Lose Weight Obesity

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hoodithin - Weight Loss Made Easy?

For those of us who are struggling with unwanted pounds and have to resort to dieting, the challenges of staying with the diet or weight loss plan are apparent. Hunger pangs, cravings for comfort food, and finding yourself constantly thinking about just a 'tiny bit of real food' and eventually being unable to stick to the chosen plan of action - is an all too familiar outcome.

Well, there is no need for despair! Hoodithin, an all natural herbal weight loss supplement, available on the market today, helps to overcome those unpleasant feelings, associated with being on a restricted diet. Hoodithin is a liquid extract of Hoodia Gordonii, an African cactus plant, that was extensively researched and proved to be an effective appetite suppressant. It tricks the brain into thinking that your stomach is full, thus preventing hunger bouts and cravings. The supplement has no known side effects and considered to be completely safe to use within suggested dose.

One may wonder how long it takes to see weight loss results when using the hoodia supplement. As per manufacturers of Hoodithin, it could vary from person to person, as well as frequency and amount taken. On average, you should see the difference within 2 weeks of consistent use.

There are many Hoodia products advertised and sold on the market. One should keep in mind, though, that the liquid extract of Hoodia plant is considerably more potent and fully absorbed, compared to the pill, providing faster and more efficient way to fight off hunger and unpleasant feeling of food deprivation. Another advantage being that liquid ingredients require no fillers, binders or other added ingredients - capsules/tablets often contain other ingredients and the percentage of actual pure Hoodia can be quite small. Hoodithin, the 100% pure hi-potency liquid extract of Hoodia is actually the only Hoodia product in history to have been featured on Oprah, MSNBC, CBS, 60 Minutes and the BBC.

For an overview and other informative articles on Hoodithin and liquid Hoodia please visit http://hoodithinreview.net

Why the NEW Herbal Clean bHIP Energy Drink Works For Weight Loss

bHIP Energy Weight Loss Benefits:

* Only 24 Calories.
* 1 Gram Fiber Provides Feeling of Fullness / Reduces Food Cravings
* B Vitamins for Energy
* Amino Acid Stack for Optimal Protein Synthesis
* Powerful Herbal Supplements for Metabolism Boosting
* Green Tea Catechins Enhance Lipid Metabolism / Stimulate Thermogenesis

Individuals involved in weight loss programs often feel fatigued, irritable, and experience headaches.


Your body becomes accustomed to your average daily caloric intake. When you begin decreasing caloric intake, additional stress is placed on your body as it attempts to adapt and become more efficient by increasing your metabolic rate. The result? Fatigue, irritability, and often times - headaches.

During this time it is more essential than ever to provide your body plentiful amounts of pure nutrients required for energy and vitality. Adequate hydration is also essential. Many energy drinks on the market contain high levels of caffeine and other known diuretics, which dehydrate your body. This places strain on your heart while additionally reducing your bodies ability to rid itself of toxins and other harmful chemicals.

bHIP Energy is a scientific breakthrough for those serious about obtaining their desired weight loss goal. bHIP's herbal clean blend of organic herbs, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids is scientifically formulated to infuse, hydrate, and instantly replenish energy at the cellular level with zero interference from artificial caffeine, stimulants, sugar, or by-products.

bHIP Energy promotes Thermogenesis and Boost Fat Metabolism through green tea catechins and guarana. Green tea catechins promote weight loss by favorably affecting lipid metabolism in the blood, and through the stimulation of thermogenesis. Guarana provides a time-released energy that increases and boosts fat metabolism.

Simply mix bHIP Energy Blend with 8 oz of water and enjoy a pure source of hydrating nutrients your body requires to reach your desired weight loss goal. Don't allow the lack of essential nutrients and proper hydration to circumvent your weight loss results.

Enjoy bHIP's 'Time Released Energy' throughout your day and instantly start your path to a happier, healthier, more efficient - fuel burning machine!

Visit http://www.NutritionalScience.bhipglobal.com for more information.

Weight Loss 4 Idiots Reviews, Complaints and Questions

Weight loss 4 idiots, also known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is a widely used diet plan. As such, it's best if you were aware of common complaints and questions about this diet. So here are some Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews and information.

1. You should know that Weight Loss 4 Idiots has a fruit day. Some people don't like it one bit and find it hard to stick to. And indeed it's not the easiest thing in the world. However, each 11 days cycle of this diet only has one such day, so you should be able to tough it out.

2. This diet requires to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Again, some people find it difficult to do, though I recommend it regardless of the diet since it's very healthy.

3. Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews from people who used this diet are overall positive, yet some people do fail with this diet. It's not 100% foolproof.

4. This diet does not revolve around exercise, yet you need to take frequent walks to increase the calorie burning rate and to accelerate your weight loss pace.

5. Weight Loss 4 Idiots does not build muscle tissue as it does not involve weight training. This is a strict nutrition based diet.

6. This diet wasn't made specifically for diabetics although some do very well with it.

7. Weight Loss 4 Idiots allows you to choose your favorite food items from a list of items, so you can create a menu which is composed of things you like to eat.

I hope this Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews has helped shed some light on this diet for you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with Weight Loss 4 Idiots.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Weight Loss 4 Idiots review and testimonials

Natural Fast Weight Loss

Obesity is quickly becoming an epidemic with 65% of Americans being overweight. Men and women alike have tried to various diets with some degree of success, only to gain it all back or more. With the increase of our body fat is the increase in health risk from diabetes, high cholesterol, to heart disease.

With obesity on the rise people are taken notice, along with health gurus with new diets or pharmaceutical companies with a new pill to aid in weight loss. Let's not forget all the infomercials with the latest exercise equipment either. None of these are needed. You just need 3 things for natural fast weight loss: change in the food you eat, cardio and exercise.

First of all, this isn't a diet. It is a lifestyle change. As said before, most diets tend to fail because, once you are off of the diet, you think you can go back to how you lived and everything will be ok. Wrong. Unless you change things in your life and maintain it, it will all creep back and the diet was nothing but a waste of time.

So getting started the best thing to do is keep a diary of you daily intake of food. By doing so, you will see everything you eat and how it all adds up. Second, when you shop for food, try to stick to the outside of the grocery. All the processed food is usually contained in the middle of the grocery and along the outside, you'll usually find fruits, vegetables and breads. Of course, you may have to venture in for spices and other things of the like. If you do buy any, be careful of the processed foods you buy. As they are processed, they tend to lose nutritional value.

When keeping a diary, keep track mainly of the calories. It doesn't matter how it is added up, 3500 calories equals one pound added to the body. The more you put in the more you need to burn off. Sure to eat less helps, but eventually the body will take over thinking it is being starved and stores more of your intake as fat to preserve itself. The correct way to do it is to slowly decrease your intake and find ways to burn extra calories throughout the day.

This is where cardio comes in. Yes, most people hate to do it but it is necessary to burn extra calories to lose the excess weight. There are many options here you can choose. Running, bike ride, aerobics or a treadmill just to name a few. If you can find something you like then cardio will be easier for you, but you will need to do something if you want to lose the excess weight.

Lastly is exercise, and no cardio is not exercise. Here you must be careful depending on how you wanna look when you wanna loose the weight. Most men wouldn't mind wanting to add a little more muscle to their frame, but not most women. Adding muscle isn't necessarily a bad thing. Yes, muscle weighs more than fat, but burns more fat by increasing the bodies metabolism rate. For those who don't mind some added muscle, you could always try some kind of weight training program. For those just looking to tone up their body you can go with weights but keep the weight low and your reps high. Or you can try various band or cable exercises.

When keeping weight loss in mind, it isn't always the scale that is your judge. The mirror is a better tale of your weight loss. Losing the weight is one thing but looking good when it is gone is another.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Home Fitness.

Fast Fat Loss

Because of the increasing demand for techniques to effectively lose fat, several diet plans are being introduced almost without end. You are given too many options to choose from just for one need. Since, each method guarantees amazing results; you end up trying one procedure after another. In truth, the only thing you need to know in picking the right diet plan for you is understanding your body and what it actually needs.

Fast Fat Loss is another revolutionary system for losing fat. It is a very simple and practical way to significantly lose fats. Fast Fat Loss, in fact, promises to help you lose up to 9 pounds in a matter of eleven days. Who would not be lured to try this recently established fat loss program?

A Software is used to generate the menu for you for the next eleven days, which you need to strictly follow. And after you have completed the 11-day diet plan, you will have the chance of eating all you wish to gulp down within three days. This way, you are given time to prepare for another 11 days of following a specified pattern of eating. You can continue with this diet program for until you reach the desired body weight.

The idea sounds so convincing but many who have tried Fast Fat Loss were not very satisfied. Since the program guaranteed a 9 pounds weight loss within eleven days, people expected to get the same result. However, the result may vary depending on individual body type. Most people only achieved a 6 pound fast fat loss, which is not bad after all. Perhaps, there is a need to educate people about how differently our bodies respond to different diet programs.

This freshly launched diet plan is very convenient and easy to follow. Basically, Fast Fat Loss only teaches us to eat right. Eating proper and healthy diet is the only logic behind this diet program. Fast Fat Loss provides a diet plan that needs to be followed within the 11 days period. The diet includes four meals per day. The best thing about this diet plan is that you get to choose the food you want to eat. Therefore, you do not necessarily have to suffer only because you are in a strict diet.

Of course, you also have a responsibility in making the diet plan successful. Discipline and carefully following instruction are two basic things you have to keep in mind. To maximize the benefits of any diet plan like Fast Fat Loss, you have to do your part as well. You cannot expect a diet plan to perform miracles for you. All diet plans are designed the way they are for reasons so, do not leave out any instruction.

It is important that you do not miss any meal. Fast Fat Loss recommends that you eat four times a day. The program is designed that way for a reason so; even if you feel less hungry, you have to follow directions. You can also do something else aside from just waiting until the diet plan starts working. You can do simple exercises. Although, Fast Fat Loss do not require you to exercise to get the result you want, it is better if you initiate. Doing a 10-minute walk will not hurt, anyway.

If you hope to lose fat fast and through the easy way i recommend you try out Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Where To Get Weight Loss Advice

It really amazes me who people take advice from...

If you are going to take advice from someone, make sure they have the results (their body) to back up what they're teaching.

Most of the inaccurate information out there is circulated by people who have no real grasp of what it takes to achieve effective and permanent weight loss.

If you were learning to play basketball do you think it would be smarter to learn from an NBA player or a fifth grader who had yet to learn the fundamentals?

Keep in mind however, that many people will tell you with complete conviction to do things that simply do not work.

Take a good look at the people who give you health and weight loss advice. Are they lean and fit? If the answer is yes then this person could very well be a credible source of good information, but if the answer is obviously no then why would anyone listen to them?

OK, I know this sounds incredibly simple and obvious right?

Except for the fact that this is how millions of people get their advice! You can respectfully listen (no need to argue) but then you'll most likely need to disregard a lot of what you may normally hear. People mean well, yet the truth is that most are ignorant as to what it really takes to make dramatic progress quickly and effectively.

As Albert Einstein said, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."

And I'll also tell you right now that your new habits might strike some people as not being "normal" by their standards.

You should take this as a good sign because "normal" is the majority. You and I both know what the overall state of health is for the majority, don't we? This is why you should want to be abnormal. And let it also be known that living life lean may have become uncommon, yet this doesn't mean that it is not natural.

It is.

So the point here is that many people are simply the victim of poor advice. Often it's the equivalent of a get rich quick scheme for the body.

Trust me, I know how tempting it can be to listen to some of the claims being made. But again, my advice to you here is simple: Listen to Doers. By this I mean people who actually practice what they preach and have the body and physical vitality as proof.

I also recommend that you seek out people that have the exact body that you wish to manifest. These are the people who you want to study. Get as much detailed information as possible regarding their diet and exercise habits. This information is worth its' weight in gold because it's coming from a credible source.

Actually, even better would be to find people who have the body that you desire but were once overweight and out of shape.

This is where you can really begin to find some empowering knowledge that you can act on.

This is called "modeling" and it is a proven shortcut to success that I recommend. Just make sure that your "model" has kept the weight off for some time (at least six months) and is not a flash in the pan.

Robert Van Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Vitality Publishing LLC, a company that helps people eliminate excess fat, while making breakthrough transformations in their physical vitality and overall quality of life. He's the author of "Living Life Lean: Discover How to Transform Your Body and Your Life -Quickly, Naturally and Permanently." To learn more and sign up for his popular 10 day course visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com

Weight Loss Made Easy

Create and Focus on your goal

I guess everyone wants to look slim and to do these with a positive result you have to set your goals, fat loss just don't come but it does if the tactics are applied the right way. In order to lose fat you need to set your own goal by saying you will lose two or more pounds a week and invest time in it to do what is required to lose that two pounds in a week and watch as you lose fat as the work plan expires.

Prepare and plan meals in time

When you are in a fat loss workout plan its not all food you should eat thats why its good to join a reputable lose workout program. Try to stick to that particular type of food you are only required to eat to get a successful plan and make sure you eat it at the required time, do not skip it for another food. During the time when you know you are not required to do it will jeopardize your chances of attaining a great stage to lose fat.

Climb steps instead of elevator

If you stay or live in a house or office where elevator can be alternated to stairs, try to form the habit of taking stairs rather the elevator. Though it might be stressful but it has its advantage of helping you lose fat without spending a penny which is a work you made from self service.

Change food

The type of food you eat will help you lose fat, if you are type that love to eat fatty foods, you are likely to gain more fat rather than burn fat. Eat your food gradually, do not rush your food, do it slowly. Eat foods one at a time do not bombard yourself with food. Take water as you eat and do not start to eat without water by your side or on the table this is because drinking water can help your food digest quicker thereby making you burn lots of calories which lose fat quick.

Drink hot water

If you drink hot water instead of cold water it can help to speed up your metabolism thereby helping you burn lots of calories which is effective to be able to lose fat. When you want to drink water, try to boil it to a temperature that is human being consumable and then drink it, you can do this 4 times daily , you can drink hot water after every 5 hours. Include this method while you are carrying out your fat loss workout plans. This might be uncomfortable but you have to do it if you want to lose fat in a short period of time.

Sleep less

Though its not easy to stay awake all night for someone that wants to lose fat, you can cut the hour of time you sleep at night. If you are the type that sleeps for 7 hours at night, you can cut it to 2 hours to make you lose fat. You may wonder how this will be successful because for real you will be feeling sleepy through out the day, but i must bet you that less sleep burns fat faster than any other method. You can find stuffs to do to stay awake during the night like watching tv, doing some house works or anything you can think of to make you stay awake, this is a successful fat loss program and can be done by anybody whom is serious about waiting to lose fat. I must tell you this will make a quick impact in you during the day like nodding when you go to the office, you might do the 2 hours sleep for 2 weeks and quit.

Finally, you need fat loss 4 idiots, its an online weight loss center. You need the services of fat loss 4 idiots because they uses shifting calories theory, this is how it works : Your body burns calories depending on your eating habits, it is assumed that if you will go on eating similar foods to whatever you've been eating for the past weeks, when you change the kind of calories you eat everyday, your metabolism can't predict what you are going to eat over the next few days, which means you are going to burn more calories.

For a review of Fat Loss for Idiots visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots reviews

Order Hoodia Pills to Help You Break Weight Loss Barriers

You can begin to lose weight within the next few days and break all these weight loss barriers preventing you from regaining your slim body again.

To break all those weight loss barriers and begin to see yourself regain your normal body shape again, what you should do is to order Hoodia pills that contain some certain special ingredients.

These special ingredients are:

The Gordonii Species.

The effectiveness of the Hoodia pills you use will depend on what is contained there in. For maximum results, it is necessary that the pills you purchase must contain the Gordonii species. The truth is that there are over 40 different varieties of Hoodia but only the Gordonii species contain the characteristics of suppressing one's appetite. What this means is that the Gordonii species helps to suppress the feeling of hunger and this actually promotes weight loss.

Green tea extract.

This is also another very vital ingredient. Green tea is very powerful beverage that has been known for its efficiency in the Asian continent for thousands of years ago. One very great advantage of the green tea extract is that makes you more energetic therefore promoting weight loss because green tea is an antioxidant that helps you quickly oxidizes your fat.

The two special ingredients that have been revealed, must be present in Hoodia pills that you order for online. Many people have said that Hoodia pills do not work but if you make sure that these ingredients are contained in your Hoodia pills, you will break all those weight loss barriers and see yourself regaining your shape back fast.

Do you know where to get hoodia gordonii of the very best quality with 2 free extra bottles for you? Click now to http://buy-hoodia-gordonii-plus.blogspot.com to find complete details.

Weight Loss Enthusiasts - Start Your Motivators!

Ladies and gentlemen, start your motivators!

Welcome to Autumn? Yes, it is technically a change of season, although you'd never know it with our unexpected Indian Summer passing through.

For those of you already well into your weight loss program, you will be well aware that it is not only boy scouts who must 'be prepared'. There is nothing worse than hindering your weight loss efforts by running low on healthy food in the cupboard and resorting to fatty takeaway food as a quick hunger fix.

This month, we look at some delicious low fat recipes that are quick to prepare and will see you through some chilly nights during Autumn and Winter. They are delicious, and will satisfy your craving for some hearty comfort food without sacrificing all your hard work.

As corny as it sounds, healthy food does not have to be boring. Nor is it difficult or time consumin to prepare. The most important thing to remember is to buy the freshest and best quality ingredients you can find and afford. Have a look at our great diet recipes and we'll prove exactly how easy it is to eat well.

Our 12 week Weight Loss Challenge participant, Coral, also gives us an update on her progress. Although the 12 weeks is well and truly over, Coral has been sticking to her weight loss program and seeing incredible results. Coral's stunning results are the product of hard work, determination and motivation.

Coral, as she will admit herself, had no special qualities which allowed her to reach her goals more easily than the next person. Read Coral's weight loss update and imagine how you will feel when you have lost close to 20kg! Something that we have talked about a lot in these updates is motivation. As you are aware, the best intentions will soon pale into insignificance if you are not able to maintain a high level of motivation during your weight loss.

This month we will also be looking at ways to keep motivated. Being able to master these techniques will also prove useful in other areas of your life, particularly work or study. Without being able to keep your eye on the end result, changing your habits will be all too difficult. For those of you who are seriously overweight, mastering some motivational techniques will be essential to dramatically improve your health and for some of you, even save your lives.

Read on, soak up the information and power on into the cooler months. In Queensland, Autumn and Winter are the perfect seasons to make the most of the great outdoors, so get moving!

Yours in health,

Leisa St Ledger http://www.leisassecret.com

Weight Loss - Lose 7 Pounds in Three Days

If you want to slim down fast, then here is a a plan for you. It's a three day metabolic jumpstart, one built on foods that decrease hunger as they increase calorie burn.

People who have tried many other diets have had great success with this plan. It uses thermogenic foods, which boost metabolism up to 20%. Dieters say they can literally feel their metabolism heat up. They also claim to be more satisfied with less food. They say they didn't fail on the other diets, the other diets failed them. This one works.

Here are some the metabolism boosting foods.

Eggs: proteins stimulate the metabolism more than any other nutrient, and eggs are perhaps the most nutrient dense of all proteins.

Salsa - Capsaicin, (what that gives peppers in their heat), stimulates the release of adrenaline, revving metabolism by up to 20%.

Coffee -The amount of caffeine in two cups of coffee cuts hunger by 35% and revs metabolism by about 50 cal.

Steel cut oatmeal - Extra fiber means this hot cereal help flush calories through the intestines unabsorbed. The fiber is so filling, people who have it at breakfast consume 33% less at midday.

Coconut oil - The complex makeup of this organic fat stimulates metabolism as it is broken down, revving up calorie burn by up to 50%.

Cinnamon - Only one half teaspoon of cinnamon makes your body metabolize sugar 20 times quicker, resulting in less hunger and fewer fat storage hormones.

Apple cider vinegar - The acetic acid in vinegar cuts the production of fat storage hormones and so the food you eat makes your appetite feel more satiated.

Seafood - Salmon and tuna.have anti-hunger and anti-craving properties that also boost your metabolic rate, so that you can lose up to 20% more weight.

Nuts. Studies show that eating nuts can make you feel full for up to 60 minutes longer than if you ate the a non fat food with the same amount of calories.

For an additional 32 specific reviews of weight loss diets try visiting http://www.rightfaddiet.com a website that gives you an in depth look at many of the fad diets going around.

How To Lose Belly Fat In Only 10 Minutes

I have been doing this for years folks. One of the most common questions I get at the gym while I'm training someone is "How Do I Lose Belly Fat"? It's simple I tell them and it really is. You just have to be consistent. That is the key to anything you do in life. It's called ambition. Let's start:

Minutes 1-5

1. Interval training. This is a process which keeps your metabolism high and makes it higher. You can apply this method to any aerobic workout. One example is walking. Let's say you walk for 10 seconds, you run for 20 seconds. Repeat this over and over until you are satisfied. Those 10 seconds of walking in between the runs give you a chance to "rest", therefore letting the body regroup itself and get used to the idea of running. It's great for your metabolism.

Minute 6

2. Sit-ups! The key to having a slimmer looking belly is excersizing your mid-section. You want to work those abdominal muscles. Do 10 regular sit-ups, 10 side-to-side situps, and 10 sit-ups with your feet off the ground. Do this every day and you can have that six-pack you've always dreamed of!

Minute 7

3. Push-ups. I don't think I need to explain this one. Just remember to keep your body straight and off the ground.

Minutes 8-10

4. Jump rope! Sounds like fun? It really is once you get going. When you're jumping, think about your fat just falling off. Your belly is getting smaller. Have this mentality, it is great and once you see results, it is an excellent feeling.

Follow those 4 excersizes for 10 minutes every day. Just 10 minutes! You don't have that much time? Then why did you sit here and read this whole article. Go now and get started! I urge you!

Michael Porterlini is dedicated to the health and well-being of others. Please visit my website for an excellent review on a very popular fat loss program. I highly recommend it and it's a great program.

Weight Loss Tip #3 - Eat Breakfast Every Day

Back in the caveman days, our metabolism adjusted based on whether or not we were getting enough food over a short period of time. If there was plenty to eat, our metabolism took advantage of that surplus and started to speed up, allowing us to do more work and expend more energy. If there wasn't a lot of food available and our daily intake was dwindling, our bodies adapted to that and slowed our metabolism.

It works the same way today--studies show repeatedly that not eating all morning long, and then having a big meal later, makes you gain weight; whereas dividing the exact same number of calories over five or six smaller meals during the day will result in weight loss. Eating breakfast starts your metabolism going because your body recognizes there is energy available to use.

Some people even get discouraged when they start eating breakfast because then they are hungry three hours later. "Before, I could go all day without eating" they complain, "and now I keep feeling like I have to eat something every three or four hours". Guess what? That's because your body is using what you fed it and ready for more energy to keep going. Let me ask you my favorite Dr. Phil question if you are not successful at weight loss and you do not eat breakfast ... "How's that working for you?"

Now, let's figure out why you don't eat breakfast and what you might try to get around your own personal challenge:

Excuse #1-- "I don't have time". Well, this just isn't a good excuse anymore with all the breakfast bars there are out there. You can keep a box of nutrigrain bars, special K bars, 'go-tarts' (a slightly smaller, lower calorie version of pop-tarts), or any of the other dozen varieties of compact ready-to-eat bars that contain less than 170 calories in your car and not even have to take the time to remember to grab something in the morning. Here are your new directions: (1) unwrap, (2) eat on the way to work.

For those of you with a little bit of time in the morning, but not enough to cook or to sit and eat something that requires using a spoon or fork, here are two more options: For a hot breakfast, toast an english muffin or small bagel (the kind with 100-150 calories-- not 400 calories) while you're getting your briefcase and coat ready to go. On your way out the door, grab a slice of cheese (low fat mozzarella is my favorite) and place it on one piece of the toast. Put the other piece of toast on top of this and wrap in a paper towel. When you get in the car and pull away from your house, you are ready to open the paper towel and enjoy a warm, melted cheese breakfast sandwich!

For a cold breakfast, slice and freeze fruit ahead of time. Bananas, berries, and peaches all work great. Throw a cup full in a blender or a magic bullet, pour lowfat or skim milk in to cover the fruit, put on lid, and blend for about 20 seconds until you have a smoothie. Pour in a cup and take with you... how easy is that? And very low fat with calcium and vitamins to boot.

Excuse #2--"I don't like breakfast foods". Guess what? You do not have to eat breakfast foods at breakfast. You can have a turkey sandwich or a cold chicken leg or a leftover bowl of chili. It's really only our country and our culture that chooses what our typical breakfast is. If you visit other places you may see them eating fish and yogurt for breakfast! So grab whatever you like and enjoy having a meal in the morning. If you're trying to lose weight you should definitely keep the meal under 500 calories with less than 30% of the calories coming from fat. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on what you like to eat first thing in the morning, as long as you enjoy it!

Excuse #3--I'm not hungry in the morning". This is totally understandable. Your body isn't used to eating something at this hour and you feel like you have no appetite at all. Some people even get nauseated at the thought of eating first thing in the morning. You might try eating something an hour or so after you get up, like just when you get to work (if you can change your schedule to get there 15 minutes ahead of time it won't interfere with your job). Or you might do well to start with liquids and light foods. Try a small glass of juice and five or six saltines. Maybe some dry cereal. Or a Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink. Anything you can sip or munch on slowly, whether it's at home, on the way to work, or in the office. Let your body ease into the idea of a new meal at a new time.

Excuse #4--"Then I get hungry at 10:30". See paragraph two. Have a snack. Don't worry that you are eating more. Have a 200 calorie breakfast and a 100 calorie snack (a few graham cracker squares and a piece of fruit, or a 100 calorie snack bag). See if you don't notice that you are much less hungry at lunch and at dinner and that you end up eating less food later in the day.

Try these tips, and then let me know, "how's that working for you?"

E-mail me problems you're having around breakfast and we'll work them out! Laurie Beebe, a registered dietitian certified in adult weight management, has transitioned into life coaching. Coaching helps dramatically by allowing people to set their own goals and design their own action plans to start their path to success. Please visit Laurie's website, "Shaping Your Future" at http://www.mycoachlaurie.com for diet tips, links to great books and websites, or to sign up for a free monthly newsletter!