Lose Weight Obesity

Monday, May 19, 2008

Reducing Fat Stomach - 6 Tips to Slash It For Good

Want the best tips to reducing a fat stomach?

Here are the 6 basic tips to get you started -

1. Write down everything you eat - monitor what you're eating and get a clear picture of your eating habits. If for various reasons, you stray one week, you simply review your food intake and adjust where necessary to get you back on track.

2. Use smaller plates: research has found that most of us feel full when out plate is empty, regardless of how much we eat. And when you have 4 to 6 healthy mini meals a day, you will not be hungry. Control the cravings and you will lose the stomach fat.

3. Emotional Eating - Cut out the source of feelings that need feeding and find ways other than food to feed them (such as going for a walk or talking to friends). Also while sugary foods gives a fast emotional fix, research has shown that omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish, pumpkin seeds and nuts such as walnuts, can help life your mood. So eat smart to conquer your moods!

4. Green tea is often used solely to help people lose body fat. However, it is particularly effective when used in conjunction with other fat loss regimes. If you are in search of the best and the most effective method for reducing weight as well as maintaining it for life, you should add green tea to your daily diet as well as to your lifestyle.

5. Snack wisely. Not all snacks are created equal; having an apple or cookie mid afternoon might seem like a treat and a source of energy. However, the energy is short lasting and you will likely find yourself starving by the end of the work day.

6. Enjoy your meals and don't wolf it down. It can cause problems such as indigestion, especially in over-weight people because it takes up to 30 minutes for appetite hormones to reach the brain with the message that you're full. By that time, you could have eaten 3 to 4 times too much!

The key to getting it all together is planning - plan in advance to cook and shop for the groceries. That way you will cut out all the take away foods and junk food from your diet. And remember to stay active and exercise consistently to slash more body fat.

These are the keys to reducing fat stomach.

For Answers on How to Lose Body Fat And Build Muscle, Visit

Turbulence Training And Discover The

Best Ways To Lose Body Fat and Get Ripped Abs At The Same Time at http://www.squidoo.com/turbulencetrainingreviews

How to Avoid Diabates

Everyone wants to avoid diabetes. Diabetes is an issue that will affect everyone at one point in life, whether directly or indirectly. This newsletter will provide you with more information on diabetes and perhaps will lead to lifestyle changes that can help you, your friends, and family, avoid this terrible and mostly preventable disease.

A person with "adult-onset" diabetes (Type II) has high blood sugar levels because the cells of the body do not respond to insulin (they are "insulin-resistant"). Insulin is a hormone released from the pancreas and stimulates blood sugar uptake by cells of the body.

The cells then use this sugar for energy, however chronically elevated blood sugar levels can be unhealthy. In 1996, it was reported that the number of diabetes cases is going to double to 250 million worldwide by 2025. Type II diabetes is referred to as a lifestyle disease.

By lifestyle disease, this means that factors under our control are the primary factors behind the development of diabetes. The biggest risk factors are obesity, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition. These factors are promoted in Western society by the convenience and hectic schedule that seem to plague everyone.

The North American diet is full of processed foods with poor nutritive value. According to American Society of Bariatric Physicians, obesity has increased due to increased sugar consumption. Processed foods (i.e. white bread) quickly increase blood sugar and are referred to as high-glycemic index (GI) foods. The Nurses Health Study from Harvard examined 75000 nurses and found women eating more high-GI foods had twice the risk of heart disease. As well, high blood sugar levels may damage blood vessels and induce insulin resistance over time.

In addition, this sedentary lifestyle has led many to abandon daily exercise. Two hours in a car and 9 hours behind a desk (at least) are quite a contrast to the daily activities most people had as students. Again and again, authors state that changes in diet, exercise, and weight loss are the keys to treating and preventing diabetes. Authors recommend reducing processed food and sugar intake.

Avoid a "Mega-sized burger, fries, and pop" habit. Weight loss is a big help in avoiding diabetes as well. Losing 10% of excess fat can improve health. Researchers believe that diabetes is also a "skeletal muscle" disease and that people should go to the gym and resistance train. Lose fat. Add muscle.

On a disease-related exercise note, research has also shown that intense aerobic exercise prevents heart disease. The key was intensity and not duration. They found that people that performed 15 min of hard aerobic exercise a couple of times a week had less heart disease (Harvard Alumni Health Study, Circulation 102: 975-986, 2000). So lift, work hard, eat proper and in moderation, and you will increase your odds of long-lasting good health.

Okay, that is enough preaching. There will always be people that can smoke, drink, eat poorly, and not exercise and still live to 90 years of age. However, statistics suggest that more people will be getting ill due to their lifestyle choices. Fortunately, the stats show that this can be avoided and even treated with lifestyle changes. Make the necessary changes and read more on how lifestyle interacts with diabetes.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Vegan Diets For Fast Weight Loss - Are You Getting Enough Protein Through Plant Sources?

Can you get enough nutrition by eating a vegan diet for an extended period of time? Many people have asked me that as I continue to lose weight very quickly on my diet. The answer is that you can get as much protein and other nutrients from a plant based diet. Here are 5 things to remember when you begin your weight loss diet.

  • Make sure that you are eating a variety of foods. If you only eat a few different foods that are plant based protein, you will run the risk of not getting some of the essential amino acids that your body needs.
  • Be sure to include legumes in your daily eating plan. Legumes include peanuts, split peas, navy beans, lentils and other dried beans. Eating legumes will make you feel fuller for a longer period of time so you will be less likely to crave snack foods.
  • Keep foods like carrots and apples handy at all times. Even if you do not particularly like these foods, you will find that eating just a few bites of an apple or a few carrot sticks will get rid of any hunger pangs you get while you are dieting.
  • Weigh yourself only once a week. Many people get caught up in the belief that they must weigh themselves daily to measure their results. You will feel the results long before you see your numbers drop significantly. Your clothes will fit better and you will have more energy before you even lose five pounds.
  • Be open to alternative diets such as the master cleanse. This diet has been around for awhile because it really works to help you lose a large amount of weight quickly.

I encourage you to find out more about what will work best for you to lose weight quickly.

And now I invite you to learn more about how the master cleanse diet can help you to lose weight quickly by visiting http://www.FivePoundsAtATime.com and reading more about healthy dieting.

Can Hoodia Gordonii Works Wonders?

Are you suffering with weight problems? What have you done to solve this kind of problem? There are no magic pills that can cure the entire persons grief but there is a supplement that can be seen in the market that has great impact in losing weight.

Hoodia gordonii is near to magic in terms of dealing with weight problems and it doesnt have chemicals and drugs in it. It is certainly known to be safe and useful.

Hoodia gordonii is a plant which was located in South Africa. It is actually one of the thirteen varieties of the cactus-like plant. For a lot of years now, all the different types of hoodia plants have their own use by South Africans. It can be helpful with digestive ailments to minor infections. And this particular plant is certainly known with very remarkable weight loss recommended agents.

The extract of the plant works greatly as an appetite suppressant. It can make someone to feel like he or she is full while making the metabolism work appropriately and proficiently.

Hoodia gordonii can be an efficient and helpful addition to some weight loss programs. Lot of users of these supplements says that it is certainly helpful, because they tend to eat less because they feel they are already full. It certainly allowed test subjects to eat an average of 1,500 calories less per day without actually trying to diet. They just stopped eating since they feel they were satisfied.

Indeed, hoodia gordonii is known to be effective in weight loss. But to have a better result and a great health, a lot of things should be made and done. For a great result with hoodia gordonii, someone who really wanted to lose weight, one should maintain a balanced diet with exercise of course. Having hoodia gordonii, exercise, balanced diet, all combined, best results will occur soon.

Hoodia gordonii can be seen in different forms. Diet pill form is the most popular type of hoodia gordonii. But you can also found hoodia in juices, shakes and food products.

It really works well, it is already proven and there is no known side effect. It works by tricking the brain by telling it that it is already full and satisfied.

And whatever form you wanted, whether in pill, juice, shake, hoodia gordonii can be a help in losing weight. So for those you wanted to lose weight and to look good, hoodia gordonii can be helpful. You can add it to your weight program, in order to see a great result.

And as you can see in TV and magazines, hoodi gordonii is affordable. There are heaps of companies on the Internet that offers hoodia gordonii, and you can even find some that offers a reasonable price. Hoodia gordonii is actually has a valuable price compare to other weight loss programs.

Honestly, Hoodia gordonii is the latest craze in the diet world today. It is really true that Hoodia gordonii can works wonders in losing weight. But, take note, you have to work hard for it, dont just expect the pill to do it all for you.

So if you really wanted to lose those extra fats of yours start taking hoodia gordonii, exercise and eat healthy and soon you will witness that good looks you wanted.

Article Author Eliza Maledevic from http://www.Jump2top.com, a SEO Company.Know more about Hoodia Gordinii at http://www.primeherbal.com/hoodia

Active Stretching Exercises - Is It Simply A Waste Of Your Time?

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, merely watching our diet may prove to be inadequate. Having a varied exercise regime which includes both cardiovascular and strength-training exercises should be incorporated. You can opt to sign up at a gym for energetic aerobic classes or even opt for brisk walking in the park. There is a wide range of exercise choices available for you!

However, people tend to focus on the type of exercise itself, and forget to pay attention to stretching, not realizing the importance of active stretching. Common excuses for such negligence are tiredness and a lack of time before and after their workouts. Active stretching is necessary and should be incorporated along with the daily routine as it helps to prevent the straining of muscles to a large extent. Active stretching can be used almost anytime of the day, to relieve tension and stress as well as after an intensive workout.

There are some guidelines when attempting to perform active stretching. Posture and technique are important aspects to pay attention to. Active stretching should take place after a body has been warmed up, either by walking or even by doing daily household chores as well as manual labor! Contrary to popular belief, one should not begin a workout routine by stretching, as the muscles are not warmed up or loose enough to be flexed properly. Stretching before warming up can lead to strains. An adequate warm-up can be as simple as five or ten minutes of walking at a moderate pace, or even after completing your household chores that require a little more movement. A good time for active stretching is after the completion of your weight-training and cardiovascular workout.

The type of workout you choose will determine the type of active stretching. For instance, cardiovascular exercises such as running, affect the focus of your stretching. The focus of the stretch should be your legs, hips and ankles as they bore the majority of the impact while running. One popular way to stretch is aptly named the runners stretch. You will have to stretch and place your hands on the ground in front of you to keep your torso off the ground. The right knee is bent out in front of the body while the opposite leg is stretched behind and straightened. Not only would your hamstrings and hips get a good stretch with this technique, the crucial muscles to pay attention to; other parts of your body are being stretched as well, including your sides.

Attention should be given to your inner thighs as well after running. You can sit on the floor, with the heels of the feet together. Your knees would be facing outwards while you gently lean from the waist, bringing your forehead toward your heels in one smooth motion, avoiding jerky movements to reduce strain on your muscles. Remember to breathe deeply while you stretch!

Active stretching integrates flexibility into your workout routine, helping to prevent sport injuries and is not time consuming. After all, youve expended a lot of effort in your workout; a little more time devoted to active stretching would do wonders to round it off!

Moses Wright is the founder of Stretching Exercise. He provides more useful information on , Stretching Equipment and Sports Muscle Stretching on his website. Webmasters are welcome to reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.

5 Easy and Effective Steps to Reduce Belly Fat

A excess of fat in the midsection has been linked to a number of debilitating illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, certain cancers, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Many people find it increasingly difficult to lose weight as they age, and most men tend to gain weight around the midsection first. However, by following the five steps outlined below, its possible to reduce belly fat, lose weight, decrease the risk of certain diseases, and increase your overall quality of life.

1. Eat healthier meals

Research suggests that a diet rich with omega-3 fats can reduce the production of adrenaline, which is a stress hormone that contributes to belly fat. Omega-3s can be found in foods such as fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Also be sure to get the right amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and avoid processed foods and those that are high in animal fat.

2. Get enough exercise

A combination of aerobics and stomach-toning exercises coupled with a healthy diet will help tighten abdominal muscles and reduce belly fat. Exercise for at least 20, if not 30, minutes a day for the best results. Many people are surprised to learn that traditional sit-ups really arent the best way to reduce belly fat. Exercises such as pelvic lifts and tilts are much better for toning and strengthening weak or flabby abdominal muscles.

3. Strength train

Incorporate strength training into your exercise routine to help reduce belly fat. Regular weight lifting is beneficial because muscles burn calories. The more muscles your body has, the more calories it will be able to burn. Muscles also take up roughly a third of the amount of space that fat does, which helps us to not only feel better, but look better as well. Fitness trainers recommend strength training only every other day to allow the muscles a chance to rest and to avoid injury.

4. Limit stress

A hormone called cortisol is released during periods of stress and then remains at an elevated level. The fat in the abdomen acts differently from fat cells found in other parts of the body mainly due to the large blood supply in this particular area. The abdominal region also has more receptors to stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. All of these factors make it easier for fat to be stored here and settle around the abdominal area.

Try to limit your levels of tension by incorporating stress relieving activities into your daily schedule. At some point during the full 24 hours of each and every day, its imperative to make time for yourself in order for good mental and physical health. Read, talk a walk, listen to music, talk to a friend, soak in the bath, or simply nap or meditate for a few minutes each day. Research has shown that reducing stress does have a positive impact on the bodys ability to reduce belly fat.

5. Be patient

This final step to reduce excess belly fat is just as important as the other four. The extra fat that youve accumulated around your midsection didnt appear overnight, and likewise, it wont disappear that quickly either. By fretting and worrying about plateaus or stalls in weight loss, you may actually cause yourself to gain weight due to the extra stress on the body.

Find out how you can easily and quickly lose weight with Nutrisystem visit Fast Easy Diet.com at http://www.fast-easy-diet.com

Lose Weight Quickly - Give Me a Break

Weight loss products in general is a huge business on a global basis. Health care and weight loss has now become new entertainment in the form of reality TV.

And there is no time of year like the present where losing weight seems to be on most peoples minds. Celebrations usually involve large bounties of foods and desserts at family reunions. Most healthy conscious people will readily agree that exercise, drinking plenty of water and eating smaller portions will indeed help one lose weight.

In addition, having a diet high in fiber is now being recognized by many medical experts as being very beneficial to the body for it's optimal functionality. While alcohol is normally present during theses occasions, one would be wise to drink in moderation due to the fact that many holiday drinks are loaded with sugar. It's also good to mention: Try to avoid artificial sweeteners if at all possible. Use sugar or honey instead.

So, you can enjoy yourself over the holiday season by doing these simple yet very productive weight loss diet suggestions and at the same time not having to stringently count calories. Recently, I've been reading where some still have the notion that weight loss supplements are really not needed if one cooks most if not all their meals at home... give me a break.

If it were that simple, the average person would already be in in perfect shape, excluding medical conditions that may be genetically inherited or from birth. Let's face it... although I am a firm advocate to having meals at home with our families, we cannot ignore the fact that our foods are full of preservatives and chemicals. And yes, I know you can buy organic foods which I highly recommend. But they do not fit into everyone's food budget.

And don't forget that in some cases fat buildup is harder to dissolve and break down in certain parts of our bodies. That's when I feel it becomes imperative to add weight loss supplements as a good compliment to eating smaller portions, exercising and drinking more water. Not to mention that people are unbelievably busy and lead stressful, time-consuming lives. This alone keeps many families from cooking and eating at home. Diet and weight loss products such as themogenic herbal supplements which have proven to help burn stubborn fat deposits would be an ideal addition to one's constitution.

The last piece of advice that I can offer is always check with your medical doctor especially if you have an existing medical condition before starting a new weight loss diet or regimen. The good news however is that natural weight loss supplements such as thermogenic diet aids can help you achieve your weight loss goals much more easily and safely than many of the prescription based diet aids on the market. We will discuss that another time. Here's to your good health in the coming year.

If you are serious about losing weight safely and easily, then check out the informative information at Your Weight Loss Club blog. You can find more details on thermogenic weight loss and it has for thousands of people. http://yourweightlossclub.com

Fastest Weight Loss Method

Would you believe me if I said the fastest weight loss method available actually involves eating more food? Of course you wouldn't, but amazingly this isn't a joke or a scam. So what is this diet that sounds too good to be true.

The diet in question is called calorie shifting and yes it really does work by eating more. Calorie shifting works by increasing your metabolism to work at a higher rate which brings on faster weight loss.

It does this by mixing up the foods you eat and the calories you in take each day. This stops the body from figuring out any sort of routine and sensing you are on a diet. Thanks to the confusion it causes your body will actually burn calories faster.

You eat 4 meals a day on the program and the only thing you really need to make sure of is that each of the meals consist of different calorie amounts and you will soon see results. A menu generator can also be attained for those that want an extra level of help with an eating plan.

By eating 4 meals a day or more if you like you will keep the metabolism working constantly throughout the day meaning calories are being burned all day. This is why eating more really can help you to lose weight.

Calorie shifting diet users tend to report losses of between 8 to 15 pounds in the first 2 week and since the diet works on a continuous cycle the results will keep coming for as long as you use the diet.

You can get more information about the calorie shifting diet if you visit here.

The Secret of Losing Weight - Plain & Simple Truth

Have you ever wondered why most Weight Loss program or Diet failed to provide you the results you wanted? You have all the motivation in the world to lose weight, but still, it's not working. You peek on that weighing scale every morning and there is very little difference...Why?

First, the reason is because these Diets are very hard to follow. Yes, that is the truth, the so-called diet formulas that are supposed to help you be slim are too difficult to follow. You are given a set of menu, but most of these menus are not suited for your taste or tradition. What if you're Chinese and you're given an American Diet?

Secondly, even the ingredients on those foods are not easily identifiable...I just could not find what are those ingredients that you are instructed to prepare... like an "amaranth" to eat a breakfast cereal? I just would need search on this ingredient or someone tell me what this is or where to buy this to follow on the diet-plan.

Thirdly, you will follow on a Low-fat, Low-calorie, and Low-carb diets...and the result is you're very weak to even walk to turn-off that TV from your sofa bed! You have starved yourself and you have no energy. Your body metabolism became slow; you're not burning the fat and not losing weight. I have been there and tried those Diets; I just don't have the energy doing the things I needed for work and for my family.

So, what's works now to finally lose those flabs? It's really no secret at all! It's just the plain truth -- in order to lose weight, you have to exercise! Just plain and simple truth! There's no other shortcut to it! (If you're thinking about other ways, I'm sure it is very unhealthy and very, very expensive to try those other ways, like diet pills that you're unsure of any side effects, and liposuction, for example) You have to run, job, do cardio or play sports to burn those fats!

I agree this simple truth is what most people already know, but fail to really believe into and put into action! Everybody knows, but why most people would not exercise to keep fit or lose weight? Again, simple truth is most people's excuse is, "I have no time!" or, "I will just follow on the low-carb, low-fat diet plan". We like shortcuts. We have to be a firm believer, I must say, not just knowledge of, on keeping regular exercise, to keep on losing weight and keep fit. This is really no secret, huh?

I myself have been weighing 90kg before; I was 17kg overweight before, 3 months ago! I realized then I have been beginning to suffer from hypertension and heart-related illnesses because of my weight and decided that I need to lose weight. I had those really ugly and bulging love handles! I have tried several methods, including those Diet plans and pills! But none of those worked.

What really worked is doing some exercise or workout on a gym. The gym could be your home gym with minimal equipment, or a near-by fitness club gym with all sorts of exercise equipment. I have worked-out on a local gym, exercised 2 or 3 days a week, followed simple exercise or workout plan, and now, I am on my ideal weight of 73kg in 3 months! I am proud of my body now that I could go to the beach without trying to hide my abs! I really did not follow certain Diet plan; I just did cut down on the quantity of what I usually eat. That finally did it!

If you feel daunted by not knowing what exercise to do or how to do it, you can find complete information from http://healthandfitness-secrets.com

You can get Free Fat Loss Report to get started. Do workout now and lose weight!

Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Let's face it, being overweight has become a real problem for us. Diet companies, diet pills and supplements and gyms have become a very large business. Every single day there are hundreds of thousands of people who watch advertisements on television, read magazine ads and who do research on the internet. Everyone is looking for a quick and simple solution to their weight problem.

What makes matters even worse is that a large portion of these people try one method of weight loss, achieve some degree of success, gain the weight back and then try another method to lose weight. The big companies know this and use it to their advantage. It is an industry standard that the average consumer that habitually indulges in weight loss programs and products will change what they are doing every six months or so.

This is down right frightening. Real, healthy and enduring weight loss can only be achieved by doing our homework and implementing what we have learned. Healthy, long term weight loss requires a significant lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

The following are the things that you should seriously consider when embarking on a weight loss program that has enduring and healthy results.

1/ Before you do anything, do your homework. In this day and age, with access to the internet, anyone can learn almost anything in a relatively short period of time. The down side to this is, of course, information overload. However, with a little effort and patience one should be able to separate the important information from the junk.

There is not one single diet for everyone. Also, it is never, ever necessary to join a weight loss program that either sells you food or tells you how to eat. It is simpler and cheaper to learn what to eat and to prepare it for yourself. After all, this is not rocket science.

Get a primary education on whole, natural foods. Gaining weight and becoming fat does not happen in a vacuum. It is self evident that it is what we eat and how we live that permits us to gain those extra pounds and to get out of shape.

2/ Take the time to figure out what organic exercise program appeals to you. What I mean by that, for most people, joining a gym is not necessary and is not the best way to work out.

Do you like to walk? How about swim, jog or ride a bike? Do you enjoy an aerobic workout following along with a tape or dvd on the television? Figure out what it is that you enjoy doing and make the commitment to do it. It is that simple.

This is what you will discover. If you make the transformation of your lifestyle your primary goal, the weight loss will be effortless. The weight goals that you achieve will be healthy. It takes focus, determination and effort, but the benefits are priceless.

Join the Weight Loss Club where you will receive free ebooks, tips, information and advice on how to lose weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Weight Loss Hazards of Low-Fat Food

The revolution of zero-fat food, or low-fat food, is here. It's all around us. We see them whichever way we look at the grocery store we shop in. We here it buzzing in our ears like a mosquito through commercials. There's "Low Fat This", and "Low Fat That", and "The Other Thing Light - only x percents of fat!". They wash our brains with it, and we succumb. Who can blame us?

And they usually charge more for these low-fat items. And we pay willingly, don't we? They know how badly we want to lose weight and keep ourselves slim, trim, and firm.

I should say that the low-fat food revolution is really that - a revolution. I'm not kidding here. The variety is endless, and the taste has gotten better over the years - some of that low-fat stuff tastes just as good as the "regular". So what's the problem here?

The problem is they don't tell you everything. They count on you seeing the magic words, "low fat" or something similar, and immediately believing it's good for your fat loss purposes.

However, gaining fat happens not only as a result of direct fat consumption.

Take sugar, for example. Many of these low-fat foods contain plenty of it. Sugar is not fat; it is a simple form of carbohydrate. So why is it something to consider?

Carbohydrates dissolve in your body to provide it with energy. But if you don't use that energy, the body stores it for "cloudy days"; and that's done in the form of - you guessed it - fat. And since sugar is carbohydrate in a simple form, it is digested quickly, and this whole process happens quickly accordingly.

If your low fat food contains more complex carbs - for example, starch - this is less of a problem, because complex carbs are digested more slowly, so you have more time to use the energy they produce. But still, if you don't use it, the "low fat" label will mean very little.

So when you see food that's labeled low-fat on your grocery store shelf, be careful before you put it in your shopping cart. Read the other parts of the label, see what other things in contains. Then you'll know if that "low-fat" boast means anything.

Steve Gaidi has gained over 50 pounds of lean muscle without adding any fat whatsoever, over years of trial and error on various training programs, despite spending relatively little of his time at the gym. For his comparison on leading fat loss and muscle building programs, click here: Steve's comparison of leading fat loss and muscle gain programs.

For Steve's review of Turbulence Training, the fat loss and fitness program for busy people, click here: Steve's Turbulence Training Review.

For Steve's review of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto, click here: Steve's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle review.

11 Simple Ways to Lose Weight

Diet and proper nutrition plays an important key factor in fat loss.

A healthy diet needs to be well rounded with the proper amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals - which also includes a daily intake of fiber, protein, and good source of fat.

Not only do we need a balanced diet - a proper meal plan is also required.

Below are 11 ways to lose weight -

1) Quality protein in a daily diet.

Processing protein requires the greatest expenditure of energy, and you will burn more calories digesting it than carbs and fat.

Dietary fat, on the other hand, is so easily processed and turned into body fat that there is little thermic effect. The amount of energy required to process carbohydrates falls between that of protein and fat.

As well, protein creates satiety so your tummy is satisfied longer.

And protein is a great building block for maintaining and building lean muscle (which is one of the main factors for controlling your metabolism).

2) Fiber

For fibers, eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and high fiber unrefined grains.

Fiber in your diet will help you fill up - which is beneficial for fat loss.

3) Eating Fat is a good way to lose weight

Don't ignore the good fat.

Not having enough fat in a diet will result in more cravings, and a negative impact on the hormone levels in your body

Good sources of healthy fats are nuts, seeds, nut butters, avocados, olive oil, organic meats, eggs, coconuts and virgin coconut oil.

Why not Start each day with a handful of nuts, it is also a great source of fiber. By eating nuts, you balance out your blood sugar early in the morning, meaning you're more likely to use fat as energy and can help curb cortisol, the hormone that eats into your fat burning musle tissue

4) No Trans Fat please

Avoid processed foods and sweetened products, such as high fructose corn syrup.

5) Eat more - 5 to 6 meals a day

Eating small meals every 3 hours will increase your metabolism and reduce fat storage.

This is a proven fact that many models, athletes, body builders and lean people abide by.

6) Eat Breakfast Daily

Most people fail to do this.

Eating breakfast is way to break the fast during the sleeping period, and is a great way to boost your metabolism.

By skipping breakfast, your metabolism will run slower which mean the body will not burn body fat.

Your body needs energy, and breakfast provides that source which allows your body to burn more body fat!

Not only that, breakfast helps to stop those cravings later in the day, and maintain your energy level whilst lowering stress levels.

Research has proven that people who ate a veggie omelette for breakfast ate 81% less the rest of the day than a group who ate porridge for breakfast.

Don't know about you - but it sounds like a great way to lose weight!

7) Sleep before 1030 pm

Everyone needs a good sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the main contributors to fat storage.

8) Take more fish oil

Great source of balancing blood sugar levels and reducing carbohydrate cravings.

Fish oil is great for the health, and has the ability to stimulate the fat burning genes, and slow the fat storing genes.

9) Drink plenty of water

If you want to burn body fat quickly, drink a minimum of 8 glasses of purified (filtered or boiled) water a day.

Water will flush out harmful toxins, increase your metabolism and importantly make it difficult for the body fat to accumulate.

10) Mill Flax Seeds

Great source of omega-3 fatty acids, and for women this can help reduce the amount of estrogen-16 in womens' bodies. Estrogen-16 causes fat storage in the hips and thighs.

Milled seeds can be sprinkled on salads, protein shakers or other dishes you see fit.

11) For a Healthy Body, You Need to Exercise

Go for the high intense interval training and strength training. Forget the long boring cardios.

High intensity exercises such as Turbulence Training are far more effective for fat loss and overall health.

There you have it, 11 easy ways to lose weight.

Each meal that you consume needs to have calories coming from protein, carbohydrates and fat. Your body needs each of these in small amounts throughout the day.

As well, drinking plenty of water and planning for regular workouts are great natural ways to lose weight today.

Discover The Best Way to Lose Stomach Fat at http://healthiest.turbulence-training-routine.ever.com/ for the Most Effective Weight Loss Training Workout That Will Boost Muscle Growth and Blowtorch Body Fat!

How To Fail On Your Current Weight Loss Program

Did you know that lean muscle mass weighs more than fat but takes up less space? One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a weight loss program is to ignore muscle retention.

The Big Diet Mistake

All too often the diet plan of choice is to reduce calories considerably. Sometimes an exercise plan is put in place but it usually consists of cardiovascular activities only. Although this type of program will result in losing weight, most of it ends up being water and muscle rather than fat.

Sometimes a thin person will have a considerable amount of cellulite and wonder why. Well, sometimes there is a genetic factor that comes into play and there's little that can be changed. However, more often the case is a lack of muscle and tone. Through a modest amount of strength training and muscle development, most of the dimples could be smoothed.

The phenomenon of a "skinny fat person" can be explained by a measurement of body fat. Oftentimes thin people will register a low number on the scale but their body fat percentage is through the roof. Even though they might look attractive at first glance, upon closer inspection it becomes apparent that their health and fitness levels are not what they appear to be.

Do You Yo-Yo?

A similar problem is often faced by the on again, off again dieter who loses weight by following a strict regimen only to regain the pounds once the diet is over. When this cycle continues multiple times over it's referred to as yo-yo dieting. It's a harmful practice that ultimately reduces metabolism, decreases muscle mass and increases fat levels in the body. If you have found yourself in a similar position, you know how hard it is to reverse.

The Permanent Solution

While things become more difficult once this cycle has been set into motion, there is a way out. However, it requires a change in attitude and healthy diet practices that become a permanent part of your lifestyle. There are no one-hit-wonders here.

First of all, establish a healthy eating program that focuses on good nutrition. Next, commit the time to workout and incorporate both cardio and strength training exercises into the mix. Don't worry if the scale creeps up initially. If you are building some muscle it probably will. Instead, pay attention to how you feel and how your clothes fit. You should notice an increase in energy levels as well.

Most importantly, don't try to do too much at once. Go at your own pace and be sure it's a routine you can follow for life - not just the next 8 weeks. In order to achieve true success, these healthy components must become a part of who you are and what you do. The payoff? By following a sensible, made-for-a-lifetime weight loss program, you'll be healthier, happier and have an increased capacity to achieve goals in other parts of your life as well.

Are you ready for a fat loss plan that will work with you instead of against you? Learn more about choosing a weight loss program that's perfect for you at WeightLossSolutionsOnline.com

Weight Loss Tips - Ten Effective Solutions from a Registered Dietitian

1. Eat 5-6 small meals per day.

Your body uses physical, uncomfortable cues to guide you to action based on physiological needs. When you are thirsty, your body is telling you that you are dehydrated and you need to drink. When you have to urinate, there is an uncomfortable feeling of a full bladder, which gets worse if you do not relieve yourself. Upon receiving these cues, would you ignore them simply because you are busy? Most often, thirst and the need to urinate are acted upon immediately, so the stimulus never gets too powerful. Hunger is the body's way of telling you that you need to eat. Don't ignore it! If fact, it is best to avoid hunger all together, so you dont feel the urge to run to the refrigerator the same way you may run to the rest room when pulling over on a long car trip.

Also, since every meal should contain a balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats, all the different digestion mechanisms will be activated to digest the mini-meals, which burns more calories when digesting your set number of calories.

2. Include lean protein at every meal.

Eating protein at every meal gives your body a constant supply of amino acids. When sugar is made in the body, amino acid carbon skeletons are often utilized. A diet that is higher in protein prevents the body from using your muscle stores to make sugar. Also, many studies show that diets which are moderately high in protein (~30% of calories as protein) allow for greater muscle retention during weight loss. Furthermore, protein is the most important nutrient for satiety-- you will not feel hungry as quickly. A 30% protein diet has not caused medical problems in research.

Good examples of lean protein include tilapia, skin-less chicken breast, turkey breast, 95% lean ground beef, some pork loins/chops (check nutritional info on package), 1% cottage cheese, and textured vegetable protein.

3. Eat raw, non-starchy vegetables and fruits frequently.

Always have non-starchy vegetables available for as your new "snack food." They are good for you, fill you up, and give you something to chew on when you just feel like chewing on something. Also include non-starchy vegetables at most meals; vegetables make a reduced calorie diet far more substantial.

Good examples are broccoli, collard greens, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, water chestnuts, peppers, onions, and a multitude of others.

Eat 2-3 servings of low-glycemic fruits a day. Fruits are high in antioxidants, fiber, and generally very low in calories. For example a small piece of cheap white bread has 60-80 calories-- a cup of strawberries has only 50.

Good examples of fruits that fit in this category are nectarines (~60 calories), plums (~35 calories), peaches (~65 calories), strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and apples. Remember, fresh is usually best. If you buy frozen fruits, make sure there is no added sugar.

4. Choose mostly whole grains.

The best whole grains are still completely intact and have not been processed or are minimally processed. Examples are brown rice, barley, quinoa, bulgur, and old-fashioned oats (which have been minimally processed because of the rolling). The germ (high in B vitamins and healthy fats), endosperm (carbohydrate portion), and bran (makes you regular) are all in their natural, intact forms.

5. Learn to cook and make the majority of your food at home- buy stock in tupperware.

The only way to know a food fits into your diet is if you make it! You needn't restrict yourself to exclusively broccoli and haddock (though these are both excellent foods).

Fresh herbs can be put on pretty much anything. They are absolutely wonderful and add tons of flavor without calories, fat or salt. As an added benefit, many herbs and spices have health benefits, including garlic, parsley, and turmeric. Use herbs and spices early and often. Have an "herb of the week" and put it on everything you cook. The herb will not work with everything, but you will learn how flavors blend and become a better cook.

Pick up random vegetables and look up how to prepare them online. I've discovered the joys of collard greens, fresh water chestnuts, and purple cabbage in this way.

A little salt is okay! It adds flavor without adding calories-- try adding dry soup mixes to roasted vegetables and meats.

6. When you eat out, eat a full serving of protein before leaving-- order a broth based soup without high fat meat added or a salad with all nuts, cheese, and dressings on the side.

This tip serves a couple of purposes. Firstly, the about of protein in the salad will probably be inadequate to keep you satisfied. Secondly, you will not arrive completely famished and will be able to maintain your eating plan. Request fruit, sorbet, or coffee for an after dinner treat!

7. Hide or eliminate all junk food from your kitchen and house.

It's a proven fact, if you can see it, you are more likely to eat it. It is optimal to remove these foods altogether; however, if your family will not allow you to be the nutrition police, then hide all distractors in cupboards on the highest shelf.

8. Focus on water based foods with a lot of weight, volume, and fiber.

This tip confirms the important of eating of lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, fruit, broth-based soups, and 1% or fat-free dairy. Research shows that people are likely to eat the same volume of food every day. Water adds volume to food without adding calories; hence, you can eat the same volume of food and reduce your overall calories for the day. This is why regular cheddar cheese has fewer calories per gram than dry fat-free pretzels.

9. Get moving!

Successful weight loss requires both healthy diet and exercise. If you do not exercise already, start off small-- take the stairs, park far away from building, go for a walk on a nice day! As you become used to being more active, consider formal exercise. It is most important that you find something you like to do! Try group classes or training for a race!

10. Announce goals and keep supportive company.

Announcing a goal makes it official. A goal is both specific (you are measurable a specific thing inches, weight, number of calories you will take in each day, etc.) and measurable (you give a number to say how much, time limits, etc). An example of a goal: I will take one multivitamin each morning.

Supportive company is key-- find someone who is as excited about your health and fitness goals as you are-- give them regular, but brief, updates about your progress. Explain to people who may be less supportive why weight loss is important to you. Keep a healthy and positive attitude and unsupportive people may alter their views.

Jean Jitomir is a Cornell graduate, registered dietitian, Exercise Nutrition PhD student and nationally competitive bodybuilder. She has lost over 30 lbs since she became active 5 years ago and does weight-loss counseling on a daily basis.


Will Acupuncture and Weight Loss Work For You...

Losing weight is not always as easy controlling your diet or exercising because there are some of us that are overweight because of various other reasons such as a health condition that does not allow us to get on a strict diet or exercise excessively. Here is how acupuncture for weight loss has helped in the past and how it can work for you too. Acupuncture is an ancient treatment that originated in China centuries ago; it is practiced by using a variety of extremely thin needles of different sizes, which are inserted in different areas of your body depending what type of treatment you are looking for in order to stimulate your nerves and senses to produce the desired effect.

In the case of acupuncture for weight loss the needles will be used to control your hunger and does achieving weight loss in the process. However, acupuncture for weight loss does not work overnight, in fact it almost always will consist of several sessions, which you must not miss or else your treatment can be compromised.

How Fast Can You See Results through Acupuncture for Weight Loss

You will notice changes in your metabolism and appetite from the first session of acupuncture for weight loss however, to loose the desired amount of weight and most importantly maintain the weight you desire will take a few sessions depending on your present weight and health state.

While acupuncture for weight loss will help greatly by using your own body, you need to be committed and help yourself too; you need to stick to a balanced diet and try to have as much physical activity as possible. There are simple yet very effective exercises such as yoga and Pilates, which can be done in the comfort of your home, whenever you have time.

Helpful Tips

It is important you set some rules for yourself to follow at all times and here are some guide lines: never eat when you are distracted such as, in front of the television or while working on the computer as almost always you will over eat; always place small quantities of food in your plate and eat slowly because the brain takes approximately 20 minutes to register that the stomach is full and some of us take about 10 minutes to eat a full meal.

Make eating an enjoyable experience not something you do on the run where you dont pay attention to what and how much you are eating. Any diet or treatment will only work if you are committed to it so take charge of your body and mind and start a new life by getting fit and healthy for life with acupuncture for weight loss

Visit Ezyweightloss.com for reliable acupuncture resources.

Weight Loss Made Easy

Protein Power For Weight Loss

According to the latest statistics, the obesity epidemic continues to grow worldwide and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. An astonishing 59.6% of Australian and New Zealand adults are overweight or obese, while 30% of Australian and New Zealand children are clinically overweight. More than half of the American population is overweight.

Those who have adequate amounts of protein in their diet, however, may find they've escaped being part of this alarming trend. That's because the latest nutritional research indicates that protein has numerous dietary benefits that give a boost to weight loss and weight management efforts. Lets look at some of the ways you can benefit from a healthy daily protein intake.

One of the principle advantages of protein is that it creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction in the body that makes overeating much less likely. Besides being filling, protein is a smart addition to any weight loss or weight management programme because of the effect it has on carbohydrate cravings.

As nutritional research has documented, carbohydrates trigger the brain to crave more carbohydrates, leading to a cycle of carbohydrate eating that becomes hard to control. Protein can block that triggering effect in the brain. If you eat protein with a carbohydrate it will reduce the cravings caused by eating the carbohydrate.

Simply adding protein to a meal (including breakfast), provides you with an incredible advantage in your quest to lose or maintain weight. But protein provides more than just weight benefits - it provides you with an important necessity as well. Adequate daily protein intake is essential for building and maintaining lean muscle mass.

It may sound like a term that applies only to athletes, but in fact, everyone has a certain percentage of lean muscle mass in their body. The higher your percentage of lean muscle mass, the more calories you can burn in a day.

Besides determining how many calories you burn each day, lean muscle mass also serves a vital function for those trying to lose or maintain their weight. If your diet does not contain enough protein to build or maintain lean muscle mass, your body will begin to lose weight from the heart, muscle and organs.

This type of dieting is unsafe and can prove fatal. So, how much protein do you need every day? Women need approximately 80-100 grams daily,* while men need roughly 120-150 grams.*

But as you incorporate protein into your diet, remember that not all protein is equal when it comes to calories. For example, a serving of prime rib has 1,500 calories! That's why it is important to source your protein from healthy, lean protein sources such as fish, the white meat of chicken and turkey and very lean sources of beef. If you can see the fat...cut it off before you cook it, and don't eat it.

Kim Beardsmore M.B.A. (H.R.M.), B.Sc. (Biochemistry) is an independent Herbalife distributor, weight loss coach and creator of the online weight loss & health magazine Weight Loss Health. For a free weight loss consultation, newsletter and resources to help you lose weight and keep it off forever, visit http://weight-loss-health.com.au Your online Herbalife store at http://weightlosshealth.herbalcoach.com The Herbalife home business opportunity visit: http://free2liv.com

How to Reduce Body Fat - Gym Mistakes

Below are 5 gym mistakes that keep you from losing weight:

1. Always Doing The Same Workout

People often fall into the trap of hitting the treadmill for 30 minutes every time they workout.

No point - it works at first, but then your body starts to adjust to the

routine, and you burn fewer calories. To keep seeing the results, mix it up by varying the intensity or duration of your rest period. And look at changing your entire routine on a monthly period. You must mix it up.

2. Distractions

If you're watching TV during a workout, you're not working hard enough! Instead of relaxing while working out, use interval training. It's short but effective.

Start off with a 5 minute warm up, followed by 1 minute of working out as hard as you can and then reduce the intensity for 2 minutes. Repeat the back and forth the intensity 5 times to get the optimal fat loss results. As your fitness improves, increase the duration of your hard intensity.

3. Holding onto the Handlebars

When your arms take your body weight off your legs, you will burn fewer calories. Therefore, use your whole body weight - that way you can get a better core workout and burn more calories.

4. Not Using The Incline

Set the treadmill on an incline up. That way it will be more

challenging - and creates more activity for your glutes and hamstring

making them stronger and burning more calories.

5.Over Fueling

Forget the sports drinks or energy bars. Limit yourself to about 300 calories - this is the same amount of calories you'll burn during a 30 minute workout. Anymore than 300 calories and you will not reduce body fat - better still cut it off completely and stick to water.

This is how not to reduce body fat.

Discover How to Get Rid of Belly Fat With Turbulence Training at http://www.squidoo.com/turbulencetrainingreviews And Discover The 5 Fat Loss Myths: Why Long, Slow Boring Cardio is not the Best Fat Loss Program to Increase Your Metabolism and Burn Belly Fat...

Low Carb Diet Tips: How to Fight Intestinal Problems Easily - Part I

Diseases such as constipation and diarrhea are not uncommon. They happen to everybody, especially when you go for a major change of diet, such as switching from a high carb to a low carb diet. Diarrhea happens mostly to low carbers because when you are on a low carb diet, your body produces fewer carbohydrates and more ketones. Low carbers also suffer from constipation. However, it should be noted that constipation doesn't stem directly from a low carb diet regimen. In fact, constipation is caused when your body receives less than the required amount of carbohydrates. Foods such as legumes, pulses and whole grains contain a lot of fiber but unfortunately, these foods are strictly prohibited during the early periods of the low carb program. In this article I will tell you how to fight back constipation and diarrhea and regain your normal health.

How to Fight Constipation:

Let me tell you one thing upfront: if your previous diet was full of sugar and starchy foods, it would take sometime before you can adjust yourself to a low carb diet. However, constipation is not directly associated with low carb diet. In fact, it is a different kind of a problem, and can be caused by a combination of problems. Most commonly, constipation is caused because of fiber deficiency. To give your body the required amount of fiber, you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Also drink lots of water every day. And never ever buy over-the-counter pills, especially pain-killers, codeine and other opiates, as well as antidepressants, iron pills and diuretics. These drugs have certain ingredients in them which cause constipation.

If you want to cure constipation permanently, laxatives won't help either. It is OK to use laxatives for a short time, but for long term I would use a stool softener such as Docusate, which are non-addictive and easily absorbed in the body.

Another way to cure constipation is to eat fiber supplements such as sugar-free Metamucil, or plain psyllium husks, which will force the bowel to move forward. Note however that you should eat this fiber supplement only with water; otherwise it will have negative effects on your body.

Another way to cure constipation is to do exercises regularly. Because when you do exercises, your whole body starts moving, and consequently, your bowel too starts moving! You can also practice yoga as it has been found to be helpful for constipation patients.

In the second part of this article, I will tell you how to cure diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (ibs), as well as how to find good low carb food products. To access the second part, simply click on the link in my resource box below.

Eating low carb foods can benefit your health in more ways than you can imagine! To learn more about low carb diet, read her full article Low Carb Diet Tips: How to Fight Intestinal Problems Easily: Part II by going to:
The Coolest Article Directory => http://www.articlebig.com

How To Lose A Lot Of Weight Using Aerobics - Stunning Tips To Help You Achieve Explosive Results

Weight problem is one of the major health problems our society is suffering from in the present day and age. Every individual suffering from weight problems wants to know the easiest and the shortest way to really lose weight and lose it fast yet only a few end up losing it. You see these few who really end up losing it are involved in one type of aerobic exercise or the other. Aerobics is one of the fastest and the easiest possible ways to burn fat and really burn it fast. Read on to discover some of the most mind blowing tips on how to lose weight using aerobics...

Try jumping- Aerobics has some of the easiest and the most enjoyable routines any and every person would love to do. In order to really lose weight you should try jumping as that is known to really burn calories like crazy and also gives you a total body workout in one way or the other.

Play a sport- This is another very good way to lose a lot of weight within a short amount of time. In order to really get great results try to play a competitive sport where you have other people to play with and really get competitive with them. You see in the urge to win you will end up trying harder thus burning more calories.

Dancing- Now this is the one of the best and the most fun aerobic routines which will help you lose weight real fast and at the same time give you a lot of enjoyment. This can be done with a group of friends or just by yourself in the privacy of your house. Dancing done on a regular basis can really burn a lot of fat thus helping you lose weight fast.

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Discover How to Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself - Stunningly Powerful Ways Which Bring Results

No matter what may be said people find it extremely hard to control their cravings for food. Therefore how can one lose weight with keeping their stomach full all the time? Well there is a way to do everything in life and there is always an opening. If something doesn't work something else would. And this same law applies to your weight loss goals. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight but you might be wondering how can you lose weight keeping your tummy full? Read on to discover some of the most mind blowing ways on how you can eat and lose weight at the same time...

It's what you eat not how much you eat- You see a big misconception people tend to have is that they feel it's how much they eat which makes the difference rather it's the what they eat which basically affects their weight. Can you ever get fat if you eat fruits all day long? The simple answer is no therefore what you need to do in order to stay full and still lose weight is to add some natural stuff in your daily diet.

Fill your stomach up with the right foods- Now you might say that whatever is natural does not seem to be tasty enough to make a diet out of. You see it might not be tasty but why do you want to fill your stomach up with junk food? If it's the taste which makes you over eat make sure you just take a bite just to have the taste and than eat something natural. So your job here is to start eating more fruits and vegetables and use the junk only for tasting once in a while.

Give yourself free days- Now if you are on a diet it does not have to be that you totally cut out on the food you love rather give yourself one day during the week to have what you love but make sure you don't over do it.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Finding a Houston Weight Loss Center

Tired of ineffective slim-down products? Why not enroll yourself in a Houston weight loss center? There are different centers around Texas that you can choose from, and finding the perfect one is not that hard.


In choosing a Houston weight loss center, there are different issues to consider. One primary issue is location. You will only find it hard to complete a program if the center you are enrolled in is not easily accessible. Find a center that is near your home. Driving to and fro the slim-down center would certainly not be tiring.


These centers require you to sign up as a member. Signing-up involves fees, of course. Fees vary, depending on the programs and facilities of the center. One that has different facilities can be expensive. However, you can enjoy using any of their facilities for free. Usually, memberships cost around $30 dollars every month.


Slim-down centers offer different programs. Some may have exercise classes or fitness sessions. Some may involve regular weigh-ins and monthly meetings. Examine every Houston weight loss center to find out which program best suits you. Also, different centers offer different in approaches and methods. Make sure that you will be provided with slim-down approaches and methods that match your ideals and preferences.


Before settling for a Houston weight loss center, do your research. You do not want to spend money on a gym or center that is ineffective. Also, be wary of those that offer "guaranteed" quick-fix solutions, which almost always gives you short-term results. After a few months, you will regain your weight. An excellent center should be able to help your maintain your ideal weight.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret

Weight Loss - The Importance of Realistic Expectations

If you are attempting to lose weight and body fat it is critical that you have realistic expectations for the how quickly you want to lose the weight and subsequently reach your goal. Today we live in a "microwave society" in which people want instant results and instant gratification. These ideas are further exacerbated by companies in the wellness industry who market products promising great results in "no time at all." Weather it be the magic pill or the latest fad diet these products are everywhere and it's important not to buy into the hype and allow it to impact your expectations.

Realistic expectations are very important because if you set your goals and they are unrealistic, you may begin to work towards them, fall significantly short of them, get frustrated and upset, and quit. I have seen this happen time and time again and these people are victims of unrealistic expectations. It can be very deflating if you set your expectations very high (lose 15 pounds this month like the man or woman on TV) and then only lose 4 or 5. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people get so dejected and quit when they were in fact making nice progress towards their goals.

The truth is a lot of people develop unrealistic expectations about the amount of weight they want to lose and the time they want to lose it in due to the marketing of companies out to make a buck. You can't let these companies whose products seemingly deliver the world impact the types of expectations you set for yourself (by the way, ever notice that at the bottom of all those infomercials and commercials it has a line saying, "Results not typical.") If you do you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

When setting your expectations for any weight loss or fat loss program, it is critical that you factor in the amount of time you can commit to exercise, how committed you are going to be, how much weight you have to lose, etc. Do you think it's logical for someone who has 6 days a week to commit to exercise and someone who can commit 3 days a week to have the same expectations about the results they will get? Of course not! This is why it's very important to look at your own situation and set your expectations accordingly.

By setting realistic expectations, you are far more likely to keep the course and continue to work towards your goals. You will be encouraged with your progress and want to continue putting in the work because you are seeing results. Be sure to take into account your individual situation and set of circumstances when setting your expectations as well.

Brody Beach has a passion for helping others achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. Brody's mission is to help as many people as possible to develop the bodies they truly desire. For a free copy of one of Brody's ebooks and to receive a free personalized weight loss/fitness program designed by Brody to fit your individual needs, visit http://www.weight-loss-truth.com