Lose Weight Obesity

Friday, May 16, 2008

Manipulating Fat Burning Hormones Leads to Weight Loss

Diets often fail or leave you flabby because most diet plans are designed to burn either protein or carbohydrate calories, while ignoring fat tissue. By simply consuming foods that manipulate the production of insulin, your body can double the number of fat burning calories it gets rid of, leaving you with much more lean muscle mass.

Insulin is a hormone released into the bloodstream after every meal. Its job is to transport newly eaten calories into the muscle cells, so that these calories are converted into energy. However, when too much insulin is released into the bloodstream and too many calories are transported into the muscle cells, the body begins to transport these extra calories into the fat cells. They are now stored as fat tissue. This results in flab. The more insulin that gets released after each mean, the fatter you will be. Likewise, the less insulin, the more fat you will burn and the thinner you become.

The secret is in adopting a diet that contains food which will minimize the release of insulin into the blood stream after each meal so that insulin levels stay low and do not become stored as fat tissue. If you are careful to do this, then you will find losing weight and weight maintenance much more effective.

To learn more about the connection between insulin and weight loss find more information at The Insulin and Weight Loss Connection Website For free diet tips, check out the very popular website, http://qualitybarnone.com/weight-loss

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast - 2 Surefire Habits

Looking for easy ways to lose weight fast? Losing weight is actually not very easy but that does not mean it cannot be easy. What you ought to embark is a journey of change. Total change perhaps on your lifestyle is probably the most important thing.

The reason why you are gaining weight fast like rising water from a flooded riverbank is because of your dietary lifestyle. If you do not decrease the amount of food intake or calories you consume, you will continue to grow and one day overflow with health problems.

Habits die hard some say but if you want to have easy ways to lose weight fast, you have to actually put your desire into much-needed action.

Here are 2 surefire habits you can undertake to help you undergo change.

Habit #1 - Stop Drinking Unhealthy Drinks

That does rhyme doesn't it? If you have been consuming fizzy drinks, sodas, juices of sorts and alcohol, you are actually promoting the act of gaining unhealthy weight. These mouth-watering beverages contain large amounts of sugar and calories which adds to your daily intake from the food you eat.

Start changing to normal plain water instead. While it may not taste sweet or sour or carbonated, it helps you lose weight by not adding calories to your body and it helps you cleanse your body of toxics as well. Call that a 2-in-1 benefit. If you really need to have flavoring, a tiny addition of fresh lime or lemon should do the trick.

Habit #2 - Stop Eating Big Meals At One Go

Perhaps you may think that you'd rather have a big lunch and forsake your dinner and go to sleep hungry. This is harmful to any process of losing weight as you lose your metabolism when you are hungry and your metabolism plays a huge role in reducing your weight. The higher it is the better. What you need to change is to have more meals a day but having small portions each time. Some experts say having 6 small meals a day is crucial to balancing your metabolism.

Break down your meals and focus on quality food enriched with high fiber so that you take small amounts yet you do not feel hungry easily. By embracing change and practicing these 2 habits makes them easy ways to lose weight fast for you.

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Visit http://www.fastfatlossformula.com and discover how you can lose weight fast using this breakthrough formula without having to count calories, carbs, or fat!

How to Build Muscle with Hardcore, Underground Workouts

Hardcore workouts are the ultimate muscle gaining secret. You won't build muscle with fluff workouts and sissy cable exercises. You need to move the iron.

If you want to build muscle, specifically bigger triceps, which is better for you?

Heavy military presses or light weight triceps pressdowns?

Presses, of course. Same reason you need to do back squats, heavy leg presses, and deadlifts, rather than leg curls or extensions.

Building muscle requires moving weight, and not doing high reps with cable machines. You need to get underground, and hardcore, and return to the basics that worked in the past. Forget about 6-day per week isolation workouts. If you can train 6-days per week, you're not training hard enough to build muscle.

And forget about the muscle pump. Just focus on moving the iron. A pump doesn't cause growth. A pump is just blood being forced into the muscles, but that doesn't mean growth is forced on the muscles. It takes basic movements used with heavy weight to force growth. And then you need to rest, recover, and eat to support the muscle growth.

I've trained with Jay Ferruggia and the workouts are intense. Sure, doing 4 sets of biceps and triceps is hard, but its not intense like sets of deadlifts or 6 rep sets of squats. Military presses for 6 reps is more intense than triceps pressdowns, and as a result, you get more muscle growth in less time.

For your back, stick to chinups, pullups, and dumbell rows. For your chest, dumbell presses and incline presses. Take lots of rest between sets so you can move more weight. Train hard, train safe, and grow. You'll build muscle with a basic approach. That's all you need, and lots of food. Those are your muscle gaining secrets.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked workouts show you how to get ripped and have helped thousands of men burn fat and get ripped abs in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Craig's hardcore fat loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig also recommends Jay Ferruggia's Muscle Gaining Secrets Workout to build mass with hardcore workouts. No more fluff.

How Fast is Too Fast When it Comes to Losing Weight

There are many things that you can do too much of but this does not apply to things that the body controls. You cannot sleep too much, only as long as you need to. Some depressed people sleep 12 hours per day. You can fast too long or exercise too much.

The reason that you cannot sleep too long is because you cannot control how long you sleep. You can control how little you get but not how much you get. If you doubt this, then try it. Try to sleep 20 hours. You can lie there for 20 hours but will only be asleep if your body decides that you need it. Note that I am not talking about stage 1 sleep where you are drowsy and trying to get to sleep but you are not really sleeping.

They announced on the news, in November 2006, that 70% of American people have trouble sleeping. There is a McDougall website about getting over depression naturally. It says that sleep is depressing so you should not even get the suggested 8 hours. This shows that while there is a limit to genius, there is no limit to stupidity. His other ideas are good, though. The singer, Mariah Carey, had a nervous breakdown years ago and said that it was because of lack of sleep to warn others so the same thing does not happen to them.

I have seen on forums people giving rates of weight loss (weight loss/time) that are too fast. I checked this out and did not find reliable sources saying this. An MD on TV said that people on the same diet can lose weight at different rates. Also MDs think it is safe (and the FDA agrees) to lose many pounds of body fat in an hour with liposuction. Like with sleeping, you do not control how fast you lose weight. That is why you cannot lose weight too fast. Remember the above rule about exceptions, where someone with a serious problem can lose weight too fast.

Some people have fasted to lose weight and have complained that after not eating for 5 days they only lost 2 pounds. I have fasted many times but I was never overweight. People would ask how much I would lose but I did not notice any difference. So I got a scale so I could measure it scientifically. I weighed myself at the beginning of a fast and right before the end of a 4 day fast of pure water. I did gain one pound which does happen sometimes when people have reserve nutrients and are consuming air and water.

Someone could say "you just retained more water." But most people lose water weight during a fast. Regardless of whether I created more bone (people can mend broken bones during a fast) or retained water is the fact that I had no control over the rate of weight loss which in this case was negative one pound.

People can control their efforts to influence this rate. The way to give yourself the fastest rate loss that your body will safely allow is to fast and exercise a lot. Some exercise, like yoga, is OK during a fast. Allan Cott M.D. suggests walking 3 hours a day during a fast to lose more weight and for circulation. These are mild exercises. But you have to be careful about doing a lot of strenuous exercise during a fast. My mother could eat large amounts of fattening foods with lots of bad carbs and fat and still be thin without exercising.

Copyright 2007 by Chuck Bluestein

Chuck Bluestein is an herbalist, master faster and nutritionist. His website has information on colds and flus, advice for teenage girls and their parents, healthy diet, depression self help, happiness, natural healing, fasting and pure water.

Stop Making Excuses And Start Your Weight Loss Program Today

Are you the type of person who would love to lose weight but you keep putting it off for another day? There are many excuses which people make which I will write about in this article, but it is now time to become strong and to stop making excuses. Be inspired and start your weight loss program today.

I have to admit that I am the type of person who a few years ago would have answered yes to the question above. In my late teens I was far to over-weight and was not happy about it. I often thought about the different ways in which I could try to become slimmer, but that is all I would do, think.

These are the reasons I would make at that stage of my life, to put off my attempts at losing weight:

I am too tired. In the morning, I would wake up with very good intentions. I would tell myself that after I finish work, that I would go for a short jog. I would then do some fitness work at home such as using the dumb bell weights which I had bought many months ago. I would also try a few press ups and also start watching what I was eating. I was very aware that my diet included many of those fatty foods which the experts advice people to avoid.

After work, I would return home and would then make up the excuse that I am too tired. Instead of going for a jog today, I would start my fitness regime tomorrow etc. I may as well eat that fatty food which is in the fridge as other wise it is just a waste of money. I will in the future ensure that I stop buying anymore of these fatty meals, but for now I will eat it until it all goes.

My body is aching. This was a regular excuse. I would tell myself that if I start exercising today, I may well do myself more damage than good. I had better for health reasons, wait until my body feels better. Of course the aches and pains were not half as bad as I was making out.

I do not have enough time. I would often delay any fitness work as I always seemed to have something else to do which I believed were more important. In reality they were not and they could have easily have been completed after my hours exercise. Yet again it was just a way of me getting out of something which did not seem that fun.

It could be dangerous. Going back to my idea of jogging, I then had the bright idea that it could actually be quite risky. What if I come across a madman with a knife? This would have been quite a good excuse if I was running when it was dark, for example early in the morning or late at night. This however was not the case, I had been thinking of jogging at around half past four in the afternoon.

I eventually after many years decided to stop making up these excuses. I had to be determined to not only start up a fitness regime but to stick to it. It was not easy at all but after quite a long time I reached a weight which I was happy with.

You can do the same, therefore stop making excuses and start your weight loss program today.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:



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How To Lose Your Beer Belly Fast

We all know that having a beer belly isn't very attractive. In fact, surveys show that it's a huge turnoff for women and men alike. A lot of people who suddenly find themselves with a beer belly fail to do anything about it since they believe that it cannot be helped. This is a shame because there are ways in which even someone was is totally out of shape can lose a beer belly.

Many people don't do anything about their beer belly because they believe that it'll take a lot of exercise in order to reduce it. While I'm totally in favor of exercising (being a sports junkie myself), it is possible to lose your beer belly with very little exercise, but with the right diet. And you know what? The diet doesn't even need to be that restrictive, it just needs to be structured in the right way.

If you want to lose your beer belly in a way which is mostly based on proper nutrition, I recommend that you use the Calorie Shifting Diet, also known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Since it has very little exercise, it may not develop your abs muscles, but it can help you to lose your beer belly.

The reasons I recommend this diet are the following:

1. It has a high success rates for men and women in any age group or fitness level.

2. It's very easy to use.

3. It's not a restrictive diet which makes you suffer while doing it. In fact, you get to choose much of the food, and you eat 4 meals each day.

4. It has a diet generating software which means that you know exactly what to eat and when.

I know this may sound too good to be true, and, like anything else, this doesn't work for 100% of the people. But it works for most of them. It can be the way for you to lose your beer belly.

What makes this diet work isn't the amount of calories that you eat, it's the way these calories are spread out throughout the days and weeks in which you use this diet. Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is based on Calorie Shifting, a revolutionary weight loss method in which a person can manipulate his/her metabolic rate by shifting the types of calories that he or she eats throughout the day. In this way, our body burns a lot of calories fast and does so for a long time. It's perfect for losing your beer belly, since it basically helps you to shed your excess pounds.

To read more about this diet and to see user testimonials, click this link: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage: http://CalorieShiftingDiet.com.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Discover The Secret To Build Muscle To Achieve Fat Loss

You want to lose fat, then muscle building workouts should be a part of your program, and remember the duration of exercise is most important, the longer you work out, the more calories you'll burn and in the end the more fat you'll lose. We all know that the hardest part of the body to shed pounds from is the abdominal area, abdominal fat loss is extremely hard to lose and it takes a very strict diet and exercise plan also, one of the best ways for effective fat loss is using a combination of low intensity and high intensity exercises.

Most people think weight loss and fat loss are the same thing, wrong. just trying to lose weight can be detrimental to your health. Targeting specific areas for fat loss is somewhat effective and provides long term health benefits.

The amount of fat we eat is important, only about 25-30% of our daily calories should come from fat plus, all Calories are created equal and you're overweight because you eat more calories than are needed to supply immediate energy needs. Any extra calories you eat are quickly converted into fat and then are stored as body fat and our body forms fat when calories are converted into fat and stored for future energy needs.

You Must Exercise To Build Muscle

To successfully lose fat, you must combine exercise with your low fat eating plan plus, increased exercise will require you to consume more calories, and regular exercise is one of the keys to targeting fat loss and the immediate benefits of exercise are increased energy levels, improved circulation, better muscle tone, and, of course, weight loss. The source of the calories does not matter because carbohydrate stores in your liver and muscles (called glycogen) depleted from exercise must be replaced during your recovery.

Muscle weighs two times as much as fat yet takes up half the space so that is because the more muscle mass you have, the more you burn fat efficiently because muscle is an active tissue and it requires calories to function. Muscle is responsible for burning fat and that makes muscle an integral part of permanent fat loss. A loss of too much muscle can be dangerous, and eventually even fatal. Your body fats and muscles are made up of completely different cell structure and they are so different that they cannot be converted to each other which indicates that muscles are very much alive and work very hard whereas fat just sits there doing nothing and just plain looking ugly.

Another big obstacle in fat loss is alcohol consumption so please keep in mind that weight loss and fat loss are two separate entities, and its fat loss dieters really need in order to change body composition for the best. When your body enters starvation mode, fat loss will slow down or even cease as your body tries to conserve it's energy.

Richard Whitherspoon

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Lose Fat - Build Muscle

A Beginners Guide To Body Building

More is Not Better - Better Is Better!

Training is a great thing so it is easy to see why so many fall into the all too common 'more is better' trap. Like with many things in life, training should focus on quality over quantity. Your goal is not to train constantly more - not longer, not more frequently. Your focus is to improve your training - to increase your intensity by doing more and better in the time you have.

The fact of the matter is that marathon weight training workouts make no physiological sense. They work completely against how your body is designed to function in terms of packing on muscle. There is a good reason for keeping your workouts no longer than 45 minutes to an hour. Quite simply your testosterone levels begin to drop off dramatically after 45 minutes meaning that your output after this time is probably not going to be at the level required to stimulate new growth but rather is simply going to tax your body and eat into your recovery capacity. This means that your body will need to spend a great deal more resources repairing itself to where it was, an equilibrium level, leaving LESS to actually put towards NEW growth. Whilst training does tear down muscle fibres so they adapt and grow stronger, it is only a means to an end. The ultimate goal is to stimulate this adaptive response not see how much muscle tissue you can annihilate into oblivion.

Intensity is not about collapsing and puking every time you train, it is a measure of the quality work and effort you put in to maximise the adaptive response whilst hitting the correct muscles safely with good technique that improves their function as well as appearance. Training does not exist in a vacuum and it is also useful to consider and apply the concept of intensity and quality effort into the other vital areas such as nutrition and lifestyle that ultimately determine your success in achieving a lean muscular physique.

Taking the time to study and understand nutrition as well as the focus and discipline to shop, prepare and eat clean food is definitely an area where so many people lack the necessary intensity to support and maximise the adaptive response created in the gym. Making time to take care of your body and being organised to get enough sleep to ensure your body receives enough growth hormone and muscle building rest requires effort and you will need to apply yourself exactly as you drive yourself to train harder. Be honest. If your progress is stalling because you are neglecting other areas, more training is not the answer. You simply need to get better at all the things that matter. More is not better. Better is better.

Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of Ultimate Body Success - The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever.

Ultimate Body Success is dedicated to helping you finally understand that long lasting, body transformation is only possible when you understand how the body really works - only then can you trigger it's very own natural system for creating your best body ever. While there are no short-cuts, this is THE EASIEST WAY.

Click the link now to find out once and for all how to profoundly transform your body beyond belief.


Why Can't I Lose Weight? Real Weight-Loss Secrets Revealed!

The real answer to the Question "Why Can't I lose Weight" is not found with any "Company" or "Diet" that pushes pre-packaged meals or processed foods as the end all be all to your problem. The secret that "they" don't want you to know is this: these chemically laden meals are laced with toxins that actually make you hungrier.

The answer lies within your own body. Your nutritional needs are just as individual as you are. And, to try and put you, an overweight person, into a single category eating foods that are laced with the very chemicals that make you fatter, is just preposterous.

What if you found out that the answer to your weight problem might also prevent or heal other chronic illnesses or diseases that you have? What if it were are simple as listening to your body and finding out which different food combinations work for you?

The first thing you need to do is establish your specific Metabolic Type. One of the easiest ways to do this is pay close attention to "what" you eat and then how you "feel" . Start at the beginning of your meal and go to about 2 hours later.

How do you feel? If you feel sleepy an hour to an hour later, then you are definitely eating the wrong types of foods or your portions are too large.

It Could also mean that you have had too many refined carbohydrates or for other metabolic types it could mean to much protein-rich, fatty foods.

In general, after from the start of the meal to 2 hours later, you should feel satisfied, but not too full. You should not have any food cravings, especially for sweets.

You should also feel like your energy has been renewed and your mind is clear.

If you have any diseases, none of your symptoms should be agitated or better.

During this time frame if you feel hungry, crave sweets, are lethargic, unable to concentrate, apathetic, irritable or if your disease symptoms are aggravated then you have not put the proper nutrients into your body. And of course, you get the old saying "Garbage in, Garbage Out"

This is exactly why some people can lose weight on a protein diet and some people can't. It is also the reason so many gain weight after they loose it. So the answer to "Why can't I Lose Weight" is because you are an individual and you need to learn what your body really needs as nourishment instead of feeding it the exact things that make you put on the pounds.

Once you find out your Personal Metabolic Type, you can build a tailor made program that will not only have the pounds melting off, but you will be on your way to possible ridding some of those pesky diseases from your body.

If you want the REAL Answers to Questions like why can't I lose weight? then you need to know the the REAL reason that you can lose weight. The truth is, you can lose as much weight as you want without dieting! Find out the Truth About Weight Loss-- The Truth Behind the Diet Lies

5 Common Ab Myths

Is it possible to get abs post-pregnancy? It's hard enough to get 6-pack abs, let alone after you've had six children. Craig Ballantyne, recently spoke with fitness competitor Fran Dennis for her tips and secrets on how to help you lose fat and define your abs.

Most women would expect that with six kids to take care of, Francisca would have no time to train. But she makes time through careful scheduling - splitting her lifting and cardio between morning and evening if she has to. When she added lifting into her program, that is when her physique changes started to show the most.

You have to work hard on your diet as well, sticking to a fat-burning, muscle-building diet all year round. That helps out in the training department as well, because it doesn't require drastic increases in the amount of training to get competition fit. Diet is the key to your success.

Stick to lean meats, complex carbohydrates and lots of green veggies and water.

Just training abs won't give you the very sought after "six pack". It's a lifestyle change that involves training your whole body, being consistent and clean with your diet, as well as driven and motivated to be your best. Work hard, and be happy with what you see in the mirror. Don't cut yourself down. Revel in your accomplishments and believe in yourself.

Here's a list of 5 common myths about abs.

Myth 1) You don't need to watch what you eat

Diet is first and foremost the key factor when trying to get 6-pack abs. "No matter how much you exercise, you can't just eat what you want and expect to get optimal results," Fran says. So be like Fran and plan your nutrition in advance, to avoid dietary downfalls.

Myth 2) As long as you do a lot of ab exercises and repetitions, it doesn't matter how well you do them

It is important to do all repetitions with good form. Focus on quality, not quantity. Bad form will give you less results, and you could hurt your back if you are not careful.

Myth 3) You can "Spot reduce" the fat on your abs with crunches

No matter how many crunches you do, you won't be able to get rid of your ab fat with crunches alone. You need a good diet and an increase in your calorie burning from total body exercises.

Myth 4) Infomercial products work!

Belt-saunas, and electrical stimulators are not magic bullets. You can't expect anything you order from TV to help you get a 6-pack.

Myth 5) You must do abs every day

You don't need to do abs every day. Instead, train them hard three times per week.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com.

3 Reasons to Use Bodyweight Exercises for Weight Loss

You don't need fancy cardio machines to help you lose weight. In fact, a good weight loss program can be done with bodyweight exercises only. You don't even need traditional "cardio" to do this...or an expensive gym membership.

Here are 3 reasons you can use bodyweight exercises to lose weight.

1) Bodyweight exercises are a total body interval cardio circuit workout.

You don't need any fancy machines for "cardio" when you have your own bodyweight to move around. For a great circuit, simply pick 3 lower body exercises and 3 upper body exercises that you can do with only your bodyweight.

Then alternate between upper and lower exercises, doing 10 reps per exercise, and don't take any rests between exercises. Rest 30 seconds at the end of the circuit and repeat up to 5 times. That will take you 20 minutes. See below for a great circuit.

2) Bodyweight exercises boost metabolism

Strength and interval training both boost metabolism more than slow cardio, so you burn more calories after exercise. And bodyweight training is the perfect "hybrid" of strength and interval exercise. So you'll benefit from calories burned during AND after exercise.

3) Bodyweight exercises build muscle

In addition to an increase in metabolism, muscle makes you look good. After all, who has better arms, Madonna or the skinny, starving young celebrities of today? Madonna of course, because she has built her arms in the gym and with bodyweight movements in yoga and other forms of exercise. Think of bodyweight training as positive bodysculpting, and avoid that negative, cardio "body breakdown" mentality that too many runners have.

After all, what's the main thing that runners and other cardio addicts neglect? Strength. And that's one of the reasons they end up in the physio and doctor offices so often.

Get started with your bodyweight workouts today.

For example, here's a great circuit:

- Prisoner Squat
- Pushup (or incline pushup for beginners)
- Split Squat
- Elevated Pushup (or kneeling elevated pushup for beginners)
- Step-up
- Mountain Climber

10 reps per exercise (10 reps per side for the split squats, elevated pushups, stepups, and mountain climbers).

Whew! Better than cardio!

You only need 20-30 minutes per session to sculpt your body with exercise that is much better than traditional, slow, boring cardio.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Cardio Workouts Are Not the Best Way to Lose Body Fat

Below is an interview about cardio workouts done by Craig Ballantyne. This presents a great example of how cardio workouts are typically misused by exercise enthusiasts in their attempts to lose body fat. You'll never get those six pack abs if all you keep doing are the same boring cardio routines over and over. Expand your thinking, and shrink your waistline!

Everybody assumes that you must do endless hours of cardio workouts to get ripped six pack abs. But this is simply not true. In fact, if you quit wasting so much time with boring slow cardio routines and change your workouts much more strategically, you will get those six pack abs much faster than you thought was possible!

Let's look into how one female cardio workout fanatic finally lost her excess belly fat and revealed her six pack abs with the help of the innovative Turbulence-Training workouts!

Craig: C-J, let's start with a bit of background on yourself and what your goals were when you discovered interval-training and strength training.


Ok, I'm a female in my middle 30's and your typical office professional who spends many long hours in front of the computer.

With regards to fitness and nutrition, I grew up realizing the importance of being active and staying healthy. So while I've stayed active for most of my life, I recently realized that I still had a lot to learn about both training and nutrition.

When I first discovered the Turbulence-Training Workouts, I was looking for an improvement in body composition. I had been introduced to weight training a year or so earlier and had made some really good progress, but had gone past that "new stimulus" effect, and really needed something different to kick my results up again and break the plateau.

Craig: How were you doing before?


Well, during grad school and working full-time I let my fitness slip for the days and evenings tied to a computer, and the joys of eating at restaurants once or twice a day. I had gained about twenty pounds and was at my heaviest weight ever at about 160 pounds. Once I finished night school, I added exercise and nutrition back to my priority list and lost those twenty pounds, mostly from running five days a week.

The 2nd stage started when I discovered weight training. I was at about 142 pounds at the time and about 28% body fat. After about six months I lost another 8-10 pounds and 7% body fat.

So when I started the Turbulence-Training program, I had already made decent progress as I was down to about 133 pounds and 21-22% bodyfat.

Craig: What were your workouts like before Turbulence Training? Why did they not work as well? How have you since improved upon those workouts?


Before Turbulence Training, I was a "same-pace" cardio fanatic, and I ran 3-5 miles three times a week and strength trained using a four day body part split routine. This plan worked ok for about six months or so, but then I just stalled out and the plateau set in. I'm not exactly sure what the culprit was, but I just knew that I needed a different type of workout program to try.

So when I first started strength training and interval workouts I was skeptical that such a short workout only three times per week would be good enough. I soon realized that strength training and intervals kept the intensity levels higher during EVERY workout, so the 3 days and 2 super sets were actually much more efficient than my four day body part split and three days of running. I also got on an interval training program and reduced my slower "same pace" cardio runs to about one day a week.

Craig: How have the interval workouts and strength training helped you improve your shape? What benefits and results have you achieved? What are your improvements compared to your before stats?


I am definitely stronger, leaner, and faster than before.

Strength wise, I can finally do chin-ups and pull-ups, something I've always wanted to be able to achieve. I have also improved my 5k time by two minutes. I also finally have the muscle tone and athletic body shape that I have always wanted.

When compared to my before stats, I have had to throw the scales out the window and use the mirror and compliments I've received as my guide since I have gained a few pounds of lean (but sexy) muscle so the scale weight hasn't changed much even though my body composition has improved. Also, my clothes have gotten looser and smaller and I'm also making fairly significant strength and speed gains. I can also actually see a visible six pack of abs now, which has always eluded me!

Craig: How do you feel in terms of energy and strength?


My strength gains are most exciting to me, since I typically have high energy/endurance. I particularly like how my strength gains have transferred to improved running and biking.

The amount I can lift in the gym just sort of evolves, but when I can climb hills on my bike that I used to be forced to walk, and finish 5k runs in times that were once way out of my reach, it feels pretty damn good!

Craig: What features do you like about TT-style strength and intervals?


It is fun, time efficient, and intense. Plus it works like crazy! When I am in the gym, I know that I am making the most efficient use of my time.

Craig: Did you change your eating plan with the guidelines?


Not a whole lot, but some. I was on a pretty good eating plan when I started TT strength and intervals, but I am constantly learning about making better food choices and looking to change things slightly here and there. Incorporating a post-workout recovery shake and getting as much variety as possible have been the biggest changes in my nutrition habits since I started the program.

Craig: What would you say to others that ask you about your workouts? Do you get a lot of comments from people?


When people ask me about my workouts, I try to hold back some excitement so I don't come off as a wild fanatic and overwhelm them.

I have had quite a few comments from others in my gym, either noticing how hard and smart that I am working out, or complimenting me on my progress. One woman even pointed me out and said "I want thighs like that!" to her friend. How cool is that!

It is always enjoyable to see friends or family or even co-workers that I haven't seen in a while because they always remind me of the great progress I have made. It's also exciting that I can show off my flat stomach now too with the sexy little six pack!

The best compliment I get now is in the form of imitation. Others want to know exactly what I do and ask me for tips to help them. They see that it works, want to know how I have done it, so they can try to apply it to themselves.

Craig: Thanks C-J! Keep up the great work with your time-saving Turbulence Training fat-loss workouts.

See below for a special free report on more effective cardio workout alternatives that will have you losing body fat much faster from now on.

To discover why your cardio workouts are all wrong, and how to get much better fat loss results, grab a free cardio report at Beyond Cardio Workouts.

If you're looking to discover over 27 more unique metabolism raising and body fat loss secrets, go to Abdominal Exercises, Lose Belly, Ab Workouts

For the women out there, be sure to visit Exercises for a Sexy Butt.

How To Melt Belly Fat Away Forever

The best way to get rid of belly fat is not a pill, or some plan to restrictive to maintain. If you are looking for some pill or restrictive diet plan, you will not experience the forever part. Research has shown maintaining weight loss long term requires that you develop the proper diet and exercise habits.

Have you ever heard the saying, 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you have fed him for a life time.' Pills and restrictive diets are like giving you a fish. If you want to keep the fat off you must learn the habits it takes to do it.

Every person is different and will require a different combination of foods and exercise to achieve results. That being said there are some basic truths that will work for everyone.

The first is plain old calorie restriction. However do not exceed a restriction of 20% below your maintenance level. What is that level? That is the point at which you do not gain or lose weight. It is different for everyone. the American College of Sports

Medicine (ACSM) has suggested 1200 calories as the minimal daily calorie level for women and 1800 as the minimum for men.

Why do you not want to go below that for any length of time? Your body will go into starvation mode. That means your metabolism slows down, you feel tired and you burn muscle as well as fat. Some studies have shown that resting metabolism can become depressed by as much as 45%, during severe calorie restriction.

So now we know about the diet side, what about the exercise side? You can not spot remove fat from the body. I wish it were not so, but it is. The only way to lose the belly is to lose fat in general. Some people it will com off the stomach faster then others. If you need some reasons to exercise and not just diet:

1. Exercise - aerobic and weight training - raises your metabolic rate.

2. Exercise creates a caloric deficit without triggering the starvation response.

3. Exercise is good for your health. Dieting is harmful to your health.

4. Exercise, especially weight training, signals your body to keep your muscle and not burn it for energy. Dieting without exercise can result in up to 50% of the weight loss to come from lean body mass.

5. Exercise increases fat-burning enzymes and hormones.

6. Exercise increases the cells sensitivity to insulin so that carbohydrates are burned for energy and stored as glycogen rather then being stored as fat.

Exercise can be anything that gets you up off that couch and keeps you moving. DO NOT work your abs every day, though. They need time to recover just like any other muscle. For you in a hurray I would suggest high intensity interval training, known as HIIT for short. You use this with running, jogging, tread mill, any aerobic work out. An example routine I would be:

Level 3: 5 minutes (warm-up)

Level 4: 1 minute (rest interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 3: 5 minutes (cool down)

Why HIIT? Your metabolic rate stays elevated longer after the workout is over than steady state cardio. Yep you keep burning at a high rate longer that with normal cardio and therefore burn more calories!

There you have it some basic truths that should help anyone melt away that belly fat away and keep it gone.

Alton Morris has struggled with weight problems his whole life. I have been actively researching an answer for several years now. Interested in reading more? Come to my web page Secrets of Permanent Weight Loss

Weight Loss And Starvation

If you've ever tried to lose weight by starving yourself then you already know that not only does this not work, but it actually backfires, and usually makes you GAIN weight. When you try to go for extended periods of time without eating (more than four or five hours) you're basically working against your body.

Not Smart.

See, eating is natural. It's instinctive. We are hard wired as human beings to eat. So what normally happens when someone tries to starve themselves is they eventually end up succumbing to their natural instincts, and instead of eating...

They binge eat!

Now here's where it gets even worse: When this happens someone might believe that they "failed" and they need to develop more "discipline" or "will power."

They start believing that the problem is a lot worse than it actually is. Now, as I discuss in the book Living Life Lean, there is tremendous power in discipline, yet it definitely doesn't serve you when you try to use it to starve yourself!

Another reason why this misconception is so destructive is because it damages your metabolism, which is critical to burning fat and living lean. I would think that by now this debunked "strategy" would be extinct.

But it's not.

I see so many people who believe they will be different. In their mind they think it will actually work for them, and THEN once they reach their desired outcome they'll stop.

Is this, or will this ever be a solution to living life lean?

Not a chance.

So what is the solution? You take the exact OPPOSITE approach and begin to eat more often. Ironically, once you begin to eat more frequently you'll think about food less and it's actually a much easier way to become lean.

All the while, you're keeping your body in a constant state of thermogenisis (your internal body temperature is raised) and your metabolism is running on all cylinders and burning fat at an optimum rate.

Robert Van Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Vitality Publishing LLC, a company that helps people eliminate excess fat, while making breakthrough transformations in their physical vitality and overall quality of life. He's the author of "Living Life Lean: Discover How to Transform Your Body and Your Life -Quickly, Naturally and Permanently." To learn more and sign up for his popular 10 day course visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com

What Are Your Barriers to Losing Weight?

We all put up barriers to losing weight to protect us from outside influences. Sometimes they help us and sometimes they don't. And sometimes they become self-defeating when they prevent us from making positive changes. A good example for many of us would be facing our need to diet.

Let us review some of these barriers to losing weight that we put up to prevent us from dealing with our problem.

*Denial. You simply ignore the fact that you have a weight problem at all. Although the way you eat may make you feel uncomfortable, you simply ignore it. And you avoid looking at yourself in the mirror so you can avoid looking at the extra weight that you are carrying on your body.

*Rationalize. You need to keep the extra weight on because you need your strength, you tell yourself Or you deserve extra helpings at the food table because of the extra work that you do, you say, or you simply don't have the time to plan out a diet, and keep track of the foods you eat.

*Downplay. You say it's really not much of problem. People have much worse problems, don't they? Overeating is nothing like drinking or taking drugs or gambling or cheating on one's spouse. It's just a question of losing a few pounds, isn't it? You can lose a few pounds any time you put your mind to it. Right?

*Blame others. You have a problem with facing up to your extra weight that you carry. So you blame it on other people.It's either your spouse's fault, because she nags you all the time to eat, or life itself puts too much of a burden on you, and won't let you cope. Or it's the kids who are forever eating their candy and drinking their soda when you're all watching tv.

*Blame yourself. You feel it's useless to try to lose weight because you have tried diets before, and failed. You admit that you have a weight problem, but you never seem to get the strength to lose it.

You probably use several of these barriers to losing weight so you won't need to face your need to lose those extra pounds. But as you take the time to think about it, you can come to the realization that they are all a smokescreen.

This realization is in itself a powerful tool for change. You are not just a victim. You can consider if throwing up these barriers are really helpful in facing your weight problem. As you begin to realize that these are simply excuses, you can take positive steps to eliminate them and face the issue of finally losing some of that extra weight.

Gary Machado writes on a variety of topics of interest. Did you find these tips on dieting success useful? You can learn a lot more by visiting http://www.dietsuccessnews.com

Burn That Fat - The Fast Easy Way!

Here's what I think:

I wanna burn that fat the fast easy way!

If they tell me that it's going to take 10 months to lose 10 pounds then I don't want to go there!

I mean... gimme a break!

It may be slow and steady and easy on my body but it's going to take years to lose any appreciable number of pounds.

I guess if it was one pound a week and you could rely on it happening then it might be OK... that way you'd be losing 50 pounds in a year; which is OK if you've only got 50 pounds to lose.

But what if you want to lose 100 pounds or more... what then; what's the plan for that?

I think we have to see some serious results quickly or we'll lose hope real fast. I think something like 10 pounds in the first 10 days sounds like a reasonable plan and then 2 pounds a week forever, until you've reached your target weight.

And another thing... it should be easy!

I mean, I don't want to be going around feeling hungry all the time; hanging on by my fingernails as I struggle to resist the temptation to grab a quick delicious high carb snack!

Been there... done that!

So here's the scoop... the trick is to first get rid of that carb craving. Anyway you do it is good, but if you can find a way to do it without feeling hungry then you're on a roll.

That carb craving is your major enemy!

This is what has defeated you in the past and it will defeat you again and again until you find an effective way to get rid of it so you aren't continually challenged to fall off your program.

Let me show you how to do that.

I can show you how to get this started in just 5 days! You'll lose 5 pounds in 5 days or 10 pounds in 10 days and you won't be hungry!

I have recently written a book entitled "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry" which lays out a plan for overcoming Carbohydrate addiction and losing weight.

You can download it FREE here: "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry"

Affirmations for Weight Loss

The secret to successful and permanent weight loss is a positive mental attitude.

Here is a list of powerful affirmations to help you with weight loss.

Say them to yourself often. Choose several to write on index cards and put them on the fridge, in the car, on your bathroom mirror - anywhere where you can see them many times a day. When you change your mind, the body follows automatically.

  • Nothing tastes as good as being healthy, slim and full of energy.
  • I'm losing weight now.
  • I love the feeling of making progress.
  • I'm on the road to health and well-being.
  • I eat just the right amount to maintain my perfect weight.
  • Losing weight is effortless.
  • I enjoy being healthy.
  • It's easy and fun to lose weight.
  • Today is a wonderful day.
  • My body is getting stronger, slimmer, and healthier every day.
  • I love who I am and who I am becoming.
  • I am excited by the wonderful changes in my life.
  • Every day I am moving closer to my goal.
  • I love and respect myself.
  • It's time to be happy.
  • I choose to take good care of myself.
  • I choose to make healthy choices.
  • It feels so good to move.
  • I love to exercise.
  • Every time I exercise I enjoy it more.
  • I have the power to choose a healthy lifestyle.
  • I deserve healthy food and a healthy body.
  • I only eat when I feel hungry.
  • I stop eating the instant I feel full.
  • My body is a miracle of self-healing.
  • I love fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Taking a walk is my favorite treat.

Linda Gabriel, M.F.A. is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and the author of the book Weight Loss Forever and companion CD's.

For information about Linda Gabriel's 12-Week Weight Loss Forever Bootcamp Teleseminar go to: http://www.lindagabriel.com

Workout Plan For Beginners

What kind of program you start with depends on your specific goals. This article will help you shed some light on myth that there is no perfect method in fitness. For example if you want to lose weight, running or cardio might not be the best thing. So let's start with understanding fitness in general.

Cardio for Weight loss?

If your goal is weight loss, then spending 1 hr on treadmill or running early in the morning(before breakfast) might give you OK results but it also has lot of drawbacks. In these kind of workouts you burn out your muscles as well as fat. In reality, fat is the last thing you'll burn in any workouts. You'll be burning glycogen stored in your body first and then muscles...

You see every pound of muscle you have will burn 50 calories a day. If you burn these muscles, your metabolism will slow down. You'll lose weight, no doubt about that but you'll also lose very important muscles.

Building body or strength?

If you check out with your local gym, there is very good chance that your coach or instructor in the gym will make you do High number of reps (around 15-20) every set. According to them this build body and strength and what not... Again this is ok but would you like to get access to better way of building strength & body?

Here's better way : If you use low reps with more sets (3 reps X 6 Sets) with heavy weights, not only you are making your muscles stronger but also you'll be shaping them.

A Beginners Workout plan

From my experience I had great results with strength training and working with cardio (High intensity training). Beginners on this workout gain strength in leaps and bounds and make great progress. If you check out most of the programs I have shared, you'll see I use many types of workouts which includes free weights, bodyweight calisthenics, odd objects like sandbag and other equipments like kettlebell. I always believe in "the chain is as stronger as its weakest link".

You workout every weakness of yours. You find out where your weakness likes and improve it. Not only gym rats who either work on their chest or biceps daily basis but forgets about the big gut hanging in front of them.

Heres another Workout plan for beginners which was featured on Men's Health magazine in January 2008.

Add Green Tea to Your Weight Loss Program

Green tea is rich in epigallochatechin gallate or EGCG. EGCG is an antioxidant which destroys free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause aging and disease. The EGCG in green tea also helps to lower cholesterol levels and increase the metabolic rate of the body.

Research conducted at the University of Geneva in Switzerland by American and Swiss scientists show that green tea is effective in weight loss programs. The study was conducted with ten young men as subjects. The scientist compared the difference in energy expenditures of green tea and that of caffeine or a placebo. The energy expended using green tea was a four percent increase. This result has led to the belief that green tea can have an impact on weight loss.

Green tea can also lead to a healthier lifestyle. Drinking coffee with cream and sugar is high in calories and caffeine. Substituting green tea adds healthful substances like polyphenols and flavornoids to the body. Green tea does contain a small amount of caffeine, significantly less than coffee. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant which aids in weight loss.

The formation of fats in the body lead to weight gain. By drinking green tea, the fat is reduced by inhibiting the effect of insulin in the body. Insulin converts glucose into energy which is stored in the body as fat. A weight loss program with green tea as a component causes sugar to be sent directly to the muscles. This prevents fat from forming.

Green tea also promotes thermogenesis. Thermogensis is the process which burns fat and releases calories in the body. The caffeine content and catechin polyphenols create thermogenesis. This process stimulates metabolism in the body.

There are other components in weight loss. However, it is proven that if energy intake is reduced or increased energy is expended, weight loss will occur. Green tea has many benefits for those involved in weight loss programs.

Sandra is a researcher and writer with a special interest in health related topics that affect our daily lives. For more information on green tea, visit http://www.a-green-tea-guide.com

Turbulence Training Scam - Weight Loss Fact or Fiction?

Turbulence Training Scam? I assume you are here to read more about Turbulence Training? This new fitness system present itself as an easy and quick way to lose weight. Designed for busy people it's a weight loss program. In fact the literature has stated,"It's a trainers type of system that DOESN'T necessarily require a trainer." This article won't seek to be a tutorial on the system rather a basic education on answering if Turbulence Training Scam is real or fiction.

Expect to gain muscles and lose fat with the turbulent program. The time commitment to the turbulent system would be at least three times a week. Each of these turbulent sessions should be at least thirty minutes long.

Reasons For Creation

Most of us are not in the situation to work out daily. Who has the two hours or more to exercise and lift weights with gym trainers during the day? For a minimum amount of effort those seeking to lose weight will make Turbulence Training there program of choice. The turbulence system has consistently proven over the course of time to be very effective at weight loss.

Turbulence Training Was Created For?

The system has been designed for all fitness levels and body types. We will make one caution here related to the fact that you should see your doctor before exercising if you have any questions about proceeding with your current level of fitness. High intensity training is the focal point of the system.

In Summary

Being exposed to this tutorial and seeing at some level what turbulent training could offer you. When will you get started? Some take-away points from this would be:

1) One hour or less is needed to perform the Turbulence-Training program.

2) You can lose weight as well as tighten loose muscles.

3) In one week you could be seeing results.

With these basic course points in mind is there any reason to put this off any longer? Now that we know the Turbulence Training scam is fiction the resource box will guide you to more education on this exciting exercise fitness system.

James Redder facilitates a Turbulence Training Scam lens. If the turbulence training scam info was helpful, why not get the fitness info that will assist you now? Goto Turbulence Training

Arizona Diet Eating Healthy Plan

So many diets so many choices what to pick? Well this Arizona diet eating healthy plan certainly looks promising with its green tea and ginseng.

If youve been looking for that extra push to loose those pounds the Arizona diet eating healthy plan is just what you need. This is an extract of green tea and ginseng and in case you havent guessed its a drink. Now how simple is that? And it gives you many more benefits than just helping you loose weight because both green tea and ginseng have many health benefits.

One of the reasons its so successful is that the ginseng contains polyphenols which help convert fats into heat energy which is called thermogenesis. Add green tea and you increase the bodys energy usage by 4% and this is all backed by studies. So with the Arizona diet eating health plan you give your body a substantial boost for burning up the fat and you havent even increased your activity level. In fact all on its own it translates to a loss of 10 pounds a month.

Your Arizona diet eating healthy plan includes green tea, ginseng, and a small amount of caffeine to increase your metabolism. There are no heart palpitations or other cardio problems. This is a formula that combined with healthy eating which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables will result in amazing grounds gained.

There is more great news relating to Arizona diet eating healthy plan and thats the reduction of cholesterol levels. Too many people are taking drugs like Lipitor which is a Stanton drug and can result in liver damage over time. But this formula can reduce cholesterol naturally and thats just a great buy!

When you take your Arizona diet eating healthy plan seriously you will discover that very quickly you begin to feel younger and more youthful as well as much healthier. Once again you get the health benefits as well as the weight loss benefits. Certainly a win-win all the way around.

The ginseng found in the Arizona diet eating healthy plan has many ways of promoting health. It enhances the immune system, lowers blood sugar levels, improves adrenal function, mental alertness and physical performance, and it reduces your risk of certain types of cancer. Combine all those benefits with a diet rich is fresh fruits and vegetables and youve got the makings for becoming very healthy as you loose weight.

There are so many different diets on the market and there are so many diet products that claim to be the one to help you shed those pounds. The difference here is that the Arizona diet eating healthy plan combines a drink with diet to give you the maximum benefits. Here you get the benefits of green tea and ginseng combined with a diet low in saturated fats and high in fiber and those pounds will be disappearing quickly but in a healthy manner.

So the next time you consider dieting consider the Arizona diet eating healthy plan that will have you slimmer and trimmer while leaving you healthier and feeling younger.

Get all the latest information about Healthy Diets from the only true source at http://www.1healthydietinformation.com

Be sure to check out our Diet Eating Healthy Plan pages.

How Fast Do You Want To Lose Weight? - Awesome Weight Loss Tips You Can Use Today

A better question, how fast can you lose weight? Before dieting or starting to lose weight you should always consult a physician to ensure your health and safety. After that is done, you can be on your way to losing weight. The following article will give you some nice tips on how to lose weight fast.

Weight loss is a normal thing that many people want to do to make themselves feel better, get healthy, and several other reasons. What many people don't know is what steps to take to lose weight. It is not like you can wake up one morning and decide that you are going to lose 5 pounds this week. You need a plan. Here are some great tips for losing weight fast.

How fast can you lose weight using the following methods?

1. Start drinking more water than usual.

2. This one is good. Increase your metabolism. How? Instead of eating three large meals per day, eat 4 or 5 smaller meals.

3. Run, Walk, or Swim. Do this 3 times per week for about 30 minutes.

There you have it. A simple process to help you lose weight. So the answer to the question, how fast can you lose weight? It all depends on your personal motivation, situation, free time, and many other factors. The only way you are going to succeed is if you are motivated. It is a slower process than some things but it works and if you stick to it you will see results.

For more information and an awesome free tips guide, visit below:

For a Free guide on How Fast Can You Lose Weight visit: http://internet-business-world.com/lose-weight-fast/Lose_Weight_Fast_Systems.html

The Key to Weight Loss Success

When it comes down to the wire, you are the primary component of the best loss program. Weight loss diets and workouts would be rendered useless without your motivation and discipline. Physicality is not the only component which is required in weight loss; rapid weight loss begins with the mind. This means that you have to decide to commit to a program even if cuts back on your candy bar helpings, or it prohibits you from indulging in that ice cream flavor which you have all but forgotten. Your mind is a very powerful aspect involved in your well-being, and it can lead you to weight loss success or failure, at your own free will.

Commitment is the first step towards healthy loss. Weight management is no easy thing, you can be sure of that; and if you really intend on shedding off those unwanted pounds, you have to start each day with the decision to make the healthy choices which can benefit you. You need to plan and prepare a workout plan the night before the fact, and a meal plan a week in advance. This will ensure that you won't miss out on the next day's regimen, and suffer the long-term consequences of exercise loss. Weight training, cardio exercises, and aerobics may be included in the routine, as long as you can competently handle them. You'll also need a good diet plan to supplement the calorie loss. Natural weight loss should result in a leaner body, not a starving one.

You need to motivate yourself through the program. As is the case, there are few shortcuts to weight loss. Rapid weight loss is only effective if you stick to your program discipline to the dot. Keep yourself reminded of the day's workout plan, or if necessary, have a friend check in on your progress with weight loss. Natural weight loss is also not a self-made effort; you'll need the expert advice of a nutritionist, one who can provide a custom-made meal plan for your particular dietary needs. Your nutritionist will tell you which diets to stick to, and may be able to warn you in advance of any crash diets which you may mistake for a best loss program. Weight management, done in a scientific and healthy way, leads to better chances for long-term success.

As part of your discipline, you have to have some degree of accountability. This prevents the possibility of exercise loss. Weight gain is too much the result of a failure to make yourself true to your personally-set goals that you may end up punishing yourself for it, by eating more and doing less. The best way to discipline your way to healthy loss, weight control, and body toning is to withhold any perks until you perform your required regimen for the day; on the other hand, rewarding yourself after a workout is good reinforcement method towards achieving your goal.

Sick and tired of your weight problem? Want to finally lose weight? Then go to my site http://www.loss-rapid-weight.com and get your FREE report on weight loss. Start losing weight today!