Lose Weight Obesity

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Exercise Recommendations For Weight Loss To Reduce Your Pants Size

Have you been dieting for quite a while but still not seeing any results? There is actually a reason for it. It is simply because you are not exercising, miraculously believing that your body will shed the weight without you needing to waste a single droplet of sweat. In order for your body to efficiently lose weight, you need to combine both healthy diet and exercise together to create a combo that will drop the pounds before you know it!

Here are some exercise recommendations for weight loss

Strength training

To help your body become an efficient fat-blazer, you need to train your strength by doing exercises like lunges and curls. The following exercises are recommended for training your core, legs, abs, triceps and biceps.

- Shoulder Press
- Chest Press
- Lat Pull downs
- Lower Back Extensions
- Triceps Press

- Calf Raise
- Biceps Curls
- Leg Curls
- Leg Extension
- Leg Press
- Sit Ups


Cardio activities help you to burn calories so that you can blaze fat more thoroughly, improve your lung capacity and make your heart stronger. There is no "best" cardio exercise - as long as it gets your heart pumping faster, it fits the bill so take your pick and get moving now!

Rock Climbing: This activity burns a large amount of calories; 760 calories in 60 minutes! Note, however, that this is not for the weak or the faint-hearted. Nor only do you need strength and power in your arms, rock climbing has a high learning curve and requires a high level of endurance. When you're up in the air hanging on to two small pieces of rock for support, it sure becomes a much daunting task than compared from the ground!

Running: All you need is just a pair of good running shoes and you're ready to go. You can jog anywhere and everywhere, so if you want to burn more calories, try running up slopes and even through uneven land. You're sure to enjoy it even more if you were to run through a reservoir or through a forest.

Jumping Jacks: These jumping jacks can be done anywhere, so do it in the comfort of your own home or while watching the latest Heroes episode. To do this well, you should start in an upright position with your feet together and hands by your side. Start by jumping straight while moving your feet out shoulder-width apart and your hands coming up above your head. Do make sure that your core stays tight and that your actions are fast and controlled.

Swimming: Swimming involves the entire body, and the more parts of your body that is involved in the workout, the more calories you'll burn. Spend 30 minutes doing the breast stroke and you'll burn almost 400 calories. What's the best news of all? Your joints are entirely supported by the water so you won't have to worry about any high-impact injuries.

Hopefully, these exercise recommendations for weight loss can help you to lose weight successfully.

Set a resolution to make Year 2008 to lose those belly fats, find the best exercise recommendations for weight loss and challenge yourself to lose weight in our 60 days challenge. Let's all set our sights on throwing those oversize clothing away.

We are giving away 3 power-packed reports here for you to set your 2008 resolution to lose those belly fats in motion.

The Real Weight Loss Secret

Look around and you will see that you are surrounded by weight loss "secrets", diet pills that imply they can do it all for you, drinks that will "help" you lose weight, doctors with "secret weight loss formulas", fad diets that promise all kinds of wonderful weight loss effects...you can't help but wonder who's telling you the truth. Then there's the biggest question of all. Is there such a thing as a weight loss secret?

Something is only a "secret" as long as no one knows about it. The "truth" about weight loss has been known for a long time, so it's not really a secret.

If you take a look at the label of most diet pills, drinks, meal substitutes, diet books, and other weight loss problem, you will begin to notice that they often have one thing in common. Again and again, they have statements that say something to the effect of "...when used with exercise and proper nutrition."

The secret is, that most, if not all of these diet products at best only ASSIST in what nature can do almost perfectly well without their help!

The basic biology and physics of weight gain and weight loss has been known for years! Even if your math wasn't too good in school, this equation is easy. Take in more calories than you burn...you gain weight. Burn more calories than you take in...you lose weight. The problem, and it's not a secret, is that we are human!


There is nothing wrong with BEING human. In fact, sometimes I even talk to one. I have a couple of human friends, one lives next door (I think), and I would even let my daughter marry one. The problem is that each human is, as Sister Mary Fides used to drum into our teenage human skulls, unique. This means that if I show you the perfect weight loss program and it works like a charm for you, your next door neighbor might have a problem making that exact program work for her or him.


As Shakespeare has Cassius say in Julius Caesar, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves...!"

Now, I am NOT saying that it is YOUR FAULT, per se, but the difficulty of making one magic thing, even the perfect weight loss program, lies in the very uniqueness that makes us so human.

One person inherits some genes that tend to make them fatter than others. Another person would have been a lot smaller, but they were raised in a home where a type of cooking or lifestyle was common that encouraged them to grow fatter. Someone else experiences some severe emotional ups and downs that contribute to bad eating habits that cause them to gain weight. Nature designed some chemical changes in our bodies to meet certain needs, and we changed OUR natural surroundings so that these changes now work against us rather than serving us. And if any one of those isn't enough, most people who are overweight actually have more than one of these things going on, and some of them actually increase the affect of other contributing factors!

We have other differences that make it difficult to create a one-size-fits-all weight loss program. Your brother-in-law loves to work out with weights, but that bores you to tears. Your neighbor has a Bowflex and you think it is great, but you travel a lot and can't figure out how to take a Bowflex with you! Your cousin lost a lot of weight on a certain diet, but your metabolism is different, and you didn't really lose any weight when you tried it. In fact, you tried diet after diet and actually GAINED weight! By the way, it is fairly common to gain weight when you try a lot of different diets. It's slightly complicated to go into here, but often when you go on a diet and then come back off of it, your body has learned to get by on fewer calories. Once you go back to eating like you used to, it now has extra calories to store as fat. Remember our equations up above?

There are also many people who want the "lose 30 pounds in 30 days" promise to be true. They have been so upset over their weight for so long that they want to believe that almost any claim is true, no matter how silly it seems, or how dangerous to their health it actually is!


Probably, you (and I) could stand to cut some of the calories out of our daily diet. However, there is a point at which the body resets some internal bells and whistles, and we may actually begin to gain weight. Also, cutting out food means cutting out the nutritional elements our body needs to be healthy.


That was the other side of the equation, wasn't it? Well, you're absolutely correct, and I would begin to worry about you if you did. You don't have to go to that extreme. There is a solution.


Nope! I'm too lazy for that, but YOU can sign on as your personal trainer. That is, you can do a little experimentation, find some activities you like and begin doing one or more of them on a regular basis...three or four times a week, let's say. You could garden, ride a bike, play with the kids or grandkids, take a walk, do some yoga, lift weights...the list goes on. You don't have to do all of them every day, and if you find one you really like, you can do it several times a week if you want. One thing to remember, of course, is that you should ease into any program and only increase it once you are sure that you are fine at the level you are at...and then, increase it gradually. I've seen some champion bodybuilders who started out lifting just the barbell with no weights on it at all, and I know of runners who started out by walking to the mailbox and back. In the army, I used to run six miles or more, but when I started running, I barely got a block down the road before I had to drop back to walking.

Start making some small changes to your diet as well. I am using the word "diet" in this case to mean the things you eat, not some particular diet. Start popping a multivitamin every day. You may find that helps make you feel a tiny bit more energetic. Cut out sugar. As much as I don't like artificial sweeteners, they are probably going to be better for you than sugar. If, like me, you worry about the effects of artificial sweeteners, try stevia. My wife and I have been using it for some time. It took a little getting used to, but I have noticed a definite decrease in heartburn and carb cravings.

Educate yourself about nutrition and exercise. You don't have to take a college course. If you are reading this online, you can go to webmd.com or mayoclinic.com/ and get a lot of great health, fitness, and weight loss information.

Read food labels, and start thinking about what you are putting in your mouth. Most of us can look at some foods and realize that they might not be good for us, at least not in large quantities, so cut you portion sizes. Don't know what a portion size is? Look on the label!

Stay away from prepackaged foods, junk food, fast food, or learn enough about them to make intelligent choices.


This is where I'm supposed to tell you to decide to lose X number of pounds in Y number of days, right? Wrong. This is where I tell you to start setting some performance goals about how you are going to try to live. I say "try" because you WILL slip from time to time, and there will be times you will just have to make do in a situation and eat that Big Mac, darn it! Go ahead, make the sacrifice and eat it, but then get back on the wagon. Don't worry about a Big Mac or a single bowl of ice cream or even a binge after you catch him/her cheating on you. The occasional dietary sin will not send you plunging back into fat hell...unless you let it.


Grow up, take charge, and quit looking around for someone or something to blame. Oh, maybe there are a lot of reasons why you got fat, and maybe they are reasons that you had no control over, but the point is that losing weight is going to happen today and tomorrow, and it is going to depend on the future choices you make, not on what the past has done to you. My father, who was a good man otherwise, was an alcoholic. I cannot let that change who I am going to be today or tomorrow, unless I use it as an incentive to be better because of it.

The author is retired from the Army after 21 years of service, has worked as an accountant, optical lab manager, restaurant manager, and instructor. He has been a member of Mensa for several years, and has written and published poetry, essays, and articles on various subjects for the last 40 years. He developed an interest in health and fitness in the '70s after reading numerous books, including Dr. Kenneth Cooper's "Aerobics". This has led him to continue his personal research into health and fitness for over 30 years, and to pursue course work on the subjects of health and fitness, including yoga, which he practices regularly. Learn more about vitamins and weight loss.

Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days

We have all heard of the word dieting. While most diets are created for the sole reason to help a person lose weight, you will have to look for one that fits your lifestyle. To help you choose a diet program that you can adhere to without huge difficulty, decide what your expectations are and make sure you are willing to stick with it. There are diet programs that can help you lose 10 pounds in 3 days, which is a common goal for many people.

The lose 10 pounds in 3 days diet in general will claim that you can lose 10 pounds of unwanted body fat simply by sticking to the diet plan outlined for you. You should be aware though, that you will in all likelihood regain the weight that you have lost if you do not put a lot of effort into losing weight after this period. There are also other health concerns that you might want to investigate before jumping into your lose 10 pounds in 3 days program.

A good technique to find the right 3 day diet program for you is to decide which areas of your body need to be reworked or reshaped, such as your tummy, thighs, hips, etc. The best place to find some of these lose 10 pounds in 3 days diet programs is on the internet. Try searching for diets that focus more on areas that you know need improvement.

You will find a wide selection of free diet programs to try out. Pay close attention to the different foods that you can eat in the diet so you do lose 10 pounds in 3 days. You should also see if these diet programs from the internet give you advice about maintaining your weight once your lose 10 pounds in 3 days diet is over. Then you can continue and lose more weight over the long term, and develop healthier eating habits and lifestyle changes.

Some of these rapid weight loss plans state that you can lose lots of weight fast by eating only certain types of fresh fruits and vegetables. You can easily make meals totally out of vegetables, and fruits are a great replacement for breakfast and lunch, or good for a snack. There are many ways to prepare these into more appealing dishes.

Be careful when you are cooking not to add ingredients that will promote fat to enter your body. High fat ingredients are generally associated with better taste, but there are many low fat alternatives that also give better flavor. As a rule of thumb, the simpler and more natural, the better.

With some diets, they will recommend that you eat or drink only a few selected items. The portion sizes are also severely restricted. However to lose 10 pounds in 3 days, this is a necessity. There are some diets that you many not even be allowed to eat and type of solid food. Instead you are to drink only certain types of fluids as these are low in calories. While this can be effective to lose 10 pounds in 3 days, it is not healthy to continue this over the long term. Always consult a doctor or nutritionist before starting a longer term weight loss plan.

The main thing to remember is that if you are strict in following a lose 10 pounds in 3 days diet, you will have a huge chance to see yourself losing this weight. It's a great stepping stone to get yourself motivated to find a new diet to help you lead a healthier lifestyle and lose more weight over the long term. Good luck!

Leah Watson has just finished writing her first E-book entitled Weight Loss for the Busy Woman

If you would like to learn more information about Weight Loss, please visit her site and sign up for her free 5-day e-course, or visit Rapid Weight Loss Tips for more weight loss articles.

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Feb.7 - 262 lbs.
Feb. 28 - 255 lbs
Check back later for other weights.
march 4 -253
march 11 -253
march 21 - 257
oops weight went up. I have started eating whatever I want now, just to see how I feel. I feel wonderful, even though I started eating things like pizza again( almost a whole pie at one sitting). The taste of food is much better, even during the whole week - not just after the fast is broken.
I had three bagels with cream cheese and butter this morning. Delicious.
It is comforting to know that even though I eat whatever I want, whenever I want when I an not fasting, the weight does not balloon like it did when I did other diets. If I want, I could fast a second day during the week and the weight will go down.

April 29, 2008
Weight was 254.5 after fast on Monday. I am now fasting two days during the week for last 2 weeks. Weight has come down, but slowly. I am still eating very high caloric food, such as whipped cream, birthday cake, etc. It is some kind of karmic thing, I guess. But my waistline continues to contract. I had to drill some holes in my belts, as they no longer held up my pants. Two other facts stand out.My stomach has shrunk considerably. I cannot eat two baked potatoes at a sitting, as I could before. I was extremely full after 1. So I guess this is the cheap alternative to stomach stapling.

The second thing I noticed was my skin texture changed to a much smoother feel. I did not notice this effect with the weekly fast. I do know that the skin does get rid of toxins through the skin. Perhaps this effect is due to the continued fasting rather than the 2 days per week.
May 25, 2008. - I am still at the same weigth, in spite of fasting two days a week. I have noticed that I am finally now decreasing the total amount of food I am now eating, so I know the calorie count is now going down. I am going to now start a Hatha Yoga regimen, to enhance the further loss of weight.
I do feel much better, even if I still have the same weight. My blood pressure seems to have normalized at 120/80.
I have come across a wonderful free book on fasting, which covers some of the points made, plus a great deal more. The link is;
Nathaniel Bronner Jr. has taken a scientific look at fasting. I highly recommend it.

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