Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Stomach Fat Quickly & Easily
Not only is stomach fat a nuisance to get rid of, it can actually be dangerous. Stomach fat can lead to: Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, abnormal lipids, and insulin resistance. So while trying to lease weight you may just be trying to look better on the beach, you could also be saving your life.
First of all, you have to improve your diet. This means a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and lean meats. Try to have 4 to 6 small meals a day while avoiding foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates. Doing this helps boost the metabolism and prevents overeating.
We've all heard the term 'beer belly' and the truth is that beer and alcohol in general will cause you to have an increase in stomach fat. If you drink regularly, make sure you cut down or you will find yourself fighting a losing battle. Also, try to cut down on sodas and canned juices as they contain a high amount of sugar. As always, drink a lot of water.
Improving your diet won't be enough; you'll need to begin a daily exercise regimen. While sit-ups and crunches are great exercises for getting rid of stomach fat, they aren't as effective as you may think as spot reduction is impossible in any part of the body. What you'll need to do if focus on total body fitness, and engage in a full body work out for at least 30 minutes a day. This includes swimming, jogging, and brisk walking for example. If you're not working up a sweat you're probably not getting the work out you need to lose stomach fat.
We all know that unhealthy eating habits are largely responsible for stomach fat, but did you know it could also be symptom of not getting enough sleep? This lowers both the body's insulin production which harms the body's ability to burn calories and leptin, a protein that tells the body when it's full. If you find yourself up late regularly, remember to take a break a get some sleep, for your health's sake.
Believe it or not, stress is another big reason for excess stomach fat. The reason for this is that stressful situations cause an increase of hormones in our bodies, such as cortisol and insulin. High cortisol levels have been related to an increase in fat production and appetite with the stomach reaping most of the results. The advice for this, besides finding a more stress-free job, is to exercise when you're feeling stressed, when possible, even if this means going for a short walk.
It's not all bad news for you though, believe it or not, stomach fat is usually the first thing to go when you're losing weight. Just focus on fewer calories and more exercise. Most importantly is when you lose the weight, keep it off! Many will go back to their old eating habits as soon they get results and lose all their hard work.
Kelly Lester is commited to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.