Lose Weight Obesity

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Getting Rid Of Love Handles - How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

The key to successful fat loss is a gentle, healthy, gradual process. Too many ketones indicate that you are burning fat too quickly, and may irritate your bladder. Fast fat loss is a sure road to failure, because your body will compensate by slowing your metabolic rate, leaving you feeling tired and toxic from the high ketone levels in your system. So to get rid of your love handles and do it permanently, you must follow a strict plan.

Also, you won't be able to stabilize your desired weight if you achieve it too quickly. Our bodies establish weight "set points" over time. Once you lose weight, you need to maintain that weight for at least two years before your body adjusts fully to its new set point. This is why most dieters gain back the weight they have lost, and even a few more pounds, and those love handles feel bigger and more repulsive. Your body has to be taught at a metabolic level to be comfortable at a lower weight set point.

A weight loss diet is a long-term commitment to new habits and health. If you cannot commit yourself to two years of maintenance after the weight is off, it is better not to diet at all, because the backlash weight gain can leave you heavier than when you started. And then all the work to get rid of your love handles will be wasted.

Most bariatric (weight loss) doctors feel that 2 lbs. per week is a safe and efficient amount to set as a permanent weight loss target.

While two pounds a week may not seem like much, it will put you on the road to where you want to be and more importantly...safely getting rid of your love handles.

What most people don't see when trying to get rid of love handles is the bigger picture and how simple it can be with the right guidance. Get it here http://weight-loss-for-all.blogspot.com/

How To Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Common Weight Loss Myths Exposed

You might have tried to lose weight numerous times before, only to give up when you don't see immediate results. There are numerous myths around diets, and hopefully, we'll dispel them now!

The first myth folks surrender to is that you'll be able to reduce weight quickly by getting rid of as many calories as possible from your diet or by fasting. This is a very harmful means to do it since your body enters starvation mode, instantly halting fat loss. A lot of folks simply would like to slim down quickly for an outfit they want to fit into for a special social function coming up soon. Do not hold back till the eleventh hour to begin dieting.

A different myth we come across in our pursuit of a slenderer waist is the one that says to exclusively consume a single type of food all day, day-after-day. Grapefruit, pepper-laden water, and even hotdog dieting crazes have led to several bouts of overeating in the past. Embarking on reckless diet crazes means your system isn't obtaining the requisite nutrition it demands to combat sicknesses and remain in good health.

You might have likewise heard that you will be never be able to deviate from your diet plan. Whenever you do, you will be forced to work out for a long time in order to compensate for it. This is not correct. It is all right to eat that dessert occasionally. You simply must correct your calorie consumption for that day. There is actually no need for hours of working out simply to correct for one tiny dessert.

One myth you might have picked up is the one that alleges you can not snack prior to going to sleep, because you will get fat in your sleep. This one is not correct since a diet plan simply signifies that you are eating healthy and keeping an eye on your caloric intake for the day. Consuming a light snack prior to bed Is not going to make a big difference unless it is a full meal or a whole chocolate cake.

How about the one that alleges you can not snack between meals? It is more beneficial to eat snacks. Eat littler meals during the day in order to keep your hunger satisfied. By doing away with snacks between meals, you are simply going to make yourself hungrier at meal times, which makes you to eat a great deal more than you actually must simply to fulfill your craving.

Try not to fall victim to the countless dieting myths circling the internet. A levelheaded balance of correct eating (almost all of the time) and working out can skyrocket your dieting success!

Need a diet to lose weight quickly? Visit http://my-healthy-diet.com for lots more information.

Expert Trainer Gives You 3 Ways to Lose More Fat

Once you get in the zone, burning fat can be very easy. I know, easier said than done, right? But maybe you just don't have the right tips and tricks in your arsenal to help you get started on the right foot.

So here are three of the most important things you need to be doing to get your fat burning workout program started properly.

1) Use Fitday to figure out your food intake.

You can't just "wing it". You can't "eyeball" your food intake, as research shows that even nutritionists underestimate how much food they are eating.

If you don't know whats going down your throat each day, you are going to eat way too much food and never burn the fat. If you aren't losing fat, it's a simple numbers game. You are eating too much. And if you know your numbers, its easy to make the necessary changes.

As one client said on the message boards...

"Ok, I input all my meals on Fitday yesterday, including 2 cheats that I didn't think were a big deal. One was a handful of trail mix and the other was a handful of goldfish crackers. (yes, I have kids :-) ) I can't believe how just those two seemingly harmless snacks added up!! No wonder I have a muffin top! Yikes! So thanks for the tip about Fitday because that's going to keep me accountable."

The little things add up so quickly! You'll be amazed when you finally start counting your calories that you will often be far above your recommended intake.

A little bit here and a little bit there is all that is needed to sabotage your efforts.

Use it and lose it!

2) Use the right recovery pace in your interval training

The biggest mistake people make in interval training is working too hard during the recovery period.

If you continue to work at a hard pace when you should be almost resting, you wont get the true benefits of interval training.

So lose the cardio mentality and be sure to alternate between periods of harder than normal exercise, and very easy exercise.

If you don't know about interval training, here is how it goes.

Start with your normal warmup. Let's say walking at 3.0mph on the treadmill. Do this for five minutes, and then increase the speed to 3.8mph (a fast walk). Do this for 30-60 seconds (as long as you are comfortable doing it - don't do it if you feel that is too fast for you).

Drop the intensity way back to three miles per hour.0mph for 60-90 seconds. That is one interval. Go back and forth between working hard and going easy for 3-6 rounds. Then finish with a 5-minute cool-down.

Use the recovery period to recover!

3) Plan your food intake on the weekend

Set aside time to plan, shop, and prepare several days worth of meals. Use a Saturday or Sunday afternoon to cook some chicken breasts, prepare some raw vegetables, wash your fruit, and pack up your nuts.

A little bit of knowledge can go a long way.

Its that easy.

Use interval training in your fat burning workout and bodyweight exercises to sculpt your body.

How To Eliminate Belly Fat Starting Today

As we all know belly fat is really bad for you. It has been linked to conditions such as diabetes. It can also increase your odds of heart disease. So it is really important to get rid of this horrid fat as it will only reduce your quality of life over time. There is no time like the present so you need to get moving.

Exercise alone I am afraid to say will not get rid of visceral fat. With that said exercise is a key component in the war on fat. Another key component is diet and you want to avoid foods that will add to the problem such as foods that are high in saturated fat.

The key to success is to burn more energy than you ingest. As a result the combination of exercise and diet combined will prove to be the most effective. Like anything else in life variety is the spice that will improve your well being.

Eating the same stuff and doing the same exercises day and day out will not get the results you desire. As a consequence you need to mix things up and at the same time you need to somewhat enjoy what you are doing as this will help you maintain motivation.

As for supplements they definitely can help to get things underway but remember they should never substitute diet and exercise. If you want to keep eating pizza while watching TV popping pills then I think your smart enough to know that all you are doing is avoiding the issue and your health overall will not improve.

So use some common sense and apply the basics and soon enough you will have that flat tummy.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs

Small Changes Build to Weight Loss

Does this sound familiar....you promise yourself that the next morning you'll totally revamp your food choices, exercise daily, and be successful with your diet plan? Has it worked long-term? If not, maybe you tried to do too much too quickly. It can be overwhelming to make big changes and expect them to stick. Why not try something different? Make small changes to your food choices and exercise. Small changes build to big weight loss success.

In working with my clients, a successful strategy in losing weight and keeping it off is to make one small change at a time. Do you reach the top of a staircase by a giant leap? No, you rise to the top one step at a time. The same for weight loss is to make small changes and allow them to build success one after the other. Before you know it, those changes create a momentum of success that move you forward to your weight loss goals.

1. Eat slowly and calmly. Enjoy the tastes and textures. Put your fork or spoon down between every bite. Intersperse your eating with enjoying the company of others joining you for the meal. Your brain has a delay to your stomach by about 20 minutes when it comes to the feeling of fullness and satisfaction. If you eat slowly enough, your brain will catch up to tell you that you are no longer in need of food.

2. Eat only when you're hungry. Sounds easy but can be challenging to differentiate between your head hunger and hear your stomach truly growling. It is amazing how often we eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, hobby, recreational sport, or frustration. Unfortunately for some of us that struggle with weight and food issues, we have actually forgotten what physical hunger and the cues feel like. Next time, wait until your stomach is growling before you reach for food. If you're craving a specific food, it's probably a craving, not hunger. It's probably your head that's hungry rather than your stomach. If you'd eat anything you could get your hands on, chances are you're truly physically hungry.

3. Out of sight, out of mind. The other day I found a surprise lurking in my refrigerator. It was a holiday treat from Thanksgiving that got pushed behind other items in the refrigerator. I'd forgotten all about this little treat put in the refrigerator because I didn't see it. Fast forward to how it looked today; it was petrified and looked awful. Seeing this Thanksgiving goodie that I'd kept that looked delicious in November to its current appearance was disgusting. It sure put the food choice into perspective. You aren't tempted if you don't see it. Even further, if you don't buy it or bring it home, you aren't tempted either. Keep your trigger foods out of your radar.

4. Empower yourself with the trash. Huh? My husband brought home leftover food from a work function he attended. It was not the best nutritional choice for anyone. Rather than keep it around, I threw it away. It felt so empowering to throw away the unhealthy food item. I chose the health of myself and my family over the temporary enjoyment of eating an undesirable food choice. You and your health are more important than any fleeting food fix

You don't have to undertake all of the changes in your lifestyle all at once. You've done that before. Did it result in long-lasting change? Probably not. Try something different. If you want different results, try it in a different way. Small changes build to big changes. Before you know it, you'll step on the scale and see your goal weight. Small changes can equal big success.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.

Visit Cathy's website: http://www.LoseWeightFindLife.com

Should You Lose Weight Fast?

Many of us at one time or another have wanted to lose weight fast because of an upcoming vacation, or social event. But is it a good idea to even try to do this?

Almost without exception, dieticians and doctors will tell us that this is not a good idea, and can be really bad for your overall health. You can injure your heart, lose muscle, suffer from dehydration and increase the risk of gallstones if you lose too much weight too quickly. The generally accepted absolute maximum we should lose is 3lbs per week or less depending on the individual.

Now, many weight loss programs or diet pills promise more than this (as much as 6 lbs per week). Over a month this is quite significant, and means a total loss of 24 lbs. Which is why people get interested in these programs in the first place! Apart from the health risks, the sad fact is, people will lose the weight only to see it come back as time goes on.

So should you try to lose weight fast? The honest answer is no! But there are things you can do that will help you burn fat quickly and reduce the health risks.

First and foremost, if you are considering a weight loss program you should meet with your physician and get his/her OK.

Whatever diet you are following, you need to drink plenty of water. This is essential, especially if you are losing weight faster than normal. Water is very beneficial, and will flush out the waste products from your body. Also you should try and eat a balanced meal. If you are hungry fill up on veggies! They may not be the most appetizing, but they won't hurt you either!

Exercise should be another key ingredient of your weight loss program. You have to include both aerobic and strength training. Now if you haven't been doing much exercise this is not going to be easy. I recommend you get a personal trainer for the first couple of months. They will guide you through a suitable routine and make sure you do not try to do too much too quickly.

You will get many benefits from your exercise program. Aerobic exercise like walking or cycling will burn calories. Remember any weight loss program requires you to use more calories than you take in each day. Strength training goes one step further and will burn fat directly. Once you get into an exercise routine, you will begin to feel healthier, fitter - and slimmer.

So, if you include the above suggestions in your diet program, you should be able to lose weight fast without all of the negative effects. It's better if you can follow a balanced type of diet and cut back somewhat on the lbs per week you are trying to lose. In the end you'll feel better, and if you have successfully changed your eating habits you'll be more likely to keep your weight down for the long term.

Mike is a fitness enthusiast, runner and walker. He is a contributing editor for the Get In Shape web site. Learn more weight loss tips on their their page Can You Really Lose Weight Fast?

Healthy Weight Loss Program Inspiration

Looking for an healthy weight loss program inspiration? You may be finding it hard to will yourself to lose weight. You have been accustomed to your daily eating habits, You may not even have an exercise pattern every week. Do not worry. This shall serve as your healthy weight loss program inspiration.

Healthy combination

A successful healthy weight loss program is based on two strong foundations: healthy diet and physical exercise. For you to be able to lose weight and maintain it, you need to make necessary dietary and lifestyle changes. If you are used to eating sweets every day, it is advisable to stop that unhealthy habit. Sweets, as well as foods rich in fat and cholesterol, are unhealthy. Just imagine the accumulated fats on your body.

Gradual process

Weight loss and management is a gradual process. Fad diets, quick-fix products, or dietary supplements do not guarantee instant weight loss. For you to be able to fight off your weight problems, you need to have focus and commitment. Weight loss is certainly a personal struggle, but support and encouragement from family and friends do help.

Goal setting

In every weight loss and management program, the first thing to do is to set a goal. This goal should be realistic. For example, aim losing two pounds a week. This entrails burning at least 500 calories. Work on your goal by doing what you ought to do: eat less and move more. Get healthy weight loss program inspiration from people you know who was able to go through the process and achieved good results.

Create a healthy weight loss program and stick to it every single day Over the internet, you may read stories of overweight people who have lost weight by simply following their healthy weight loss program. Derive healthy weight loss program inspiration from people who have successfully reduced their weight. This will certainly motivate you to reach your weight loss goal.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret

Weight Loss Tricks - Use These Tricks To Stay Motivated

Weight loss tricks can mean the difference between losing 5lbs in a month and losing 15. Losing weight can be a long and difficult struggle, but if you know some little tricks and special techniques you can use, you can maximise your progress and reduce the amount of time you have to struggle for. Check out the rest of this article for some of the best weight loss tricks.


Start a weight graph. The worst weight loss tricks are the ones we play on ourselves when we kid ourselves about how much we are eating and how many workouts we miss etc, and you can easily combat this by starting a weight graph. Simply get some graph paper or simple squared paper and begin weighing yourself every day. Do it at the same time each day and make sure you are just in underwear, and then plot the results on the graph. Each week join the dots together, and you will have a real chart of your progress, good or bad.


Start a food diary. Another of the weight loss tricks perennial dieters like to play on themselves when we are trying to lose weight is where we "forget" about all the naughty stuff we've been eating and then act all surprised when we haven't lost anything in a while. Keep a food diary, and make a note of every single thing that you eat. Be honest, and be detailed. Note the sizes of the portions, and also the times of the day. Even better, if you know how many calories are in there, note that down too. Once you have your graph and your diary a couple of weeks you'll be able to see what it is that's making you have good days and bad days.


Drop the fast food. Even a little fast food, say once a week, as a treat, will set you back in your quest. Eating fast food is a weight loss trick that not even world champion dieters could pull off. The sheer amount of calories will make it tough for anyone to drop weight. It's not just the burgers, it's the fries too, and don't forget about the drinks. Huge amounts of sugar in those drinks. Some fast food meals contain almost a whole day's worth of calories. Fact! Now how can you expect to lose weight when you are eating 8 days worth of calories in a seven day week?


Have a target. If you only want to lose a few pounds, that's fine, but picture the exact number you want to lose. One of the weight loss tricks employed by super successful slimmers is to always have goals. Obesity is a growing problem which statistically affects most Americans, so if you'd like to lose more than a few, get some books on weight loss and body mass indexation. They will be able to teach you your healthy weight for your height. Once you know that, it gives you something to shoot for. Life's easier when there is a goal in sight.

Do you see how some simple weight loss tricks can make a huge difference? If you are trying to lose weight, these weight loss tricks will help you achieve far more than if you didn't know them. Check out the links below for some expert weight loss advice.

CLICK HERE to start dropping weight TOMORROW - explosive weight loss is waiting for you...

CLICK HERE for the best weight loss resources on the net - we'll even show you how to get a free weight loss book right now

Emma Green is the webmaster at http://www.fastweightlossreview.com

The Secret Food For New Year Diet Success

At this time of year a record number of people are preparing to start a New Year diet as part of there list of New Year Resolutions. It's an inevitable part of Christmas. As part of that, people are often worrying about how that they are going to make their diet stick to they can have long term weight loss that has eluded them in previous years. Well this year the secret food for diet success can be part of everyone's diet. But its not what you thought.

The food you put in your mouth is important for diet success. Keep putting the wrong stuff and you'll start to fail with your New Year Diet. However as important as the food you put in your mouth is, it is not as important as the food you put in your brain. This is the real secret of a weight loss programme that succeeds over the long term.

There are a whole host of reasons but basically it boils down to the simple fact that every action you take, every decision you make around food goes on in your brain. Go to the burger stand or walk by? It's in your brain. Salad or Piazza? It's in your brain. Go for the walk or stay in front of the TV? It's in your brain.

Everything is a series of choices. Absolutely everything! If your diet has failed on previous occasions, chances are it will down to this. That point where you started making decisions to stay seated, to not exercise or to grab that extra slice of whatever.

Don't be too harsh on yourself though. We make so many decisions each day and they happen so quickly they're virtually invisible and we don't recognise them as decisions. But now that you do know, you're ahead of the game. Better still, once you learn that you can control those thoughts and that you can get to a point where the right decisions are automatic you can put your New Year Diet on the road to success.

The secret, the real secret to a successful New Year Diet (or any diet for that matter) is getting your brain ready to be successful. To do that, you have to help it make the right choices for you. And it all works on a simple rule

You Get What You Focus On

So you have to focus on what diet success will look like to you. There are so many things you can do and as you learn each one you can add them to your arsenal. Right now however you have to spend some time thinking about what the new you will look like. You need to picture yourself living the life you will enjoy as a result of being the way you want to be. Don't focus on what you want to avoid, focus on what you want. See it as vividly as possible. Do it whenever you have some spare time. Make that 30 second daydream count for something.

There are a whole range of techniques that you can build into your mental diet and they can be done quite easily. It's vital that you make these a key part fo your diet to ensure long term success. Once you have these and are staying on track, imagine the boost you'll get as others start to fall at the fences and you are coasting along knowing you know the real secret behind successful diets.

The secret to long term weight loss has become this years hottest diet topic. Ed Thomas has been trying to get this message out for years. His blog at http://superdietsecret.blogspot.com where he's gathering techniques for permanent weight loss for everyone.

3 Powerful Fitness and Weight Loss Tips

Want to get fit and lose some weight? Are you tired of struggling to stay on your diet and exercise plan? No matter what your current fitness level, there's a good chance that a few small changes can bring you MUCH better results.

Here are 3 of the most powerful fitness "secrets" to help you get (or stay) on track to a healthier, better-looking body:

1. Workout early in the day.

If you workout early on in the day, you'll probably have a much more effective workout -- mainly because you have more energy and are "fresher" than you are in the afternoon or evening. Also, studies have shown that people who workout in the morning tend to stick with their exercise programs longer and achieve better long-term results

2. Eat some healthy fat every day.

One of the worst mistakes you can make is to cut out all or most of the fat from your diet. Simply put, the human body needs some healthy fat to function properly. Also, it becomes extremely difficult to lose weight when you begin to cut your fat intake too much. The key is to choose healthy, fitness-friendly fats. A few of the best fat sources include: extra-virgin olive oil, flax oil, fish oil, virgin coconut oil, avocado, and raw nuts/seeds.

3. Don't let yourself get hungry.

Hunger is the enemy of anyone trying to lose weight. If you try to fight hunger, eventually you will lose. The key to real weight loss success is to never let yourself get hungry. If this means snacking all day long then do it! But, of course, you have to choose the right snacks in order to be successful. The next time you start to feel hungry, quickly grab one or more of the following "super snacks" and eat:

dried prunes
raw veggies with low-fat dip
unsalted or lightly-salted nuts
low-fat/low-sugar yogurt
a few whole-grain crackers w/ low-fat cheese
a whole-wheat tortilla with hummus
beef/turkey/ostrich jerky
a bowl of whole-grain/non-sugared cereal
a high-protein/low-carb smoothie

...just to name a few! For more healthy snack ideas pick up one of the many healthy cookbooks at your local bookstore.

Jamie Clark is a writer and co-editor for RealFitnessExperts.com. For tons of useful tips and tricks from some of the world's top fitness experts be sure to visit: http://www.realfitnessexperts.com today!

Belly Fat And Weight Loss Are Matters Of The Heart

Why Is Belly Fat Adding On?

Belly or abdominal fat being hazardous to health, is a well known fact. This hazard is increasingly becoming a major concern of many healthcare professionals. The easy and plentiful variety of food that is available, especially in the developed and fast developing countries, is very much a factor here. The other factor is, as we progress, life becomes so much easier. Driving instead of walking even over a short distance, using the elevator or escalator instead of the stairs and generally living a sedentary lifestyle is another contributing factor. The end result is that we have a huge increase in unused energy. Most of this is stored as belly fat and it becomes very obvious. It's no wonder that weight loss has become a serious issue today.

What Are The Implications?

Fat accumulation especially as belly fat has life threatening consequences. Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are among some of the many identified. Those who need to lose weight or shed off their belly fat must take note that cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide. Of even greater worry is that, among those who are overweight and obese, people with abdominal obesity, are at the greatest risk. In particular, they are more vulnerable to coronary heart disease and stroke. Take out your measurement tapes and start monitoring your waist circumference to determine your abdominal obesity or belly fat.

How Can You Get Rid Of Belly Fat?

There are several ways. Apart from surgical intervention and other such medical procedures, among the most common are: exercise, weight loss pills and cleansing of the stomach or digestive system. In terms of exercise, there has to be a dedicated program that is specifically targeted. As for weight loss pills, the main concern, as discussed in the relevant forums and discussion groups, are adverse side effects. Therefore, the pills that are currently popular are those with nil or very little adverse side effects. Stomach cleansing has become an option for those who have tried exercise and pills but have not had the desired weight loss. It has been medically proven, that in cases of stubborn belly fat, the problem could be deep within the digestive system.

To lose your belly fat and even flatten your tummy through exercise, the best results have been obtained from this #1 rated abs program on the Internet. Check-In Here To Have You Stomach or Belly Even Out. If a weight loss pill is your preference, we have identified two of the most popular prescription medications that are available from reputed healthcare professionals. Drop By Here To Learn More. Belly fat that is stubborn and weight loss that is difficult to achieve, can be caused by bacteria or plaque in the digestive system. Let the good doctor explain her stomach cleansing Solution For You Here.

Experience Dynamite Weight Loss Results Without Giving Up Your Favorites

In an attempt to eat healthier and lose weight many people have given up there sweet tooth...

Perhaps you're one of the many who have adopted a diet void of all the things you love...Cookies, cake, pudding and all other favorite foods all for the sake of dropping a few pounds.

But is all of this completely necessary?

Do you really have to suffer through a "boring diet" to shed that extra weight?

You will be happy to know that the answer is no. The problem with the sweets we eat is not the sugar in them unless the sugar is refined.

Walk into any grocery store and the shelves are lined with processed foods, most of which contain sugar in its refined form. Read any food label and you're likely to find ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, another name for refined sugar. Heck, it's even found in items that you would never expect...Items such as Whole wheat bread, salad dressing, canned fruit and many others.

But what is it about refined sugar that is contributing to those extra pounds?

The answer lies in the way it affects your metabolism.

Your body runs off of energy from the food you eat. Every time your heart beats, you blink an eye or take a step your body uses energy. Your body obtains that energy from the food you eat through a process called metabolism. Simply defined, metabolism is the process of breaking down food into energy to be used to carry out body processes.

Forgive me for being scientific, but do you remember your high school chemistry class? What happens when you burn something? A series of chemical reactions takes place. It's no different with your body. When food is broken down by your body (metabolized) a serious of chemical reactions occurs. If the food you eat is in its natural state the reactions are positive. However, if the food you eat is not in its natural state (refined) the reactions are not positive.

So what does refined sugar have to do with all of this?

Refined sugar is not in its natural state. Therefore, the chemical reactions that occur when refined sugar is being broken down by your body are not positive. In fact, the process of breaking down refined sugar produces poisons! These poisons move throughout your body and have an extremely negative impact on your metabolism. Over time, the continuous consumption of refined sugar creates an extremely inefficient metabolism making it harder for your body to convert the food you eat into energy.

What's the solution?

If you are looking to shed some extra pounds, the elimination of refined sugar will work wonders. Purchase desserts that have organic, non-altered sugar. This is not a license to over-indulge yourself, but there is no need to suffer through a boring diet.

Jason Clemens is a leading weight loss and nutrition expert.
"Learn how you can lose 20 pounds this month
without giving up your sweet tooth?"
==>Visit naturally-lose-weight-fast.com

Fastest and Healthiest Weight Loss Program - What You've Never Been Told

What is a factor in how to lose weight fast that isn't directly related to a diet or exercise program? Did you know that a combination of non-diet, and non-exercise related factors can actually increase your fast weight loss goal successes up to four times? If you're looking to lose 10 pounds in a week or just lose 15 pounds fast, these factors can make all the difference!

According to studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), there are definitely slower and faster ways to lose weight.

Following are some little-known tips that can help you evaluate whether a program will promote fast weight loss while still being healthy. These factors were found in a variety of studies showing significant differences than their counterparts in promoting faster and/or better long-term results.

The fastest and healthiest weight loss program should:

  • Be a commercial directed program rather than self-study

    • A detailed food plan
    • An activity plan
    • A behaviormodification plan focused primarily on cognitive restructuring

  • Reduce calories as well as fat in the diet plan

  • Offer a prepared meal plan (31% more weight loss on average with this factor alone)

    • Pre-cooked meals designed to meet strict diet plan guidelines
    • Prepared snacks are available to meet energy requirements

  • Encourage regular physical exercise more than 200 minutes per week

  • Be web-based or a well-supported group therapy program

    • Participant logs onto the website frequently or attends regular meetings
    • Participation in support modalities is encouraged regularly and followed up on by interventionists.

  • Engage the participant in behavior therapy

    • Regular online submission of self-monitoring diaries with individualized therapist feedback
    • Online forum
    • Regularly emailed behavioral lessons

  • Have counseling done by a human via email rather than computer-automated counseling

Whether you want to lose 15 pounds fast, or just lose 10 pounds in a week, these factors are important. Finding a fast and healthy weight loss program that offers several of these factors could be a significant enhancement towards reaching your weight goals. Probably the best point would be to look for a program that offers prepared meals. Just prepared meals alone can up your weight loss an average of 31 percent-and it also greatly enhances quality of life, ease of participation, and longevity in the program.

Sofia Taylor specializes in weight-loss oriented research. Stop trying diets destined for failure. Sign up for a diet food delivery service today. Let them take the stress and hassle out of managing your diet. Check it out at http://www.squidoo.com/dietfooddelivery

Fat Burning Foods - Speeding Up Weight Loss

It is possible to speed up weight loss as well as your metabolism by incorporating several fat burning foods into your daily diet. While there are no foods that can actually cause a break down of fat all on their own, there are numerous delicious and healthy foods that when eaten, create a caloric deficit, which in turn aids weight loss.

The key to healthy dieting and weight loss is simply expending more calories than you ingest. The body then has to resort to stored fat for energy, thereby causing a reduction in weight. Fat burning foods are those that actually cause the body to burn more calories by eating and digesting them than their original caloric content. By switching from foods that are high in fat and calories to those that are high in fiber and lower in calories, a caloric deficit will result and cause the body to lose weight.

Be sure to include whole grains in your diet as opposed to white breads, rice, and pastas. Whole grains take longer to absorb and digest, which helps the body increase metabolism, and also to stay satiated longer by creating a feeling of fullness. White flour is also detrimental to weight loss as it can cause an imbalance in the bodys blood sugar levels.

Including fat burning foods like certain soups and salads as a part of your meal can also help speed up weight loss. Eating salads, broth, or tomato-based soups before a meal allows the body to feel full and satisfied, making you less likely to overindulge on the main course. When choosing dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurts, stick to those that are labeled low or non-fat. Tofu and soy milk are good substitutes for those who are allergic to dairy.

While water isnt technically a food, its an essential part of any healthy diet that shouldnt be overlooked. Water is the bodys natural appetite suppressant, and staying well hydrated is an excellent way to combat hunger and increase metabolic rates. Caffeine has also been shown to boost metabolism, however, the drug may have adverse side effects in some people. Instead of drinking coffee, try switching to green tea which has the caffeine, but also contains heart healthy ingredients and anti-cancer fighting agents.

A healthy diet including choices from the following list of fat burning foods coupled with a regular exercise program will help to quickly burn calories, and increase metabolism even hours after your workout.


- Apples
- Apricots
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Cantaloupe
- Cherries
- Cranberries
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Honeydew
- Lemons
- Limes
- Mangoes
- Nectarines
- Oranges
- Papaya
- Peaches
- Pears
- Pineapple
- Prunes
- Pumpkin
- Raspberries
- Tangerines
- Tomatoes
- Watermelon


- Artichokes
- Asparagus
- Beets
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Chives
- Corn
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant
- Green beans
- Kale
- Leeks
- Lettuce
- Mushrooms
- Okra
- Onions
- Peas
- Peppers
- Radishes
- Red cabbage
- Scallions
- Spinach
- Squash
- String beans
- Turnips

Find out how you can easily and quickly lose weight with Nutrisystem visit Fast Easy Diet.com at http://www.fast-easy-diet.com

The Secret Weight Loss Machine

There is a piece of equipment available that has been shown in clinical tests to be unsurpassed for assisting in your weight loss goals - want to know what it is?

The Treadmill - exercising on Treadmills has helped many people to achieve their weight loss goals - and it can help you too.

Treadmills can be used by virtually any age group, and by individuals of any activity level. Treadmills can help you lose weight, and maintain your weight loss.

It really is a numbers game. The more time you spend engaged in physical exercise the more calories you are going to burn and consequently the more pounds you will lose.

If you are searching for fitness equipment that will not only burn fat, but will also raise your metabolism to continue burning fat long after youve stopped exercising, then a treadmill should be at the top of your list.

The treadmill is matchless for cardiovascular exercise. According to a recent study, calories burned on the treadmill for 60 minutes averaged 865 - 705. Compare this figure to the following:

Stair machine 746 - 637
Rowing machine 739 - 606
Stationary cycle 604 - 556
Cross-country ski machine 678 - 595

As you can see the treadmill comes out as the number one cardiovascular machine.

If you would like to develop your own weight loss treadmill program here are some ideas:

Be creative - make your Treadmill session pleasurable, listen to music or audio books on your MP3 player. Some people prefer to just take the opportunity to think or just day dream. The more you enjoy your Treadmill session, the more likely you are to exercise on your treadmill regularly.

Try to exercise daily. Working out on your Treadmill regularly makes your weight loss goals much more likely to happen than if you are only working out only when the mood takes you. Most people that make the switch will tell you that it's easier to workout every day. You don't have to think about whether it's a workout day or not and get prepared for it - just exercise on your treadmill every day - your body will become accustomed to it. It will soon become part of your routine and you will begin to look forward to it.

Try to mix in some interval training into your Treadmill sessions each week. Interval training consists of brief periods (about one minute) of more intense exercise incorporated into your Treadmill workouts. You may do a one minute interval of faster walking about every five minutes throughout your workout.

Start with a three to five minute warm-up and then five minutes into your walk you do your first interval, one minute of faster walking. At the end of that minute you should be out of breath and ready to slow down. Slow down to your regular walking speed for the next four minutes and then your fifth minute is another one minute interval. Repeat this throughout your workout.

By this means you can increase your aerobic fitness level to the limits of your ability. You are in essence crossing the anaerobic threshold into anaerobic metabolism, this forces your body to accept more intense exercise which will in turn make your weight loss gains more achievable.

By increasing your basal metabolic rate, interval training cause you to burn more calories a day, and make your exercise less monotonous. Interval training also helps the time pass more quickly.

Try walking on your Treadmill with light hand weights of between one and two pounds weight for two to three days per week. Swing your arms and also use a variety of arm movements while walking. This will increase your basal metabolic rate and tone your upper body muscles.

Try to do your Treadmill workout first thing in the day. Most people who workout regularly, do so first thing in the morning. If YOU want to exercise regularly, you are more likely to succeed by being an "early bird"

In order to add a bit more variety to your routine set one day of the week aside to be your "easy day". This should be a very leisurely session. Consider how good your walks are starting to feel as you continue to lose weight and tone your body.

You have probably heard the expression "if you can't measure it, then it doesn't exist". With this in mind make sure that you record your progress. Record the date and time-of-day of your workout, and the distance and/or time you walked. Record the total of the miles or minutes you've walked. Your thoughts or feelings for that particular workout can also be logged.

All of the above measures will help to ensure that your Treadmill Exercise Session is that one special time of day to take care of yourself. Don't let anyone or anything keep you from your special time with your Treadmill. Working out on your Treadmill every day will help you achieve your weight loss goals and have a positive impact on all aspects of your life, including physical, mental, and emotional health.

If we only consider the issue of weight loss, the Treadmill is significantly superior to any other exercise machine given its associated energy expenditure. While other fitness equipment "fads" gather dust Treadmills have consistently provided quality results and lasting benefits. Treadmills allow you to work at your own pace, but don't allow you to slack off. You'll be able to burn calories efficiently and attain your weight loss targets.

If you're in the market to seriously educate yourself about treadmills, visit http://www.treadmilladviser.com where you can obtain more detailed information.

Paul Reeve is a Personal Trainer, Presenter and Lecturer for Fitness Professionals, Sports Organizations, Sport Coaches, Corporate Organizations. Get FREE advice on Treadmills from his Online Assistant team at http://www.treadmilladviser.com

Weight Loss For Idiots - Why You Should Avoid "Fad" Diets

If you've watched any TV or done any web surfing lately, you've no doubt ran into countless ads for a new fad diet claiming it is the new magical cure to help you lose weight. Sure, you doubt their legitimacy, but you've tried everything else so you go for it, only to be let down once again. Here are some reasons to ditch these unreliable diets and stick with more tried and true methods.

It's easy to spot fad diets as they usually promise easy, immediate results. These diets usually sound too good to be true. They stress the importance of certain 'good foods' while eliminating certain 'bad foods' sometimes even an entire food group. Perhaps the easiest way to spot a fad diet is by the fact that they always seem to be trying to sell you something.

These fad diets also fail by not encouraging exercise. They promise quick results, with little contribution on your part besides sticking to the diet. Not only does this deter true weight loss, but in the long run it can be very unhealthy as lack of exercise leads to heart problems.

Often a fad diet relies on testimonials rather than scientific evidence. Some of the newer fad diets often base themselves on celebrity endorsement such as Oprah Winfrey and Anna Nicole Smith. Other times they will have numerous testimonials of people who have supposedly lost weight using the diet accompanied by dramatic before and after photos. Another gimmick is to include phrases such as "lose 10 pounds in 10 days."

These fad diets also will often show some form of scientific study and an oversimplified explanation. These studies ignore the differences in metabolisms and bio-chemistry. Often the studies were not conducted using the scientific method and contain no legitimate claims. Fad diets usually ignore or refute any true scientific evidence that disagrees with the program.

Then why is it that these diets seem to work? It depends on which one you are currently trying but this can often be linked to things such as water loss. Even when these diets do show quick results, the important thing to keep in mind is that these results are not permanent as it is not healthy to stay on them too long, nor would you want to given their blandness and strict rules, not to mention that the weight is usually gained back.

The AHA, American Heart Association, urges dieters not to go on fad diets for many reasons. One of which is that these fad diets usually force you to eat a single type of food, which keeps you from having a balanced diet. When a person eats only one thing, they can't get the vitamins and nutrients that the food doesn't contain. These foods are also so bland that people just can't stick with them. A good diet is something you can eat and enjoy now and for the rest of your life.

Kelly Lester is commited to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.

Best Cardio Machines For Your Butt

Many women today are working to improve their overall health and appearance, while focusing on increasing some of their best assets. Right now, the rump is getting a lot of attention and I've got a list of the best machines that will help you improve your, ahem, best assets.

The Treadmill - It doesn't matter if your are jogging or walking this machine will get your on your way to a curvy and firm behind. If you choose to job make sure that your heels are hitting the ground first. If you choose to walk, increase the incline so it simulates walking up a big hill. The treadmill is the most effective machine for working out your glutes, even more than the stair master.

The Elliptical - This machine is great for a cardio workout! Did you know that this machine will activate about 32 percent of your glute muscles? Its true, stick your butt out a little while on this machine and push down with your heel as much as possible. You will defiantly feel the burn!

Spinning - Using an upright stationary bike while sitting farther back on the seat and pushing the pedals down forcefully will get your butt in gear in no time! If you are spinning, stand up and stick your butt out while leaning forward. This method only activates 6 percent of your glute muscles, but is a great workout overall.

Take the stairs - A stair stepping machine is a great tool for increasing the strength in your legs and bringing your butt up to new heights! This machine will activate about 24 percent of your glute muscles, all you have to lean forward slightly at the waste and take longer steps, try taking two at a time if you can manage it. And let go on the rails!

What are you waiting for? Go get your rump shaking!

Check out The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet - The best diet for getting your rump in shape much faster. Remember it doesn't matter how much you exercise if you aren't eating the right things!

I also recommend Turbulence Training & WorkoutPass for exercise you can do at home without cardio equipment.

Lose Weight

With the growing number of people in America being overweight dieting is the number one thing on people's minds. There are so many new products on the market everyday. How do you know what to choose? You want something that is comfortable for your lifestyle and that also works.

Most people know or would agree that crash diets and pills do not produce long term weight loss. They are just a temporary fix. To keep weight off there has to be a lifestyle change involved. This can be such a slow process and we live in the time of wanting instant results.

Some suggestions to help you control your weight would be:

* Choose low-fat, low calorie foods
* Eat smaller portions
* Drink the required daily allowance of water that your body needs
* Get exercise

To maintain your weight you must burn as many calories as you take in. To lose weight you must burn more calories than you take in. This is the only way weight loss can be accomplished.

If you would like to learn how to lose weight without crash diets or pills go to my site by clicking the link below. You will also find more information about diet programs as well. You can look at all the sites on my blog and find something that is right for you.

Please feel free to reprint or distribute this entire article as long as you make sure the author's name, bio and website links are included in every instance.

B Berry writes on various download reviews and home business. To find out more information on how you can lose weight without diets or pills go to http://best-weight-loss-help.blogspot.com/ to see for yourself.

Fad Diets That Work - Is There Such a Thing?

There are many fad diets constantly getting promoted with huge advertising campaigns and it seems that not a week goes by when somebody hasn't released the latest and greatest weight loss program onto the market.

Unfortunately the majority of these weight loss programs don't work for most people because they are simply too hard to maintain or alternatively they are detrimental to your overall health.

There is not one diet that is perfect for everyone but there are some very good programs available that will give most people very positive results and these are all based on the same foundation of sound nutrition, good exercise and realistic expectations.

Realistic expectations will get you a long way to achieving your goals so do take the time to consider what you can do, and what you can maintain over the long term.

Once again using good quality supplements can help considerably by maintaining balanced nutrition and reducing hunger that comes about from your body telling you that something is missing in your nutrition.

Having the support of those people around you will increase your chances of success and can help to give you the opportunity to set higher expectations and achieve your goals a lot sooner.

Support for your goals is a huge factor in achieving them even if you don't need other people to remain motivated so accept all and any help that comes your way.

The fact that you are considering a weight loss program only proves that you know what is good for you and all that is required now is for you to take action and make the necessary changes to your lifestyle that are overdue.

The first step is always the hardest and the further you go the easier the journey becomes provided of course that you have chosen the right path to follow.

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and learned easy ways to change routines and habits to keep weight.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of calorie shifting, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of diets and books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

Teen Obesity

Obesity is not a condition where an individual is simply eating too much. Obesity is now acknowledged as a grave disease that is chronic. It is prevalent in all regions of the world without any race, gender, or ethnicity bias. However, it is seen to be more widespread in developed countries; in the United States, it has assumed alarming proportions. It is saddening to note that there has also been a rise in case of teen obesity in the country.

In just two decades, the percent of obese teens has almost tripled. Almost fifteen percent more teens border between being overweight and obese. Obesity is found to be a common eating disorder in teenagers and adolescents, as they generally do not follow a proper eating schedule and prefer ready-made food to the home cooked healthier food.

Manifestation of health problems due to obesity is lesser in teens than in adults. However, overweight teens are at high risk of becoming overweight adults. Hence, it is important to nip the problem in the bud itself and ensure that steps are taken to lessen obesity, and make them slimmer and healthier.

Obesity in teens is found to result in weakening of their physical health, making them lethargic and restricted to indoor activities. It also leads to social disability, loneliness, and unhappiness. They are generally found to be without friends and find it difficult to make new associations. Weight problem typically weighs at the back of their mind, which makes them introverts. This makes the teen stressed and leads to severe complications such as stress and mental illness. Studies have shown that obese teens are prone to physical bullying as both victims and perpetrators, which could lead to serious mental complications in adult life.

It is important for teenagers to develop a personal identity and positive body image. Hence, it is advisable to talk to trusted adults for working out a schedule to reduce excess weight.

Obesity provides detailed information on Obesity, Obesity Help, Childhood Obesity, Morbid Obesity and more. Obesity is affiliated with Morbid Obesity Surgery.

Simple Weight Loss Strategies Part 3

Losing weight may seem a difficult task, but implementing simple weight loss strategies can help you to reach your objectives. One strategy which is extremely useful is this: eat frequent, smaller meals. The theory behind this tactic is that you will keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day and this will prevent hunger.

Of course, it is important to ensure that you eat healthy food if you snack on chocolate and high fat snacks, this wont be effective. Protein is particularly good when it comes to keeping your blood glucose on an even keel and so good snacks would be a few walnuts with an apple or some cottage cheese or natural yoghurt with goji berries.

An alternative, particularly if you eat a salad or a sandwich at work at lunch time, would be to divide this into two portions and have one at around 11 oclock.

When it comes to main meals, you will need to exercise portion control. A good trick is to use smaller plates for everyone. The rest of the family can have more if they want, but if you all start off with the same amount, you wont feel so deprived just leave the table before they tuck in to a second helping and leave the washing-up for them!

Another strategy which works well with more frequent meals, is cutting out carbohydrates in the evening. If you have had a mid-afternoon snack, you could stick to protein with a large helping of vegetables in the evening. It is best not to eat a heavy meal before going to bed when trying to lose weight anyway.

Simple weight loss strategies can make a big difference to your efforts, enabling you to reach your goals with a lot less stress.

Waller Jamison 2007

Kick start your weight loss with a New Weight Loss Strategy every week No time for exercise? Here are some Fat Burning Moves You Can Do at Your Desk

A Great Weightloss Plan

Many times the decision to lose weight is made in haste, usually fueled by anger or frustration. How many people angrily or disgustedly go on a diet and try to cut back on their food intake, only to find themselves craving food and overeating not long after?

A lot can be accomplished with anger or the energy built up over time with the frustration of living with a weight problem. It's okay to be angry and to vent your frustration. We don't need to go into the many ways stress and all the things in our lives may make us believe we are justified in our anger. Justified or not, the real question is, what are you going to do to help yourself?

You'd love to lose weight, great! But you may not know exactly how to go about it. There is help, you know. Many people have lost weight and you can learn from their experiences. There are also information online as well.

As a clinical hypnotherapist I learned a lot by watching the many inventive ways people dealt with their weight and problem eating behavior. One thing I can tell you is that the ones who were the most successful had a plan and had talked to an expert or other people who had managed to lose weight and keep it off.

The most important point I could make would be the old saying, "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail." My weight loss clients who were the most successful had thought about their eating habits and made plans for how they would deal with different situations that made them eat more. A plan doesn't have to be elaborate, but it does have to identify your strengths and weaknesses and have steps you can take to manage both. If you're going to put the effort into losing weight, then you deserve a fighting chance. Give yourself a plan.

To learn more about successful weightloss plans, click here now. Take the free quiz to see how close you are to successfully losing weight and getting some free advice from an expert at... Take the Free weight loss evaluation and find out close you are to finally changing your unwanted eating behavior. The results may surprise you!

Wil Langford, R. Hy. is a clinical hypnotherapist and integrated energy therapist who has helped hundreds of people to lose weight and keep it off, safely and naturally.

Find Free Hypnosis Facts at... Free Hypnosis Facts

Interval Training: The Fastest Way to Fat Loss

Intervals: Efficient & Effective

Intervals are the single most results producing exercise that Ive ever found for boosting your metabolism, helping you burn inches off your body, and giving you a tight, lean, strong shape.

Heres an excerpt from my latest article in Mens Fitness showing you how to use intervals for fat loss (Mens Fitness, Page 114, April 2005).

Interval training is the fitness worlds equivalent of a visit to the in-laws. The shorter and more intense the visit, the better.

An interval is a short period of exercise performed at a given intensity for a specific length of time. Each interval is separated from the next interval by a short rest or lighter activity. There are no strict rules on how long or how intense the interval must be, however, changing the interval length or intensity changes the way your body works and responds to exercise.

Never sacrifice the quality of rest between intervals because this will only reduce the benefits. To succeed with intervals, you must first shake the mindset of traditional continuous cardio training.

No matter where you start with intervals, heed this warning. The high-intensity nature of the exercise can cause muscle soreness youd associate only with weights, and can cause your legs to feel like j-e-l-l-o.

What most people dont know is that intervals are the best cardio method for fat loss. Most guys in the gym are hung up on doing excessive amounts of work, but shorter, more intense intervals get the job done better.

Intervals continue to burn calories and fat after the training session, and thats something you wont get from slower, longer sessions of cardio. When Canadian researchers compared interval training and long, slow cardio training, it was interval training that was shown to be more effective for fat loss.

Use this workout 3-5 times per week to blast fat.

Start with this beginner protocol:

Warm-up for 5-minutes.
Work for 30 seconds at an 8/10 level of intensity.
Follow that with active rest for 90 seconds at a 3/10 level of intensity.
Repeat for 3-8 intervals.
Finish with 15 minutes of traditional cardio for transition and cool-down.

As you become accustomed to intervals, progress to the experienced protocol:

Warm-up for 5-10 minutes.
Work at a 9/10 level of intensity for 30 seconds.
Follow that with active rest for 60 seconds at a 3/10 level of intensity. Repeat for 4-10 intervals.
Finish with 5 minutes of low intensity exercise for a cool-down.

Craig Ballantyne trains athletes and executives in Toronto, and writes for Men's Fitness magazine. His trademarked Turbulence Training workouts and his comprehensive workout manuals (including "The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout") are featured on his website Turbulence Training.

Add Green Tea to Your Weight Loss Program

Green tea is rich in epigallochatechin gallate or EGCG. EGCG is an antioxidant which destroys free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause aging and disease. The EGCG in green tea also helps to lower cholesterol levels and increase the metabolic rate of the body.

Research conducted at the University of Geneva in Switzerland by American and Swiss scientists show that green tea is effective in weight loss programs. The study was conducted with ten young men as subjects. The scientist compared the difference in energy expenditures of green tea and that of caffeine or a placebo. The energy expended using green tea was a four percent increase. This result has led to the belief that green tea can have an impact on weight loss.

Green tea can also lead to a healthier lifestyle. Drinking coffee with cream and sugar is high in calories and caffeine. Substituting green tea adds healthful substances like polyphenols and flavornoids to the body. Green tea does contain a small amount of caffeine, significantly less than coffee. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant which aids in weight loss.

The formation of fats in the body lead to weight gain. By drinking green tea, the fat is reduced by inhibiting the effect of insulin in the body. Insulin converts glucose into energy which is stored in the body as fat. A weight loss program with green tea as a component causes sugar to be sent directly to the muscles. This prevents fat from forming.

Green tea also promotes thermogenesis. Thermogensis is the process which burns fat and releases calories in the body. The caffeine content and catechin polyphenols create thermogenesis. This process stimulates metabolism in the body.

There are other components in weight loss. However, it is proven that if energy intake is reduced or increased energy is expended, weight loss will occur. Green tea has many benefits for those involved in weight loss programs.

Sandra is a researcher and writer with a special interest in health related topics that affect our daily lives. For more information on green tea, visit http://www.a-green-tea-guide.com