Lose Weight Obesity

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Weight Loss Speed Bumps

Have you ever thought of your diet as a road? Roads have bends, twists, and speed bumps along the way. Diets do as well. On your weight loss road, you're going to make choices that aren't on your diet. It isn't realistic to believe you're never going to make food choices that aren't on your diet. Diets are meant to be consistent not perfect. The key is to know there are speed bumps along the way and to move full speed ahead from them.

The key to success is what you do the majority of time. Dieting and losing weight isn't shining a spotlight on a single choice, a specific day or two. It is a zoom out perspective of what you do over the period of a few days, weeks, and months. We didn't become overweight with one bad choice or even "going for it" for a few days. We've become overweight through multiple unhealthy choices over a prolonged period of time. Don't let a bad choice derail you. Don't wait until the next day or the following Monday to begin again. When you make a bad choice, pick yourself up and begin again right then. You don't have to beat yourself for a bad choice but congratulate yourself for getting right back on track. That's a big reason to feel very proud of yourself.

Many of us expect perfection of ourselves when it comes to our weight loss program. When we go off track, we feel disappointed and discouraged. It's your consistent eating patterns over weeks and months that matter and add up to weight loss. Those few slips-ups are merely speed bumps in the road. When you get past the speed bump of a food slip up, put your pedal t the metal and move full speed ahead to continue your weight loss success. The occasional slip-ups do not determine your weight loss success.

When you find yourself getting back on track, here are some suggested strategies to stay on track:

* Eat only fruits and vegetables for between meal snacks.

Drink 64 ounces of water or 8 glasses per day. This will help you feel less hungry and your metabolism running efficiently and at its maximum.

* Do not skip meals to make up for an earlier calorie indulgence. Skipping meals only serves to slow down your metabolism.

Record your food and activity. Write down what you eating, even a taste of this or a bite of that.

* Sugar-free and fat-free choices count. These choices are not calorie-free. Make sure you're not eating excessive amounts of these types of foods and thinking they are free of calories.

* By exercising, you'll gain the feeling of control and being back on your diet track.

* Don't beat yourself up for choices you can't take back. Note why you made the food choices that you did and learn from them for the future. You can use these speed bumps as lessons for future choices.

The journey to weight loss success isn't determined with one choice. Zoom out in your perspective and know that your weight loss success comes in consistent healthy choices. Persistence with your weight loss plan is what is important. Look at your weight loss as a continual journey that has a few speed bumps along the way and has the most beautiful scenery that is your life. Enjoy!

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.

Visit Cathy's website: http://www.LoseWeightFindLife.com

The Untold Facts On Weight Loss Diets

Man seems to have lost a certain virtue called patience. Everyone wants to do everything at a much quicker rate. People looking to make money want to get rich quick, those looking to lose weight want to lose it even faster. This is one of the reasons why the internet is flooded with companies that offer you a quick fix.

It is estimated that almost 50 million Americans will go on a diet this year and you might be one of them. However, here is one fact that may create a grim picture about the diet programs out there. Most diet programs may be successful in helping you lose a few pounds straight away, but very few will be able to help you sustain that weight loss and keep those kilos from returning.

Understanding weight loss

Losing weight is about diet management, health management and most importantly exercise. If you come across any claims that you can lose weight while you continue to eat whatever you wish to and without indulging in any sort of exercise, then consider it to be false. You need to reduce the calories that you consume and you wish to burn off some calories that you do consume. This combination is the only way to lose weight.

Spot reduction is not possible in a healthy way. So if a diet program tells you that you can lose the fat around your hips or buttocks only, then it is false or involves an unhealthy way to reduce it. There are some extremely low calorie diets that ask you to starve literally and only consume proteins. But the body needs a regular intake of carbohydrates to stay healthy and continue functioning. So stay away from any such diet program.

Temporary loss and rebound

Crash diets may help you get into shape temporarily but you can never continue to eat that way for long and eventually you will gain those extra pounds back.

For more info visit : Weight Loss Diets

Chiropractors Add Weight Loss Program To Services

Today's chiropractor has close to 5,000 hours of education prior to taking four national board examinations.

Nutrition is a core class for the chiropractor, but for today's medical doctor, they receive just over one full day (25 hours) of nutrition in their 12 years of schooling. Not only that, but your chiropractor has on average 600 hours in medical diagnosis. This makes us uniquely qualified to be able to address weight loss and the conditions associated with being overweight.

Today's chiropractor probably has more overweight patients than not, thus, sees the affects of poor nutrition on a daily basis. However, chiropractors usually ignore the issue with the exception of recommending a patient lose weight. That may soon change by implementing Perfect Body Shape weight loss program into your office. Now you have a tool to help more of your patients hold their adjustments, improve their health and increase their quality of life.

Perfect Body Shape is a program that works because it is a lifestyle change, not a diet. A diet is a temporary solution to poor food choices, and we all know, diets fail. They are supposed to by design!

Perfect Body Shape utilizes low glycemic eating. By eating a low glycemic diet, and eating 5-6 times daily, blood glucose levels are maintained and not allowed to spike. By avoiding hyperinsulinism, people do not have the typical carbohydrate crash associated with high glycemic eating. Eating less, more frequently, is actually how the body was designed to operate.

Exercise is incorporated into Perfect Body Shape and can be as simple as walking. Drinking adequate amounts of water is necessary to feed, and cleanse cells.

Proper nutritional support is a must and here is where the Perfect Body Shape coach shines. Our products are from the world leader in glyconutrients and our low glycemic supplements have been on the market since 1999, not just within the last 2 years as with most other weight loss companies.

Our program is based on science, not a marketing fad.

All Perfect Body Shape coaches must be accredited. They are required to pass an exam prior to becoming accredited. This ensures the chiropractor that coaches have the necessary training to support the doctor's patients, without the doctor worrying. They have a strong foundation in nutrition, proper recommendations for supplements, and understand what dietary supplements work best with different types of patients.

Clients of Perfect Body Shape have their own free site, free support, and free coaching. The only charge is for nutritional products and these come with a 100% money back guarantee.

The chiropractor does not have to be the coach although it is a benefit to both the chiropractor and client. Coaches can even be patients, as many previous clients go on to become coaches.

Chiropractors can refer their patients to accredited coaches outside the office thus, eliminating implementing a new system that the chiropractor is to busy for. Or, the chiropractic assistant can become an accredited coach and keep Perfect Body Shape in house. But the best option would be for the chiropractor to become the coach. After all, who has the education and knowledge of the body and how it works?

Coaches are compensated directly by the company and enjoy an increase in income without having to add any equipment. Coaches also enjoy free training by highly respected professionals, experts in the field of nutrition and weight loss. We are products of the products.

As a chiropractor and accredited coach with Perfect Body Shape I will work directly with your patients if you choose to keep Perfect Body Shape outside the office.

If you are another health care professional, this is open to you as well, not just chiropractors.

This system is a no brainer. Your patients benefit by losing fat and inches, not just weight. They will enjoy quality of life improvements, hold their adjustments better, reduce the need for toxic drugs, and refer new patients to your office because instead of feeling better, they look better and everyone wants to look better. You benefit by having a trained chiropractor teach you, if you choose to keep Perfect Body Shape in house.

Perfect Body Shape, the perfect solution to permanent weight loss. You'll just have to see the results of a system that works.

For a copy of our Glycemic Awareness Action Plan, please contact me.

Dr. Tom has trained thousands in lifestyle improvements over the course of 9 years. As a chiropractor, certified Glyconutritional Wellness Consultant, accredited Perfect Body Shape coach, Lifestyle Adjusting Coach, Dr. Tom takes what you bring him and helps you to see the potential of your health and wealth.

Dr. Tom can be contacted at drtomt@verizon.net or 760-446-1088.
Business inquiries http://www.drtomt.perfectbodyshape.com/secret .
Client inquiries http://www.drtomt.perfectbodyshape.com/welcome .

Fat Loss - The 4 Keys to Fat Loss

Are you trying to cut the fat off your body, but just cannot figure out why you are having no success? Fat loss is a bit tricky, but can be achieved with the help of four key elements. Here are the four keys to fat loss.

The first thing you need to understand before we get into the four keys of fat loss is that diet pills are not the answer. They can help you lose weight, but once you stop taking them you will gain it all back. Plus they are not good for your body and they only work with a good diet and exercise routine anyway.

Anyway, onto the 4 keys of fat loss

Key #1 - Your diet

The problem that people run into today is that it is much cheaper to buy the unnatural brands of foods at the grocery store. Your body has more trouble digesting things that are not natural. You need to be eating 100% natural foods that are easy for your body to digest. The foods to avoid are anything made with white flour, refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and anything that is not 100% natural.

Key #2 - Your diet part two

The next key to fat loss is a bit of common sense, but is incredibly important. You need to have a balance diet that is low in fat and carbohydrates. You still need some of both in your diet, but they need to come from natural sources like red meat for fat and fruits for carbohydrates. These types of fats and carbohydrates are easier for your body to digest and use. You should be careful when selecting your meats and make sure they don't come from animals that were given antibiotic or hormones.

Key #3 - Exercise

Your exercise routine is quite important to fat loss. You need 3 sessions of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every week just to stay in the shape you are in now. So if you want to lose fat, then you need about 4-5 solid hours of aerobic exercise a week. This could include running, aerobic classes, swimming, golfing (without a cart), or anything else that will get your heart rate going.

Key #4 - Watch the alcohol and sweets

Yes one last diet key because it is most important. Many people cannot lose the fat they want to lose because they consume too many sweets or they drink too much alcohol. Neither one is bad for you as long as it is in moderation. There are a lot of bad calories in both and sweets are almost always made with refined sugars. Use dark chocolate to curb your sweet tooth and when you drink avoid heavy beers and mixing liquor with soda, even diet because diet soda is horrible for your body.

Now you have the four keys to fat loss and you can use them to change your life. You can lose the fat that you so desperately want to get off your body and live a happier, more self confident life.

Discover the Fat Loss that has Literally turned the Dieting World Upside Down. Get More information here:

Desperate for Fat Loss? Go Here

Attributes of Successful Losers

One way to improve at something is to learn from those who are experts at what you would like to do. You might find yourself trying to mimic a professional golfers swing, save or invest your money similar to a wealthy relative or dress like one of your favorite fashionable celebrities. Applying this concept to the success of weight loss and more importantly, weight loss maintenance is the theory behind a research group in Colorado.

The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) from the University of Colorado, is the largest investigation of long-term successful weight loss maintenance. Given the prevailing belief that few individuals succeed at long-term weight loss, the NWCR was developed to identify and investigate the characteristics of individuals who have succeeded at long-term weight loss. The NWCR is tracking over 5,000 individuals who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for long periods of time. Here are the key attributes of successful losers.

Eat Breakfast Every Day

Eating breakfast will provide you with the energy and nutrients throughout the morning. Skipping breakfast leads to skipping exercise (due to lack of energy), mood fluctuations and overeating at lunch and dinner time.

Accumulate 1 Hour Of Moderate Intensity Physical Activity Most Days

The most popular form of exercise reported by participants was walking, followed by cycling, weight lifting, and aerobics. Women reported burning off an average of 2,545 calories a week in physical activity. Men reported an average of 3,293 calories per week. This is equivalent to about an hour a day of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking. Remember, the important term is accumulation, so the 1 hour does not need to be performed all at once. Try to incorporate physical activity into your day and choose exercises that you enjoy.

Eat a Low Fat Diet

Registry members reported consuming an average of 1,800 calories per day with 24% of those calories from fat. The participants generally eat out less than 2.5 meals per week on average. They also average less than one meal a week in a fast food restaurant. Remember to tailor your caloric intake to your own weight and activity level.

Monitor Your Self Regularly

Registry members kept a detailed diary of their food intake and limited problem foods. Knowing how many calories are consumed is important for controlling body weight. Further, successful losers report weighing themselves regularly (44% weigh themselves daily and 31% hit the scales once a week). The researchers write that frequently checking your weight allows you to catch small weight gains and hopefully take steps to correct them. That said, find what works best for you. If you find normal day to day fluctuations in weight discourage your efforts then weigh yourself once a week. If you find weighing yourself daily reminds you of your goal then do so, but no more than once per day. It is also important to track other personal attributes not related to body weight such as your energy levels, mood, self confidence, happiness and others. You will find these personal attributes improve far more quickly than the number on the scale and will provide you with the motivation and confidence to reach your weight loss goals.

Maintain A Consistent Eating Pattern

Most registry members say they eat the same way on weekdays and weekends. Although weekends are a time for relaxation and rejuvenation from the stressful work week they are often found to be more challenging than weekdays as the lack of structure can throw people off. In this case, having a plan for the weekend can help to minimize mindless eating of unnecessary calories. Think of weekends as an opportunity to improve your health and partake in physical activity that is unavailable throughout the week.

Have a Relapse Plan

Prevent lapses from turning into relapses. Lapses are a normal part of any planned behaviour change. Reminding yourself that obstacles will arise and then responding positively to them is important for long term weight loss maintenance. Gaining a couple of pounds here and there was common among registry participants. But those who were able to prevent an extra pound or two from adding up were more likely to maintain their weight loss successfully over the long term.

A final technique for improving long term weight loss maintenance is to shift your focus from weight loss to improved health. By focusing on the process of weight loss rather than weight itself we ensure that we have a system in place while decreasing the emotional tie to weight fluctuations. Remember, what matters most is not what the number is on the scale but the direction that the number is going.

Drew Harvey is the founder and director of Healthy Weights
He is a kinesiology professor and has helped thousands at his research and weight loss clinic.

The Secret To Burning Body Fat

Would you like to know the secret to burning body fat? Healthy natural weight loss really boils down to two things.

The secret to burning body fat to get to your ideal weight is you must eat and exercise right or it simply won't happen. That's probably not what you wanted to hear, right?

But did you know that 95% of all people who lose weight gain it all back again? That means the diet methods most people are using simply don't work.

The problem is most people rely on diet plans, pills and supplements which usually only achieves quick fix weight loss results. But once you go off the diet plan or quit taking the pills and supplements you gain the weight back again.

Have you ever eaten the diet meals in a package that cost you a fortune? What happens when you stop eating those expensive diet meals? Could you eat these the rest of your life?

That's why eating like this will not work for a long-term weight loss solution. You must use your common sense and go back to basics for what really works.

Even small adjustments in eating and exercising can make a world of difference in your weight loss results.

Understanding how your body's metabolism works can help you burn body fat effectively to get to your perfect weight and maintain it. Your body's metabolism is the biological process that burns body fat.

While exercising is one of the critical parts of raising your metabolism, the food you eat also plays just as an important roll in how your body burns fat.

Ever heard of negative calorie or fat burning compatible foods? Fat burning compatible foods and negative calorie foods require more energy for your body to break down, absorb and then use than the actual calories that they contain.

Eating these foods requires the body to create a calorie deficit that helps to burn body fat. That process can help you with achieve permanent weight loss.

Eating foods like high-fiber fruit, vegetables and nutritious whole grains not only keeps your digestive system on track, they actually prevent fat storage.

There are many more ways of burning body fat, and once you understand how your body's metabolism works, you'll have found the secret to burning body fat. In many cases it's the perfect permanent weight loss solution for you.

Gary Gresham is the author of "Fat Burning Secrets" that gives you lists of negative calorie and fat burning compatible foods that you can buy at any regular supermarket and fat burning exercises that can be done with or without fitness equipment.

How To Lose 10 Pounds Fast

I'm sure it's quite obvious that most people who want to lose weight want to do it in as little time as possible, people are often asking about how to lose 10 pounds fast or how to lose xxx amount of weight in 1 month or whatever other goal they have, well, this is actually quite a good thing but can be a bad thing too.

The good side of this is that knowing a specific goal you want to achieve is great, it gives you something to work for and you can quite easily keep track of your progress and know how close you are to succeeding with your goal, on the other hand, it can be bad when people set the bar too high, I mean, if you try to lose too much weight in a short period of time, not only are you unlikely to succeed but you may also make yourself sick, not a good idea.

Another point is that when people fail at something, it can be very discouraging, so if you don't achieve your goal, you may get very upset and give up even trying any more, on the other side of this, if you set an achievable goal and you DO achieve it, it can give you the motivation to keep going and get into great shape.

If you want to know how to lose 10 pounds in a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month or whatever your target might be, you need to think about how easily you can achieve it and be realistic, otherwise you may be setting yourself up for a big disappointment.

Here are some tips for you on losing weight:

1.) Learn from others - This applies to many aspects of life and not just losing weight, people try to do things on their own, they try to do things they have no clue about and although it's great to try and learn new things, it can be much, much more difficult. Other people have been in the same situation as you, wanting to lose weight desperately, and they have done it, you can learn from these people so do it.

2.) Keep track of your progress - It's a very motivating thing to be able to look at a record of progress and see that you have been improving every single day, even small things that bring you closer to your goal and make you feel proud of yourself, these little things can do wonders for your mental state, they can give you the motivation and determination to go on.

3.) Set short term goals - Some people set goals for years down the line, this may or may not work for you but in my opinion, for losing weight, it would be better to set monthly goals and work on achieving them, this way you get to "achieve" something every month, rather than having to wait years.

So, whether you want to lose 10 pounds in a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month or just generally fast, it's important that you are realistic with yourself and set yourself achievable goals.

The next step is to simply get a plan that you can follow and do what it takes to lose the weight, so get started!

Simple, Step-By-Step Plan For Losing Weight Quickly Revealed:

==> http://www.HomeRemedyTo.com/LoseWeightFAST

Don't Wait, Get Started Now And You'll Be In Shape In No Time!