about an hour before dinner are the best take to have them. Keep in mind that whey isn't good for all people. If you are lactose intolerant or experience bloating or cramping, try soy protein instead.

Fiber is another great natural supplement to aid weight loss. It naturally fills makes you feel full as it slowly passes through the small intestine, so you can eat less and still feel satisfied. While fiber comes in drink mixes and pills, doctors recommend you get most of your fiber from foods that naturally contain it such as cereals and vegetables.

Green tea is great for you due to its high antioxidant content, but it also helps you lose weight by increasing your metabolism thus stimulating your body to burn fat. You can take green tea naturally or in a pill supplement. Green tea's combination of caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate triggers production of the noradrenaline hormone known to boost the metabolism and suppress hunger pangs.

When these supplements are stacked along side an aggressive work out and diet regimen, you should see some strong results. Just remember not to take the pill and sit back and wait for it to do the work.

Kelly Lester is committed to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.

Weight Loss Motivation - Weight Loss Is All In The Mind!

Ever wondered why people fail at weight loss? Why people fall off the wagon as they say? Its not because they seriously can't do it or that the exercise program was to difficult its all down to one thing and that's motivation.

A major component within your body to assist in losing weight is your mind and what you are thinking. Your mind believe it or not controls your actions whether it be "saying no to that extra helping of ice cream" or "making you believe you can't achieve". This is what puts a sudden stop to most peoples weight loss plans.

Actions you carry out can change the way you think about things but most importantly have your mind thinking what you want it to think while keeping you motivated to carry on. When losing weight the biggest motivational kick is witnessing the results staring back at you in the mirror and the feeling of achievement at the way you have changed your body.

But when you stare in the mirror and don't see the results you expected staring back at you it is enough to have you throwing in the towel. So what can you do to avoid this and keep you motivated?

Setting realistic goals is a huge way of keeping you motivated. If you look at it realistically and aim to lose weight slowly and surely you will stay ahead of the game. Nobody can lose weight overnight and as soon as you set an unrealistic target that you can never achieve that is when you are most likely going to throw in that towel.

So look at your lifestyle and your fitness levels and aim for realistic targets every month and this will keep you fulfilled. Whether it be 1 pound a week or 4 pounds a week make sure it's a goal you can achieve with hard work.

Keep a diary!

Diaries are full of motivational kicks and I'm sure if you have read through success stories on the internet or in books they will make you feel excited at what you can achieve. So why not go one better and keep a diary of your success story! Keep food diaries and exercise diaries and even photographs along the way. At any time when you feel disappointed with your results refer back to your diary and what you have achieved so far and I guarantee that feeling of excitement will return at what you can really get out of your body.

Diaries are essential packed full of results and previous goals in which you have achieved while allowing you to look at what you once were and what you have grown into today.

It's a fact though that a lack of motivation in anything not just weight loss can destroy any chance of you reaching your goals. By incorporating two little techniques into your routine it not only maximises the odds of you achieving but also reminds you not to forget what you have already achieved and how far you have come.

Most importantly keeping you effectively one step ahead of your mind.

Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. In my exclusive review of Mike Geary's book, The Truth About Six Pack Abs, you will discover that YOU CAN lose all the weight you ever dreamt of...and how to get your OWN sexy flat stomach with ease...but only if you know this one secret...find out more here: http://trustusreviews.com/Truth_About_Abs_Review.php

3 Keys To Washboard Abs

While my primary focus (and recommendation) is strength training for the sake of gaining functional strength, there's no denying that a majority of people want to know how to get washboard abs. Male or female, washboard abs are often a big fitness goal.

So, here's a basic overview of how to get washboard abs, broken down into three elements: Nutrition, strength training, and cardio. Now before you take off, this won't be all the same stuff you've already read a hundred times - and will offer some tips you can use now.


The first and most important element in losing the fat covering your abs is your diet. You have to eat well. It's not as difficult as you may think, and you don't have to starve yourself. Even a simple change resulting in 300 fewer calories a day will make a difference when combined with the other two elements discussed below.

For a simple start, here are a few (simplified) tips:

  • Stop drinking your calories (cut out soft drinks)
  • Eat less white food (cut back on processed carbs)
  • Eat more fruits & veggies
  • Eat enough lean protein (aim for 1 gram per two pounds of bodyweight)

Just remember, it's much easier to NOT eat that piece of cheesecake than it is to burn it off later!

Strength Training

The absence of strength training is a major problem with a lot of weight loss programs. In addition to building strength, strength training also firms, tones, and builds your muscles. By building muscle, you naturally raise your metabolism. Muscle uses more calories than fat, so more muscle means more fat burning - even at rest. And don't worry ladies, you won't bulk up. For the average female, washboard abs often aren't the goal - just a slim tummy. That's OK, the process is the same.

For a strength training workout, stick with mulit-joint full-body exercises when possible. I recommend circuit training. Circuit training allows you to get a great strength workout in a short period of time, while burning calories very effectively. It's perfect if your goal is to firm up. However, it's not optimal if you're really trying to gain strength or muscle mass, which would call for more specified programs.

On to some exercises for washboard abs. You don't need to do crunches 'til the cows come home. That's not how to get washboard abs. In fact, don't do crunches or situps. Start with simple drills like the plank, side plank (and their variations), bird dog, etc. If you train with kettlebells, the Turkish Get-Up and windmill are excellent exercises.


Last but not least is the cardio element. I don't like that terminology, but we all know what it means. Basically, it involves getting your heart rate up for a period of time, exercising the heart and lungs, and burning fat.

However, forget about hanging out on the treadmill or stationary bike for an hour. There's a better way - interval training. Interval training consists of mixing brief high-intensity activity with brief periods of rest. Tests have shown that interval training can be up to TWICE as effective as traditional cardio.

Here's a sample interval training workout:

  • Warmup (5 minutes)
  • Jog on treadmill (2 minutes)
  • Sprint on treadmill (1 minute)
  • Repeat Jog/Sprint set 3-5 times
  • Cooldown (walk for 5 minutes)

Your sprint time should be very intense, where your jog time should be a very relaxed pace. The idea is to put out an all-out effort (for your fitness level) for a short period, followed by an active rest period until you've just about caught your breath, then back to the all-out effort. A great deal of the effectiveness of interval training comes from repeatedly shocking your system in this way.

It's the combination of these three elements that will help you meet your goal of washboard abs. Good abs come from firm muscle and low body fat. The strength training aspect offers the muscle, while the nutrition and cardio work together to control your calories, dropping your body fat. In addition, the strength and cardio elements can often be combined, making for shorter workouts than traditional programs - and they can be done at home.

Finally, keep in mind that a nice-looking body will come naturally from a lifestyle of good nutrition and exercise. In other words, if you make your goal health and strength, the looks will be a natural, welcome side effect!

Sign up for the free newsletter and get your FREE COPY of the original Turbulence Training 4-Week Program at my Benefits of Interval Training blog.

Jason Casey has had an interest in functional strength and fitness for over 20 years. Find books, DVDs and product reviews on kettlebell training, functional strength, circuit training, interval training, and weight loss at http://www.nostinkinggym.com - for regular folks who like to work out at home.

Abdominal Fat Burners

Having a pot belly or love handles is not something that you would wish for. This extra weight is unattractive and is difficult to lose. It is not uncommon for many people with extra weight around their midsection to think about how to lose this abdominal excess. Resorting to crunches and sit-ups will not solve this problem. These exercises help sculpt and shape abdominal muscles. They do not, however, burn fat.

Exercising alone won't help you lose this extra weight. The problem with abdominal fat is that you want to lose it fast. The best way is to try abdominal fat burners. One effective way to accomplish this is by walking for thirty to forty-five minutes on a daily basis. It is especially helpful to do this following dinner. This will help you lose weight more quickly.

Dinner should be you last large meal of the day. This means that you need to act quickly before it gets stored as fat. Walking after you eat dinner is a very effective fat burner. You can begin by walking for less time and build up gradually. Walking is low impact, helps oxygenate your blood, calms your nerves and of course, assists in weight loss. Walking is available to almost everyone and can become a lifelong routine.

When you take dinner it will be your last huge meal for the day which means you need to act on it fast before it gets stored as fat. Walking after your dinner is an effective abdominal fat burner which you can start off with spending less time walking and then working your way up gradually as you get used to the routine.

Changing your eating patterns is also an effective method to burn abdominal fat. Contrary to popular belief, complex carbohydrates are extremely effective in losing abdominal fat. Whole grains, when well chewed, burn more slowly and evenly than protein. Whole grains are also effective in cleaning out the intestinal tract without any harmful side effects.

The body has natural fat burners but due to unhealthy eating habits, they become slower, dysfunctional and even dormant. In order to lose weight again, they need to be kick started into action.

Implementing just these two lifestyle changes alone, eating whole grains and walking, will be a great start in consistent and effortless weight loss. They are also effective in burning abdominal fat.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/natural_food_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

The Effects of an Atkins Diet on Hi Cholesterol

Although a lot of fatty and protein rich foods are eaten on the Atkins diet program, the program tends to have a positive effect on cholesterol. Your cholesterol levels wont increase; in fact, Atkins diet can bring down cholesterol because it heads to improvements in the good cholesterol (HDL). Some of the dietary options on an Atkins diet program are naturally hi in bad fat, and heads to fears about the risks of body malfunction. However, the Atkins diet program has clearly indicated to have no side results on hi cholesterol levels. Bringing down level of cholesterol when practicing the Atkins diet is thought to be link with the result of losing body fat.

In contradiction to results detected on a low-fat diet, hi cholesterol levels demonstrate greater results on Atkins diet. Also, there are no studies that have established the long-term effects of the Atkins diet on hi cholesterol. Overall, it is mostly believed that the Atkins diet increases good cholesterol levels and lowers bad cholesterol levels (LDL) on a short-term basis. The Atkins diet is known as a moderately healthy and effective diet for a short-term basis, but it should not be applied as a life plan for a lot of persons. The longer the diet is observed, the higher the risk of diseases and other health problems. The same can be said for any diet that restrains entire food groups.

Is the Atkins Diet a Hi Cholesterol Diet Program?

When considering the core value of the diet and the base of the food pyramid, the Atkins diet is without a doubt a hi cholesterol diet. Also, as a short-term plan it does not bring up cholesterol levels; instead it increases the amount of good cholesterol in the body and rectifies the ratio of HDL to LDL. As a long-term diet, the Atkins plan can have a certain amount of unwanted effects like increasing heart and hi cholesterol.

As the body produces most of the cholesterol in your system, it makes little difference to leave it out completely from your eating behaviours. While it can be realizable to minify cholesterol levels by correcting your eating habits, completely eliminating saturated fat and cholesterol is not the solution, and can actually lead to further health problems.

For more free information aboutthe effects of an Atkins Diet on Hi Cholesterol, please, visit my webpage:


The author is not a doctor, consult a specialist before starting any new diet plan.

Lift Weight To Lose Weight

Have you lost weight on a diet, only to regain it? Do you know which exercises will help you lose weight and keep it off?

Strength training, also called lifting weights, is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and tone up.

Why is strength training such an effective exercise for weight loss?

You build lean muscle, which actively burns calories day and night.
When you strength-train, your body burns more calories after you finish exercising than cardio exercise alone would.
Your muscles stay challenged.
Your body gets toned and curvy, the way you want it to look.

Lean muscle versus fat.

The main component of the weight loss puzzle is the first point: strength-training develops lean muscle tissue in the body.

Muscle is always working. Muscle is always burning calories. To burn more calories, you should gain lean muscle tissue.

Unlike muscle, fat is inactive tissue. It just sits on your body, parked, taking up space, looking unattractive!

Starting a Strength Training program.

If you have no experience using weights or resistance equipment, you will want to hire a personal trainer or fitness instructor. They can develop a program to meet your goals, and show you how to exercise properly.

If you do not use the equipment properly, you can injure yourself. Plus, it is unlikely you will meet your goals if you use incorrect technique.

Reps, Sets and Weight.

The amount of weight you will use per each exercise depends on the muscles you are using. Larger muscles, like thighs and back muscles, can take more weight. Smaller muscles, like triceps and rotator cuff muscles, usually require lighter weight.

Always check the weight before attempting to lift it, when you use a weight stack machine!

After your have selected your weight (your amount of resistance, i.e.), next prepare to perform 8-10 repetitions. If you are not feeling challenged by your fourth repetition, then try the next heavier weight. It should feel quite difficult by the eighth repetition.

As you practice your new routine, you will be able to use more weight and do fewer repetitions.

Perform at least 2 sets of each exercise. After a few weeks of diligent practice, you may perform 3 sets of each exercise.

If you are comfortable with the exercises, you may prefer to do 4-8 repetitions per set instead of 8-10. Again, you should be feeling challenged by the fourth repetition of each exercise. Otherwise, the weight is too light for you.

Like any new habit to improve your health, surround yourself with experts who can answer your questions, and practice!

For articles, video and exercise programs for weight loss, Join the Members' Zone at http://www.SupportandCoaching.com

Nina Schnipper is a personal trainer and massage therapist in Basalt Colorado, at Higher Spa & Studio (http://www.HigherSpa.com). She specializes in post-pregnancy exercise, and natural therapies for pain relief and injury recovery.

When she's not relieving pain or creating stronger bodies, Nina enjoys hiking, camping, backpacking, running, full-moon snowshoe hikes, and bluegrass music.

Medifast Diet Plan Review - Real Weight Loss

The Medifast Diet has gotten lots of press lately; and for good reason. Its been shown to be very successful at its stated goal of assisting with relatively quick and comfortable weight loss.

The diet program involves almost complete meal replacements. These replacements are custom designed for maximum nutrient content as well as low calories (naturally). Their usual diet plan involves using these meal replacements 5 times day, as well as having one "lean and green" meal each day that you prepare yourself; which typically is comprised of some veggies and a lean piece of meat. The meal replacements come in many varieties of shakes, bars, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, soups, puddings, etc. You don't go hungry since you are eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours.

The Medifast weight loss solution has been shown to be effective by many studies. It's more appropriate for someone who wants to lose more than twenty pounds; since such an extensive use of replacement meals is a significant lifestyle change. But if you want to lose more than 20 lbs, then this may be the answer. Because your food intake is so controlled; you basically cannot help but lose weight. 5 lbs a week is typical.

After reaching your goal, the next phase of the program kicks in - 'Transition'. Here you are re-introduced to regular foods, but in a planned way so that you can keep your new weight. After transitioning back to your own foods; the 'Maintenance' program activates, which is designed to help you make healthy food choices and get appropriate exercise.

The best thing to do is to have a look at their site (linked below) and go from there.

For details see The Medifast Diet

A Secret To Lose My Belly Fat

You used to go to the gym after work, but since many years now you get bothered or you don't have the money to join the gym. Whatever your reason exercising at home is a very viable way to improve your health. There are many things you can do. You can walk around the house. You can even do exercises to tone your muscles. Look around your house. You'll see many things you can use to exercise.

But you have to know that losing weight is an art, and if you want real results you have to follow a program that has made such evidence in the field. You also need to learn the right exercises. I recommend that you start with bodyweight exercises if you are a beginner. 30 minutes of exercise does help you lose weight and keep in shape. Start today and in only several weeks, you will see results.

But don't forget getting started involves more than just excercising the first day. There are many who do this and never return. The key in getting started is to make it a part of your lifestyle and a habit. Also

one of the biggest mistakes people make when they start an exercise program is they reduce the amount of activity they do for the rest of the day. They think "I've already done my exercise for the day" and they sit on the lounge. To really lose that weight you need to make sure that you remain active for the rest of the day. Don't spend the rest of the day in bed or on the couch!

The turbulence training fat loss program will show you the proper way to use your body to burn fat.

There are countless "weight free" exercises that will help you to burn fat, gain muscle and get a great workout at the same time.

to learn more about exercise and how to be in better shape, just visit http://turbulencetrainingnew.blogspot.com

Fastest Way To Lose Weight Naturally

Today i am going to tell you the fastest way of losing weight.The main thing is to start your weight loss program in a proper way.Always visit a weight loss expert before starting losing weight so that he can recommend you a program which suits your body type.Your weight loss goals should always be realistic it means that you should give yourself enough time for achievement of a specific goal.

Never put too much restrictions it means that you should not cut off a particular component from your diet for example fats.It is a myth that completely cutting of fat from your diet will give you fastest results your daily diet should contain small quantity of fats as your body needs some healthy fats for common metabolic processes in your body.The fastest way for losing weight is increasing your metabolic rate.How you can increase your metabolic rate?Your metabolic rate can be increased in many ways for example you should eat small frequent meals instead of three big meals.Try to find some information about yoga as there are some especial postures in yoga which stimulate the secretion of thyroid gland which is responsible for increasing our metabolic rate.

If you want to lose weight fast you have to drink plenty of water.Water works as a cleaner in your body as it washes out all the harmful toxins.If you will drink at least seven to eight glasses of water per day this will be a great help for you in losing some extra pounds.

There are many people online promising fast weight loss with the help of supplements ,pills and diet programs but i think that natural way is the fastest way of losing weight.The most important thing is that you should enjoy your program when you are trying to lose some extra pounds.Try to find some benefits of exercise and healthy diet this will be a great motivation for you.You can invite your friends to join you in your daily work out.You do not have to exercise intensely for losing weight.Moderate activity is key to success.

Jitesh Arora regularly writes about weight loss, diet and exercise.If you want to know some more tips to lose weight visit http://jitu-doctor123.blogspot.com

Quick Weight Loss Tips - How to Avoid Overeating at Restaurants and Official Events

Let me ask you this question - have you ever had an official event get in the way of your weight loss effort? For example, you spend two weeks on a diet. You're starting to lose weight at last. You're no longer afraid to face yourself in the mirror. And then you get invited to a company dinner, where you are served with a five-course meal - and a dessert!

You can't refuse to eat, because you'll get funny looks from your coworkers. But if you work your way through the entire dinner, you'll deal a massive blow to your diet. And even if you promise yourself not to eat more than one or two meals, we both know you'll break that promise later. How do you handle this? Well, as a matter of fact, in this article I will show you three tried-and-true ways of keeping your diet no matter what your waiter serves!

1. Eat Your Meals Slowly

Company events are an occasion for networking rather than dining. Therefore, spend more time talking than eating. Research shows that it takes your stomach 20 minutes to tell you that it's full. As such, the more time you spend talking, the sooner you will feel satiated - and you will eat MUCH less! Better yet, your coworkers won't ask you any annoying questions. No one wants for being too obsessed with weight loss to eat.

2. Eat Well Beforehand

The best way to make sure you don't go on a binge at a dinner is to eat beforehand. If your stomach is full, you will feel less incline to eat at the event. However, make sure that you eat something healthy - salad leaves are great for making your stomach feel full with practically no calories involved. Also, avoid exercising before such an event, since working out tends to make you hungry immediately afterwards and can lead to a dinner binge.

3. Keep Drinking

Let's get something straight - I'm not talking about alcoholic drinks here. But water is great for filling your stomach for a short period of time. You will feel less hungry and, as a result, less tempted to eat all you can during the dinner. Another good way to prevent a binge is to allow yourself a few sandwiches during the dinner. Have a few whole-grain buns. They're reasonably healthy in moderate amounts and don't have that many calories.

As you can see, corporate dinners or parties do not have to be a diet killer! By following those three simple steps, you will make sure that you can still spend a productive (and, hopefully, fun!) evening with your coworkers without totally ruining your diet.

For more weight loss tips, please check the site in my signature. You'll be amazed how easy it is to take control of your weight in record time.

To YOUR Weight Loss Success

George Chernikov

Download your free Weight Loss Report here and sign up for 121 free, proven and effective weight loss tips that will burn your fat faster than a greased lightning! Co-authored by George Chernikov, 121 Weight Loss Tips provides $500,000 of weight loss information free of charge. If you look like a Sumo wrestler after a calorie-intensive diet, then you really can't afford to miss out these free tips!

Why Flip Flops Are The Greatest Sandal

The flip flop sandal is a sole that attaches to the foot with a v-shaped thong that attaches on either side of the foot and between the big toe and the second toe. There is no strap at the back of the foot, so the sandal moves up and down against the foot as you walk. This action gives the sandal the name flip flop for the action. It is primarily footwear for warm beaches and pool sides. They originate from Japanese woven sandals that caught on in New Zealand.

Flip flops are popular among young males and females. They can be worn with any combination of clothing because of their simplicity. The typical outfit includes jeans and flip flops along with almost any top. In warm climates, they are everyday attire to some people's dismay. It appears that flip flops are seen as the most informal form of footwear. This was made a public issue in 2005 when Northwestern University's women's lacrosse team won the national championship and was asked to visit the white house. Their attire included flip flops, which was the subject of many news reports there after. It was concluded that flip flops had made there presence known much like when blue jeans first emerged in the mainstream acceptability.

For everyday wear, flip flops are criticized for falling apart, particularly where the strap between the toes meets the sole. This is due to the fact that they are originally a beach shoe that was not worn on a regular basis. Anyone who wished to wear flip flops everyday could purchase new ones regularly because of their inexpensive pricing. Today, there are many flip flops of better quality and do not fall apart for many years. This quality has also helped the sandal become an everyday piece of footwear.

Besides style, flip flops serve purposes of health concerns. When wearing flip flops there is a much less chance of getting a fungal infection like athlete's foot. It has also become standard footwear of military soldiers and college students in communal showers where it also offers protection against fungal infection. The flip flop is a sandal that has stood the test of time, and it appears that they are here to stay for now.

Find more great information about sandals at http://www.sandalsres.com/