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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Easy Weight Loss - Break The Bad Habits

The reason you can't lose those extra pounds might not be your diet. The key may be making an effort to break those bad eating habits almost all of us have. Follow these simple steps to avoid the biggest dieting mistakes.

1. Don't start any weight loss program without a plan. Put together a detailed plan of what you like to eat, when you like to eat, and how you will incorporate healthy foods into your daily lifestyle. Stick to your plan and you're halfway there.

2. Don't eat to soothe your mood. Do you eat to get out of a slump? Do you eat to feel better? It will only make it harder to lose the weight if you eat because you are tired, bored, or upset. Avoid doing this at all times.

3. Don't skip the veggies! Everyone should make eating fruits and vegetables a daily priority, not just those of us on a diet. These foods are naturally filling and low in fat, so be sure to make a conscious effort to include them in your daily meals.

4. Don't neglect exercise. Exercise should be the cornerstone of any weight loss regimen. Walking even 3 times a week is the perfect compliment to any diet, so be sure to get moving as often as possible.

Quick fix diets don't work in the long run, so be sure to plan yours around foods you can live with. Combine your perfect foods with regular exercise and you'll be well on your way to diet success.

Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at http://www.easyweightlosscoach.com

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Good Weight Loss Program

The calorie shifting diet is a good weight loss program to follow. Unlike other diets, where you must reduce your intake of the quantity or the types of foods you can eat, on the calorie shifting diet, you can eat as much food as you want until you are satisfied and you can eat from all four of the major food groups. In doing so, you can expect to lose 9 pounds every 11 days while on this diet regimen.

How does the calorie shifting diet work? This diet is designed around the principle that you can manipulate your body's metabolism, at will, to burn fat quickly, simply by rotationally shifting the types of calories that you consume at each meal over the course of several days.

Somewhat analogous to how a low-carbohydrate diet induces rapid weight loss due to the lack of carbohydrates in your diet, the calorie-shifting diet also induces rapid weight loss by the lack of various nutrients in your body as well.

The major difference is that in a low-carbohydrate diet, you must reduce your carbohydrate intake to only couple dozen grams of carbohydrates per day, whereas in the calorie-shifting diet, you are constantly rotating different types of nutrients - carbohydrates, proteins, dairy, produce, meats, and breads - in and out of your diet, so that by the time your body goes into "deprivation" mode and begins to burn fat because it is being "starved" of one type of nutrient, you reintroduce that nutrient back into your diet while you remove another one.

The net effect is that your body remains in a perpetual fat-burning mode, even though you are eating plentiful food and you are eating from every food group! Your body is being fooled into thinking that it needs to burn fat.

There are only 4 basic rules to this diet:

  1. You must eat four full meals every day.
  2. Eat as much food as you want at each meal until you are satisfied but not until you are too full.
  3. Space each meal out by at least 2.5 to 3 hours.
  4. You must take a break every 12th through 14th days on this diet, to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss you will be experiencing.

Here are some sample meal plans that illustrate how this diet might look during a typical week. The diet plan actually runs in 11-day cycles but only 3 days are included here, just to give you an idea of how the plan is structured and to give you a sense of how satisfying and sustainable this diet truly is. Keep in mind that each of these four meals may be eaten in any order throughout the day, as long as you only eat that the designated foods at each of their respective meals.

Day 1

Meal #1: Sandwich (any type)

Meal #2: Scrambled Eggs Meal

Meal #3: Flavored Oatmeal

Meal #4: Tuna Salad

Day 2:

Meal #1: Scrambled Eggs and Mixed Vegetables

Meal #2: Banana Milk Shake

Meal #3: Chicken

Meal #4: Cottage Cheese

Day 3:

Meal #1: Chicken

Meal #2: Fish Filet

Meal #3: Fruit Salad

So what are you waiting for? Generate your personalized meal plan now at http://www.IdiotProofFatLoss.com and you will be 9 pounds lighter in a week and a half!

The Best Cardio Workout To Lose Fat Fast

Let's face it there is no effective fat loss programme without proper nutrition but no fat loss programme is complete without talking about cardiovascular exercises. In order to lose body fat you have to create a calorie deficit. There are two ways you can use to create a calorie deficit.

1) Decrease your calorie intake from food.
2) Burning calories trough exercising.
Tom Venuto, a worldwide bestselling fitness author said it already in his book. Burn
the fat with exercise and feet the muscle with good nutrition. After reading this article
you will discover the best cardio workout for proper fat loss.

Low intensity vs. High intensity

Perhaps you may have heard that low intensity training is better then a high intensity workout. This is not true if this was the case you should burn the most body fat while sleeping. High intensity cardio exercises burns the more calories while lower intensity workouts are burning a greater percentage of calories from fat than carbohydrates. It is important for you that you select an intensity that is not to light but also not to hard.

We call this the fat-burning zone or target zone.

Duration of the workout

If it is your goal to decrease blood pressure or cholesterol then it is enough to train for twenty minutes. But if your goal is to burn body fat off then you have to train for at least thirty minutes otherwise your training won't be effective. Never train more then sixty minutes in one session if you train so long there is a risk for injuries and over- training. Training more then sixty minutes in a twenty-four hour is possible but then you have to split your cardio workouts. One workout in the morning and one in the evening would be your best bet.

Frequency of the workout

For maximum fat loss I recommend you to train at least three days a week. Even if you don't suffer from overweight to much do cardiovascular exercises as well it is good for your health in general. Perhaps you are not blessed with a fast metabolism then adding an addition day or even two, three, four days will maximize your results.

Cardio is not enough

A "secret" that top fitness models and bodybuilders are using is combining cardio exercises with weight training. Cardio is very effective with weight lifting for maximum fat loss. Although it is very rare doing large amount of cardio can result in losing muscle mass. With cardio exercises you can burn calories during the workout but with weight training you burn calories after the workout.

I'm sure you have a good idea now how to create your own best cardio workout for maximum fat loss. Keep an eye on your nutrition as well and you will get results.

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15 Tips That Make Your Body Slimmer - A Weight Loss Strategy That Lasts For Good

First and foremost, with a new undertaking and an ambitious one at that it is important to set yourself a clear goal. So you should decide how many pounds you want to lose. Of course, each individual's body has its own rate of response, determined by a number of factors: gender, age, nutritional and dietary history, and heredity. This is why it is difficult to say how many pounds a week you will be able to lose. Some people may shed two pounds, others a bit less. And some people experience a dramatic weight loss at first, followed by more gradual loss. So do not worry if it takes you longer than someone else you know. Perhaps you already have a more or less clear idea of how much you would like to lose. Many people would be happy to get rid of, say, half a stone to a stone, when really they could do with shedding twice that much. Personally, I would encourage you to aim high. After all, you are no doubt a perfectionist in your work. Why not be a perfectionist about your figure too?

I will give you some tips to have in mind when you decide to start losing weight:

Never mix bad carbohydrates (white bread, Hour, starchy foods) with lipids (meat, fats, oils) in the course of a meal.

Avoid all carbohydrate-lipids (chocolate, avocado, liver, nuts, chips, pastries).

Eliminate sugar completely from your diet.

Eat only unrefined flours.

Eat only wholemeal bread, 100% stone ground or with bran, made from unrefined flours (and then only for breakfast).

Forget about potatoes, especially chips.

Forget about white rice.

Eat only (and in moderation) wholegrain or wild rice.

Never eat pasta made with refined flours. Eat wholewheat pasta.

Introduce pulses into your diet, especially as a main supper dish.

Avoid strong coffee. Get into the habit of drinking decaffeinated.

Never skip a meal. Spread your food intake over three meals, preferably always taken at the same times.

Take your time to eat. Chew food well and try to relax over meals.

Eat plenty of dietary fibre: salads, pulses, green vegetables, fruit.

Try to avoid alcohol.

If you follow these tips you will reach your weight loss goal.

One of the best and most popular weight loss programs is Fat Loss 4 Idiots. You can read about it here

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How To "Choose" Weight Loss

I want to give you one of the most powerful keys I have ever learned and studied over the past few years.

You can have anything, be anything, and do anything in life if you just make the choice to do so.

The power to choose whatever you want is something that the words written here cannot give justice to.

Your future has not happened yet. In fact, you create your future. The choices that you make today will shape your destiny later in life. The fact that you are reading this book tells me that there is something that you want to change in the future regarding your present fitness and weight loss situation.

You can make it a habit to chose what it is you want in life. In fact, weight loss is also a choice you make. Much like you chose your mate, your occupation, or your place of residence, you can chose to lose weight and stay thin.

Being overweight is not a life-long sentence you have been handed down with nothing you can do about it. You can choose to change your situation at any moment. If you are at a moment of complete frustration with your current weight, now is as good a time as any to make the choice to change.

Is it a choice you are willing to make? Are you unsure of the first step to take after you've made the choice to change?

Do not worry. We are going to go over those steps. I am going to start with a clean slate with you, so even if you know little about losing weight, you will be successful.

Please do not make weight loss and weight management any harder than it really has to be. Sure, the willpower required may be a test of character, but the actual process required to lose weight isn't physiologically difficult.

You have to expend, or burn off, more calories than you consume. It seems as though the more we become technologically advanced as a society, the more overweight we also become.

Also, with all of the confusing and conflicting opinions on the best weight loss methods that are available, people are misled and misinformed about what it truly takes to lose weight permanently.

It's as though many people have suffered "paralysis by analysis". There is so many different points of view that become overwhelming, it causes some people to throw their hands up and do nothing.

The way to make weight loss permanent is to replace your old unproductive habits that created an unhealthy lifestyle with newer habits that support losing weight. It starts with choosing to do so.

Exercise your power of choice. You can choose to have anything, be anything, and do anything if you are willing to chose it. It is a tool at your disposal whenever you need it.

In fact, the very best tool you can use for long lasting weight loss is the tool between your ears. Your brain is the best piece of equipment you can use to lose weight and keep it off. The more you feed your mind with powerful, results producing information, the better you'll be.

Study weight loss. Make it your mission. But do not lose the simplicity of it.

Weight loss is no harder than choosing to eat right every three or four hours (the most important process in weight loss and weight management), exercising with some weights/resistance two to three times a week, and doing some form of cardio/aerobics two to three times a week.

To lose weight and stay in great shape does not require any more than 2 to 3 hours a week total of exercise. I've trained many people that have managed to stay incredibly thin and in great shape with only 2 hours a week total of exercise.

It all comes down to the way you choose to eat and live. It is your choice of lifestyle that determines what you weigh.

The most important step you can take is to make the choice that you are going to commit to this and stick with it until you accomplish what it is you want.

There are going to be many days where you want to throw in the towel and call it quits. But choose not to.

Have faith that you will get what you want. It will require patience and persistence, but so do all good things in life.

I asked you to dream about how it would feel to have your ideal body. How it would feel to be as thin as you want to be and as energetic and as vibrant as you'd like to be. How would you feel to have the strength and flexibility you want and to rid your body of those nagging aches and pains.

Dare to dream a little and then choose to go after and make those dreams come true. Theres a huge difference between identifying what it is you want and choosing to go after it. Identifying what you want is the first step in the process.

You must then make the choice to go after it. In fact, I've just given you the key that will unlock any fitness goal you may have now or in the future.

The key to permanent weight loss and superb health is the fact that you choose it. Weight loss, muscle toning, or any fitness goal you may have is simply a choice that you make.

Anything you want in life, any goal or desire can be yours if you simply choose to go after it. Things just do not fall into place naturally and without effort. Yes, they do fall, just not where you want them to.

You must first "think" of what it is you want and then choose to go after it. And if you do not get what you want? Try it again. Keep trying until you get it.

If you are persistent enough and work hard enough, whatever you wish for will be yours.

Whether you want to lose fat or gain lean muscle and increase strength, you choose to do so.

In fact, life boils down to a series of choices. The better choices you make, the better your life will be.

You can choose to slim down and fit into those jeans or you can choose to give into your false feelings of hunger and deprivation.

You can choose to get behind the wheel after drinking or you can choose to hand the keys to a friend. Some of the choices you make have a long lasting and dramatic impact on your life forever.

The great thing is, if you choose to go after weight loss, you can be assured that it's within your reach because others have accomplished it. Any problems that you may face in life, chances are that someone has faced them and has already battled and conquered them.

Just follow what it is they did to come out on top. The question of whether or not it's possible is not an issue. It's whether or not you go after it. In fact, the choices you make dictate the life you will lead.

Where you are today is the result of all the choices you have made up to this point.

If you want better, you must make better choices.You can either move ahead or stay behind.

Remember, weight loss is a choice. It's a choice, much like we chose to go to school to further our education or a choice to take a new job.

We only do things after we make the conscious decision to do them and to put our heart into them.

You can want anything in life, but it's what you're willing to go after that matters. Look at your list of goals that you have identified.

Are you willing and determined to accomplish each and every one of those goals on the list?

It's that one small factor, the step between identifying your goal and choosing to go after it, that will determine whether you succeed at weight loss or not.

Simply having goals and choosing to accomplish them is what distinguishes successful people from those that merely wish.

It wasn't until I made the conscious choice to do a bodybuilding show that I began making plans about how I was going to win it.

It had started with a thought about what I wanted and how I was going to get it. But it wasn't until I made the absolute choice to do it that I took it seriously.

Choice is powerful. Choice can be the ignition switch that fires up your vehicle that will allow you to reach your goals.

Like I said at the top. You can choose to have anything, be anything, or do anything. The choice is yours.

Begin using your power of choice. Make it a habit to chose what it is you want in life and then resolve to get it. After you have thought about what you want, choose to go after it. So many people live lives of quiet desperation because they do not make the choice to act upon their dreams.

For whatever reason they are held back by fear and often times choose not to realize their dreams. Like I mentioned earlier, if you can dream it, you can achieve it.

Look over your list of goals you have written. I want you to make the choice, right now, whether or not you are going to go after your goals.

Choosing to go after your goals is like switching the "On" switch of a piece of machinery. Until you make the conscious choice to get what you want, you are still in limbo. By making the conscious choice to go forward, you start the process of taking steps to realize your goals.

Look over your list of weight loss goals. Are you going to make the choice to go full steam. Is something still holding you back? I can tell you from personal experience, until you make the choice to go after something, the likelihood of you realizing that goal is slim.

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