Lose Weight Obesity

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How To Lose Your Fats Lightning Fast

Are you working hard to lose your fats? If you are, here are some tips to show you how you could lose your fats lightning fast.

Fat Loss Tip #1 Set Goals

If goal setting has not been working for you, it could be that you are not making it specific and measurable enough. Instead of saying that you are going to lose weight, set goals like "I aim to lose 10 pounds in 50 days".

Next make sure that the goals you have set are something that you are passionate about and will fire you up to take action. People who achieve goals, despite all the challenges and setbacks, got there because of their PASSION.

Fat Loss Tip #2 Put Yourself On The Line

To achieve the results you want, you need to put yourself on the line. Basically, it means to put yourself in a situation where your only option is to achieve your goals.

For example, you could give away almost all the clothes that you are wearing and fill your cupboard with new clothes of the size you want to achieve. That means that unless you manage to achieve the body size you have set yourself to achieve, you are not going to have any clothes to wear! Another way is to simply make a public declaration of your goals and get your closest friends and family members involved.

Fat Loss Tip #3 Have Enough Sleep

As weird as it might sound, researchers have gathered evidence to suggest the amount and quality of sleep could affect your weight loss. This is because during your sleep, a chain of hormonal activity is being triggered off and that can affect your appetite.

Sleep loss could make you feel hungry even when you are not. It could also adversely affect the body ability to metabolize carbohydrates. As a result, your body has high levels of blood sugar. This causes the overproduction of insulin, which can lead to the storage of body fats.

Fat Loss Tip #4 Have A Proper Healthy Diet

There are so many diets being promoted in the market today that it is not easy to tell which one will really suit you. However, the basic idea is to ensure that your body gets the necessary nutrients and energy without overdoing it. And if you have found that suits you, keep to it.

To lose weight fast, one of the most effective ways is to ensure that your calorie intake is less than the calories you are going to burn for the day. The idea seems so basic but many people kept forgetting this simple advice.

Don't fall into the trap thinking you cannot lose your fats lightning fast. Find out how to burn fat quickly and dramatically. Go to http://www.fatburnworks.com right now to get more fat loss secrets!

Free Tips On How To Lose Weight

Many people in life, especially in the western world are looking at ways to lose weight. In this article I describe about how I have had an ongoing struggle with my own weight and how I eventually lost the excess pounds.

I am somebody who has a liking to the wrong types of food and drinks and as a result have had an ongoing battle with my weight for most of my life. I have to be very careful what I eat as I seem to gain weight very easily. In my life I have tried many diets, however I have always looked for a way to of losing weight without having to resort to starve myself or by having to do huge amounts of exercise.

I have always been annoyed and frustrated with family and friends who seem to be able to eat without getting fat. I am sure I eat half as much as these people but am still twice their size, it is not fair! That was until a couple of years ago.

I decided I needed to find my own way of losing weight. I had to be honest with myself, I was aware that I did very little exercise and that I liked all of the wrong types of food. I was a bit of a fast food junkie, this was only because of my busy lifestyle . One of my biggest problems though was that I liked snack food, such as peanuts, chocolate and crisps. I also liked an alcohol as this helped me to gain confidence.

I knew that most people would advise me to stop eating all fatty type foods, especially the pizzas and chips. They would also no doubt, advise me to join a gym and to go jogging every morning. Get real! Those gyms are full of thin people, if I go jogging I might get mugged, and I am sorry but life would not be worth living without my weekly pizza!

What I needed was my own weight loss plan so I decided that what I would do is to basically eat a healthy type breakfast, which would be cerial or toast. I would have a fairly light lunch, such as a sandwich, however for my evening meal I could eat whatever I wanted. The main thing and most difficult to implement would be the fact that I would be no longer eating between meals. The snacks had to go!. I am not trying to say that this was easy to do, however I had a need and was determined to lose weight.

For exercise I decided to leave the car at home, wherever possible, and walk to more places. I also started taking my children to the park more often. At the park we would play games such as football, cricket and baseball. It is amazing how much weight you can lose by having fun.

These things in time helped me to lose a lot of my excess weight.

Stephen Hill has a number of websites including:


How To Lose A Lot Of Weight Using Aerobics - Stunning Tips To Help You Achieve Explosive Results

Weight problem is one of the major health problems our society is suffering from in the present day and age. Every individual suffering from weight problems wants to know the easiest and the shortest way to really lose weight and lose it fast yet only a few end up losing it. You see these few who really end up losing it are involved in one type of aerobic exercise or the other. Aerobics is one of the fastest and the easiest possible ways to burn fat and really burn it fast. Read on to discover some of the most mind blowing tips on how to lose weight using aerobics...

Try jumping- Aerobics has some of the easiest and the most enjoyable routines any and every person would love to do. In order to really lose weight you should try jumping as that is known to really burn calories like crazy and also gives you a total body workout in one way or the other.

Play a sport- This is another very good way to lose a lot of weight within a short amount of time. In order to really get great results try to play a competitive sport where you have other people to play with and really get competitive with them. You see in the urge to win you will end up trying harder thus burning more calories.

Dancing- Now this is the one of the best and the most fun aerobic routines which will help you lose weight real fast and at the same time give you a lot of enjoyment. This can be done with a group of friends or just by yourself in the privacy of your house. Dancing done on a regular basis can really burn a lot of fat thus helping you lose weight fast.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

How to Lose Weight in a Few Days

If you want to know how to lose weight in just a few days, this is the article for you. Take the information I provide for you in this article and apply it for great results. In very little time, the question "How To Lose Weight In Days?", will be a question of the past.

Detoxify Your System

Detox is an important step, if you want to know how to lose weight in just a few days. Hydration plays a huge role in cleansing our bodies. Drink lots of water. In addition, fiber supplements and body wraps are great ways to rid our bodies of these toxins. These items in combination will promote healthy bodily function, and will make your weight loss goals a reality.

Eat A Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet is a key factor in your ability to lose weight in a few days. Watch your portion size on your meals. Try eating five to six smaller meals per day instead of three large ones. This will keep your metabolism high all day, making it easier for the body to burn fat. Make it a point to get some protein, fat , and carbohydrates in every meal. This is very important for a balanced diet.

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise should be made a basic and constant part of your lifestyle. You should get at least thirty minutes of aerobic exercise everyday. This can be as simple as swimming, jogging, or riding a bike. In addition, some weight training, at least two times a week is also important. Weight training builds muscles, and muscles burn fat.

If you can intertwine these few basic weight loss elements into your lifestyle, you WILL lose weight in just a few days! Good luck on your quest to look great, and feel even better.

Looking to lose weight in just a few days? I'd highly suggest checking out: How To Lose Abdominal Fat

Pat Walsh is a highly respected E-Zine Articles author in the fields of weight loss and nutrition.

Possibly The Best Weight Loss Program In The World

There is a strong possibility that whoever reads this article is looking into ways of losing weight. In this article I describe how I went about losing my excess weight. I hope you enjoy the read.

I have had many problems with my weight throughout my life. Being overweight had a major negative effect on my confidence and made me feel down and at times depressed. When feeling low, I would comfort eat which merely added to the problem.

A few years ago I decided I had had enough of being fat and that it was time to do something about it. I was now more determined than ever to lose some of my excess weight. I had read about many different types of diet; most of which I felt were not suitable for me and others which sounded disgusting.

What I required was my own type of weight loss program. I have never liked the thought of attending a gym, they seem to be full of thin people, however I knew that exercise would need to be a factor. Instead, I started to walk a lot more instead of driving everywhere, I also started to play football and tennis again. The thought of going out jogging did not really appeal to me, however I did buy an exercise bike which I kept in my bedroom.

As well as exercise, I also realised that I had to change my eating habits. I am somebody who likes to eat all the wrong types of food. I love all types of take away including pizzas, a curry, a chinese, and chips. I would always be snacking in between meals, on things like peanuts and crisps. I also was rather partial to alcohol, this is something which helped me to gain confidence.

The thought of cutting all of these things out of my life seemed to harsh, so I decided that I would start to write down everything I ate. This way I could see exactly what I could cut out.

This is what I decided to eat on average per day.

I would eat a healthy breakfast such as toast or cerial. I would try not to eat any snacks in between any meals, this was the thing that would be most difficult to stick to. I did however come up with a plan which you will probably think is daft. Whenever I felt hungry or a desire for food; I would eat a polo mint or if I was at home, would clean my teeth. Sounds crazy but it worked for me!

For lunch I would also stick to something healthy like pasta, however for my evening meal, I decided that I could eat anything that I wanted, including curry. On the weekend I would always treat myself to a takeaway and would allow myself some alcohol.

This type of diet needs a lot of discipline and character, however it hs helped me to become a lot more confident and happy with life.

Good luck.

Stephen Hill has a number of websites including:


Can You Actually Lose Weight by Eating?

That's a question I hear all the time after mentioning this subject.

You see, I am a health and wellness coach. I help guide people reach their goals of reducing medications, losing weight, and reducing high blood pressure the natural way. So the first thing I ask them to do is to start keeping a daily log to the best of their ability, on everything they eat, when they eat it and the biggest revealer of truth there is : WHY they ate what they did.

The result usually is quite amazing to them. They begin to see certain patterns of behavior they hadn't noticed before. They begin to try to make better choices during the day. They begin to learn about themselves.

Then, we begin the process of learning about how the body works and how EATING will actually help them to lose pounds. We begin to learn what foods are best for depression, fat burning, producing energy for the longest periods, etc.

So, the answer to the question is a resounding yes! If you know HOW to eat and what foods to eat at the best time.

Think about this, it takes the body certain amounts of energy to consume certain foods.

Also keep in mind, that even with water, the colder that the water you drink is, the more the body has to heat it up to generate absorption too. So putting this into action is as easy as eating the leanest sources of protein & combine it with the crunchiest Raw WHOLE foods you can find! We are talking LOW CALORIE here.

Think celery, cabbage, Broccoli, baby carrots and team them up with a slice of lean roast beef. Grab a small hand full of natural, unsalted walnuts or almonds for a filling fiber rich protein snack. Go for the crunchy fat burners every time first! Eat often and little amounts, keeping the body working is keeping it metabolizing! And that is a good thing. Did you also know Popcorn can be a good thing? Just Skip the Fatty butter, sprinkle on some natural sea salt and go for it!

Happy Health to you!

Robin Campbell is a wellness coach and topic writer of http://www.justpureliving.com and get All- natural products at a great price!

Using Cardio Exercises to Lose the Weight

In the 70s, people began to go crazy over aerobic exercises which entailed crazy, colorful outfits with fluffy socks. But despite the fact that it sometimes looks ridiculous - especially if there are many of you in colorful outfits exercising at the same time - aerobic exercise is a great way to achieve fat loss.

Today, aerobic exercises are often called cardio activities. Cardio, or cardiovascular activities are activities that are good for the heart. Cardio exercises are not necessarily limited only to aerobic exercises but aerobic exercises are the most common. Aerobic exercises uses oxygen as fuel which is why those activities burn calories. These exercises induce fast heart rates and utilize oxygen.

Cardio exercises are typically running, brisk walking, hiking, and rowing. If you do your exercises indoors, like in the gym or in your home, treadmills and recumbent bicycles are used. It really doesn't matter what kind of exercise you engage in - whether it's walking or bicycling - what matter's is that you enjoy it. Losing fats and exercising doesn't have to be torture.

It has been recently proven that certain methods of weight lifting can also aerobic in nature. Long sessions in weight training which utilizes short rests and supersets can be aerobic because it does not let the heart rate drop and therefore still utilizes oxygen.

If you really want to utilize cardio exercises so you can lose weight and have optimum fat loss, high intensity interval training is the way to go. It is an exercise routine that - from the title - shifts intensity from high to moderate. The routine typically consists of a warm up, with minute-long intervals. An example would be something like running (outdoors or on treadmill) for 5mph, then moving up to 6mph the next minute, then running for 7mph the next. This goes on until, lets say 8mph, and then you go back down to 5mph and repeat the pattern.

The advantages of this type of cardio exercise are that because of the high intensity of the activity, you will burn more calories and lose fat in a shorter period. And also, after a high intensity interval training, you can also burn calories from the exercise post oxygen consumption which means that your body still uses oxygen as it recovers.

But in everything, there is a disadvantage. Because the training is of high intensity, you cannot prolong it. The average number of high intensity interval training is about 3-4 sessions a week. This type of activity also needs more time for your body to recover from the intense exercise.

If you continue this kind of training, your body will grow stronger and it will take more intensity each session, causing you to work more and burn more. It is usually best to consult a training expert or a personal trainer to compose a routine with an accompanying diet that is right for your body type and lifestyle.

And remember, just because you exercise does not mean you can eat everything you want in great amounts. Exercising is more than losing weight so you can look good, it is about creating a healthy lifestyle.

To find out more about weight loss plans take a look here http://www.secrets2slimming.com