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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Weight Loss - In a Natural Way

There are many rapid weight loss programs which guarantee weight loss in a natural way.The weight loss program is no way natural if it promises you fast weight loss. Lets have a look in which way we should lose weight if we want to do it in a natural way. As gaining weight is a slow process so weight loss is also a gradual process.

Never opt for a crash diet weight loss program it is true that you will lose weight but you will gain all your weight back whenever you will take a break. Not all weight loss programs are suitable for an individual. It differs from person to person which weight loss program will suit him. If you want to lose weight in a natural way do not try to lose more than three pounds in a week. Always try to set realistic weight loss goals before you. Try to monitor your weight regularly even one pound is a great achievement.

For losing weight you need have lot of fruit and vegetables in your diet. Fruit and vegetables give you lots of vitamins and minerals which help in natural weight loss. Try to eat your vegetables raw it will preserve vitamins as cooking looses half the vitamins. Whenever you cook avoid frying and prefer boiling steaming and grilling.

The most important natural product which you need to drink for a natural weight loss program is water. Water helps in losing extra weight by flushing out toxins and by increasing tone and contraction of your muscles during exercise. Water should be your best friend if you want to lose weight.

Weight loss program should not be followed for a short period of time but it should be part of your life.Always try to find your weight loss partner he will motivate you in difficult times.

Jitesh Arora.Click here to know more about Weight Loss and Exercise.

Fastest Way To Lose Weight

All the time I see people asking "What's The Fastest Way To Lose Weight?". And to be honest this is no simple answer, because it all depends on how much effort you put it. I think the answer to the question is; sticking to a plan. The most important thing about losing weight these days is having a consistant plan that we follow each and every day, if you don't follow a plan you're not going to lose weight, it's as simple as that.

Now at this point you're probably asking yourself "What's the best plan to follow?". And to put it simple, the best plan to follow is one that you can commit to every single day. But if you want to lose weight fast, your going to have to dedicate alot of time to a plan. And there is no slacking, if you slack you will fail to lose weight fast. I promise you that if you stick a consistant plan you will lose weight!

The Fastest Way To Lose Weight: A Consistant Plan

Here is a small but very effective plan for you to follow; Exercise, burn more calories than you eat, it really is as simple as that, or is it?... It sounds straight forward, but is actually very difficult and over 80% of people who are trying to lose weight fail to follow through on this very plan. Right, you need to dedicate an hour a day for exercising at least, more would be better and would speed up the process in how fast you lose weight, but an hour a day is fine. It doesn't matter what exercise you do, just as long as you don't try an spot reduce. General exercise is fine. I used to go for a swim for an hour a day in the morning, and on the treadmill for 30 minutes in the evening, and I seen a difference in my weight in just 3 days. It shows what can be done if you stick a consistant plan!

Thomas Lee Dean used to be a fat greasy monkey, until he found The Secrets to Weight Loss at BodyWorkout.org - click here

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Weight Loss Exercise Programs - The Single Best One You Can Do Bar None

When it comes to losing weight, there is no quicker way than combining diet with exercise but then I'm sure you already know that. What you might not know is that there is only one single best way to lose weight bar none. Discover this great technique in this article.

I'll get straight to the point - the single fastest weight loss exercise is HIIT, also known as High Impact Interval Training. Let's dissect this - the "high impact" means that this is at rapid pace, not a walk in the park. The "interval training" means that this is not a constant rate, you keep varying it.

So What Does HIIT Look Like Then?

First of all you should start in the morning on an empty stomach, this way you'll be burning fat only and not food. Then jog quickly (not slowly) for 20 seconds. Then run as fast as you can i.e. sprint, for 20 seconds. And when I say as fast as you can, I mean as if you were running for your life and no matter what, you cannot run any faster. The go back to jogging and repeat between this and sprinting. This sounds really tough doesn't it? Read on and you'll realise that it isn't.

Well there are two great bonuses to HIIT. First of all, you only need to do it for a total of 15 minute per day. Yes, only 15 minutes! Although you push yourself hard, there is no need to work out for any longer than you need to. Sure beats a one hour workout doesn't it? The next great thing is that not only do you burn fat whilst doing the exercise but you also continue to burn fat during the day and at a much greater rate than for any other type of exercise.

So how does HIIT work? Well obviously, the "high impact" aspect means you burn more but the "interval training" aspect means that your body and its metabolism never quite gets used to the exercise and is always trying to react but never can. The result is that you burn a ton of weight.

Want to learn even more great weight loss tips? Then click here to get weekly weight loss tips that really work, from http://www.52WeightLossTips.com

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Hypnosis For Weight Loss - The Technique

Like many of the commonly used techniques of hypnotism, hypnosis for weight loss is a natural way of changing a persons habits and beliefs about a healthy diet. The actual technique of hypnosis for weight loss is actually basic common sense and involves getting back in touch with your bodies natural cycles. From how most overweight people overeat to avoid painful emotions, how our stomachs are designed for only eating full meals every few days, how to tune your taste buds for portion control and the basic formula for healthy eating. The article will explore the many exciting aspects of the basic technique of hypnosis for weight loss.

When it comes to hypnosis for weight loss there is only one single reason why people overeat. People will only overeat to avoid or suppress negative feelings or emotions. By over eating to the point of being full and satisfied one temporally eliminates any painful emotion or experience. It is through this basic principal that this technique works on.

The common western diet is much different from the diet of our early man ancestors. Our stomachs are designed to be filled completely with food only once a day. In fact our ancestors often didn't eat a completely filling meal for up to thee days at a time. In between hunts our ancestors ate leafs, vegetables, sprouts, fruit, nuts, seeds and berries. When you do hypnosis for weight loss; the main objective will be to resolve this one issue.

As you start practising this technique on a regular basis you will be able to tune your senses. That is the beauty of this technique of hypnosis for weight loss, with practise we tune our taste buds to make appropriate decisions a use portion control. We eat when we are hungry, we enjoy the food and when we are full, no more food passes our lips. The basic idea is as follows.

The Technique

Follow these suggestions fully and completely each time that you sit down to eat and when ever you are hungry. Hypnosis for weight loss includes four specific steps.

1. Whenever you are hungry for food you should be sure to eat something healthy. Never starve yourself of deprive yourself when you are hungry (this is important).

2. Don't eat what you think you should, just because it is in front of you, eat what you want until you are full.

3. With each bite of food you take, chew carefully and fully. Enjoy each and every mouthful of food. Pay attention to your food as you eat it and make sure to chew the food completely, up to thirty times per mouthful.

4. As soon as you think you are full make sure you slow down the eating or even stop completely. It can take a few minutes for the feeling of fullness to catch up to you, so it is helpful to stop eating just before the feeling of fullness comes.

As you can probably tell by now this technique is basic, and gets right to the point. Regardless of whether you lean the hypnosis for weight loss technique when you are deep in trance or simply by consciously repeating the process in your daily life, the process is simple. Always be training yourself to eat when you are hungry, enjoy each bite completely, eat until you are full and then stop eating. Remember less is more.

Peter Hill is a hypnotist, write and public speaker on the subject of hypnosis for weight loss. He runs an informational website with articles, podcasts, and hypnosis mp3s. To take advantage of all this and more make sure to check out Peter's site at http://www.hypnosisweightlossnow.com

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Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

These treadmill weight loss tips are a great way to help you shed a few pounds and shape up. A treadmill is designed for the most natural form of exercise which is walking. You don't need any special skills to use these machines because if you can walk, you can exercise on a treadmill.

Treadmill weight loss is one of the most successful methods of losing weight. Just be consistent and work within your fat burning target range for 45 minutes or more per session at least 5 to 6 days per week.

If you are looking to shed unwanted pounds, implement a treadmill workout routine along with a sensible, healthy diet. The treadmill allows you the convenience of exercising in a safe, comfortable, climate controlled environment anytime day or night.

If you are just starting out, check with your doctor before you begin any exercise regime. When you begin, start at a nice, easy pace, do shorter workouts for a few weeks and increase the length and intensity as your fitness level improves.

The main thing to keep in mind is to keep your body moving for as long and fast as you can but still remain comfortable. The faster the pace the more calories you will burn. The more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose.

Regular exercise on a treadmill will increase your body's metabolism and make it work more efficiently to burn more fat. The best treadmill workout plan is one that becomes a daily habit, just like brushing your teeth.

If you do a treadmill workout routine everyday you don't have to think about it, and it becomes a good habit. It soon becomes part of your normal day and you look forward to it. Consistency is the key to success.

Here are some important tips to remember when walking:

  • Maintain a proper posture, keep you head up, relax your neck and look straight ahead.

  • Let your arms swing naturally at your side and loosely cup your hands.

  • Hold your tummy in and keep your hips relaxed and loose.

  • Take steps that are comfortable for you, not too short or too long.

  • Concentrate on your breathing. Try to breathe normally, taking in deep, smooth breaths.
  • A few good tips to help break the boredom while exercising on the treadmill are:

  • Listen to up beat music, books on tape or teaching tapes.

  • Read a book or magazine.

  • Chat with a friend on the treadmill next to you.

  • Watch yourself in the mirror to work on your posture and walking technique.

  • Watch your favorite talk show or sitcom.
  • Walking a treadmill to lose weight will consistently provide you with quality results and lasting benefits. It allows you to work at your own pace to burn calories effectively.

    If you apply these treadmill weight loss tips they will have a positive impact on your weight loss as well as many other aspects of your life.

    Copyright 2005 Treadmill Info.com All Rights Reserved.

    This article is supplied by http://www.treadmill-info.com where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to: http://www.treadmill-info.com/articles_1.html

    Green Tea Weight Loss - How It Works

    Green tea weight loss has been the talk of the town recently. The brews beneficial health effects have been enticing more people to start including green tea in their daily diet. Here are the reasons why green tea is touted as the natural way to lose weight.

    Green tea speeds up your metabolism.

    A study has found that green tea extract helped increase energy expenditure, or enhancement in the bodys metabolism process. Researchers were able to conclude that green tea causes a boost in a persons metabolic rate by 4 percent. The effects were considered to be a result of the activity of major green tea components called catechin polyphenols. These substances function by helping to improve the process of fat oxidation and thermogenesis, which refers to the rate at which the body burns calories. The increase of a persons metabolic rate then causes a greater number of calories to be burned and body fat to be lowered, rendering green tea weight loss programs effective.

    Green tea regulates glucose and slows down fat absorption.

    Green tea has been found to be valuable in regulating the bodys glucose by slowing the rise in blood sugar, most especially after a meal. By acting as a glucose regulator, green tea prevents high insulin spikes, which leads to fat storage. Green tea also helps by slowing down the action of amylase, a certain digestive enzyme. The course involving the slowing down of amylase is essential in green tea weight loss as this helps stem the breakdown of starches or carbohydrates, which are the main causes why blood sugar levels rise after a meal. The catechins in green tea also help to suppress the passage of glucose into fat cells. The effectiveness of green tea weight loss programs are then made possible through glucose regulation and the repression of fat absorption.

    Green tea weight loss programs can help cut down calories.

    Compared to coffee, green tea is a more suitable drink for people who want their caffeine fix but dont want the extra calories. Drinking coffee with calorie-loaded cream and sugar wreaks havoc on your waistline. Due to this, green tea weight loss programs advise against taking coffee to help cut back on calorie intake and eventually lose weight.

    Green tea may help decrease the desire for food.

    Animal studies done by scientists revealed that green tea can help lose up to 21 percent of body weight in rats. In the experiment, rats were injected daily with a green tea extract for seven days. The results showed that the rats lost their food cravings, which was evident in their food consumption that experienced a decrease of up to 60 percent. Researchers suggested that the reaction may have been caused by the way green tea regulates blood sugar.

    With all these green tea weight loss benefits, people may wonder just how much green tea they have to take. Though answers vary, its generally considered that 3 to 5 cups of green tea day is most favorable. This amount can help burn an additional 70 calories a day.

    Patricia Hammond is a green tea enthusiast. Get her FREE 7-Day GREEN TEA eCourse here or visit her site at http://www.YourHealthCenter.info for more health tips on weight loss, sleeping disorders and others.

    The "X-Factor" of Weight Loss

    Millions of people just don't get it.

    They spend hours and hours on cardio machines.

    They hire a personal trainer to take them through a "customized" workout routine.

    But year after year their body continues to lack the definition that they desire.

    Follow me here.

    See, the gym I go to has lots and lots of loyal patrons. These are committed folks. They are there day in and day out.

    In fact, my hat's off to them. And the first step to getting what you want is taking ACTION.

    But here's the thing: many of these people, who are indeed consistent, still look the exact same year after year.

    In other words they put in lots of time and effort but get little results.

    Sound familiar?

    Now this could certainly be an article about nutrition but that's not what I'm addressing here.

    This article is about a certain "X-Factor" to making progress FAST.

    If you want to lose "maximum fat in minimum time" and sculpt you're body in the shortest amount of time possible then this is a REQUIREMENT.

    Unfortunately, it seems to still be a secret to millions.

    What am I talking about?

    Muscular failure.

    When we're talking about exercise this is absolutely the quickest way to make progress.

    I don't care what you want to do either - whether it's push ups, weight lifting at the gym, equipment bought off t.v, interval training..etc.

    It doesn't matter.

    If you want to see results fast then this concept is for you.

    When you follow this principle you are in essence putting lots of stress on your muscles which requires them to find energy to develop and sustain themselves.

    Now where do you think that energy is going to come from?


    By exercising to failure you're sending shockwaves through your body and sculpting it into a lean physique in the quickest way possible.

    To learn more visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com and sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse.

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    Many fad diets (diets that promise weight loss results in an unreasonably quick amount of time) are starvation diets. They do not include much real food, but consist of meal replacements, appetite-suppressant pills, energy pills, and vitamins. One 's diet had no white flour. No sugars. No alcohol. No coffee. She was required to do step-ups and push-ups even in her hotel room.

    It's sad that so many people starve themselves in order to be thin. They become borderline anorexic. In many cases, their hair begins to fall out. Their nails are weak and brittle, their skin becomes discolored, and sometimes they even lose their period. Sometimes they even faint from undernourishment.

    You can see the pain of starvation in their face. Every bone in their body cries out for food.

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy :P

    I am not trying to say that all people who are skinny are starving themselves. Sometimes a person can eat a lot, but their genetic makeup just keeps them skinny. I am not against skinny people, but am against fad/starvation diets.

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    How to Lose Weight In Days - FREE

    Have you ever wondered why you had to go on a "Diet"? to lose weight? Well may instead of just assuming that Dieting is the end all be all path to Weight Loss, we should explore the real reason for our extra fat and get rid of it once and for all. So here are some facts and help to lose weight in days--FREE!

    Before we get into the simple and no cost changes that you can make in order to lose weight fast, we need to look at a little Social Studies to see why all of those things that you thought were making you fat, may not be the CAUSE at all!

    Interestingly enough, every Culture's eating habits can be a determining factor in obesity. Look at the French, the eat endless amounts of pastry, butter, creams and fat yet their obesity statistics are much different than those in America. Japan is another example of a country with low rates of obesity. Did you know that as of today, Japanese refuse to accept meat and dairy imports from America? There must be a reason and it is more frightening than what you think!

    The reason that people are obese from a physicological standpoint comes down to two things; Toxins and Parasites. If you are overweight, your body is constantly fighting to re-route the toxic build up that has accumulated in your colon, away from your vital organs. So what it does is this; it keeps building fat cells in order to store those toxins. Get rid of these and your excess weight will start falling off almost effortlessly.

    Here are 3 simple steps to help you lose weight in days for free;

    1. Figure out your personal Metobolic Type. This is another reason why diets do not work. Everybody metabolizes food differently. Metoblic typing has been done for centuries. Different people have specific food requirements. This is a free way to learn to listen to your body. In a nutshell, you know that you are eating the right type of foods when you feel Satisfied (not hungry or overfull), when you feel energetic (not lathargic), when your mind is clear (not foggy or forgetful) and if you have any diseases those symptoms remain unchanged after a meal. In other words the disease doesn't worsen by eating certain foods.
    2. Walk for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week. If walking is impossible for you, there are some exercises that you can do from a chair. Your Dr. should have some tips for exercise that you can do if you can not walk.
    3. Drink Water. Spring water is best, but to really get your digestive juices flowing and reap many other benefits add a teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half of Organic lemon juice to about half of your water servings. The benefits of H2O are astounding! Not only will you feel fuller, you will have less food cravings, you will help your body flush out those toxins and the lemon will help balance out pH levels in your body. (another contributing factor to being over weight and a whole host of diseases). You should have at lease 2 liters of water a day.

    If you follow these simple steps you will lose weight in days-FREE!

    Visit Here to Find the Top Secret Fat Loss Secrets that "They" don't want you to know. Here is some Free information on Metabolic Typing that will get you started.

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